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Random's PSP Reviews: Now With Extra Tiger Blood!

Archive: 61 posts


Hey, I'm Random. I'm an avid poster on the PSP side of the forums. I'm reviewing PSP level's by request. To request your level, post in the thread below. Thanks Eagerneph (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?7464-eagerneph) and bagheadinc (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?19440-bagheadinc) for the banner. Thanks Silver39 for tagline and the two reviews he did for me.

This is Page 2 of my review hub since the other one is getting very crowded. To save space and organization, I decided to put a extra topic to kepp thing in check. To view my earlier reviews click here for the first page. (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=41482-Random-s-PSP-Reviews)

Here are the rules and reviewing methods below...

Style of Reviewing
Name: Username/PSN
Score: ?/10
Description of Level
Quality/Depth of Story. 20% of Score

Awesomeness/Flow of Gameplay. 30% of Score

Music/Sound Effects:
Does the Music fit the level? Amount/Quality of Sound FX. 10% of Score

Does your level look good? Material Choice/Sticker Usage. 25% of Score

Is you story new/spun in a different way? Astheticly original? 10% of Score

Amount of Lag/ Does it Work? 5% of Score

Final Thoughts

Other Stuff
**Be pateint- Reviews will be done faster if requested during the weekend.
**Don't be a jerk- If I give you a bad score, don't whine about it, it's my opinion and you asked for the review.
**Longer Levels=Longer Reviews
**In levels without a story I will put more weight on the gameplay aspect.

In return?
A thanks to the OP please.

The Tree Of Life
Score: 7.2/10

Legend tells about the Tree Of Life. The ones able to traverse it will be rewarded with infinite bubbles.

Nope, nada. N/A

Fun gameplay at a lot of the time, but it seems like there was a lot of walking. Sometimes it was challenging, and I like a challenge. 8/10

Music/Sound Effects:
No sound effects, great levels have a ton of Fx. You need to put more into your level. Music was alright, but it fit more of a desety level. 4/10

Material choice was a good, safe, choice for the theme. There were no stickers and no background, which the level could have used some of both. The corner editing was good. 6.5/10

Your generic platformer. Though I did see some originality on some of the obstacles. 5/10

Everything worked fine. 10/10

Don't let the score fool you, with some polishing on the asthetics and sounds, this level could have been much better overall. Nysudygrh has potential to make a great platformer. If your looking for something new, try Tree Of Life by nysudyrgh.

Minecart Madness
Score: 8.4/10
Rating::star::star::star::star::star: & <3

Travel to the canyons to enjoy some minecart action. Swing, jump and battle you way through the cave for the highscore

None at all. N/A

The minecart gameplay was very cool and fun. The platforming and went very smoothly, but there could be less spinning circles and more variety. 8.5/10

Music/Sound Effects:
You use a good number of FX that fit well with the level The music was also a great choice that suited the enviorment well. 9.75/10

Material choice was so-so on the wood, but it looked way better when you incorperatec the fabric in the level. I liked the sections with wood in the middle layer a lot, more use of the thin layers would be good. The use of sticker was good, but it could have used a words a little less. The corner editing was very nice throughout the level, though there was some sloppy spots. OVerall the asthetics were done very well, but there were some rooms for improvemnt. 7.75/10

Really creative minecraft gameplay, very original. 10/10

Some lag towards the end. At one point just before the lagging starts, there's an area to fall through to the floor. 6/10

Minecart Madness is very invotative level with its minecart gameplay. It may have some flaws asthticly, but it is very fun. If you'd like to try some new gameplay, than play Minecart Madness.

Modern Warfare Survival
Score: 8.2/10

Survive enemy territory to find the escort vehicle to take you back! Loosley based on the Modern Warfare series.

Nothin'. N/A

The gun gameplay is very cool and fun. But it was very easy for the most part. The platforming was so-so as most of time was a lot of walking. Overall it was good, but could been better in a lot of areas, especially in platforming. 8/10

Music/Sound Effects:
The music was well fitted for the level. The sound FX for the guns were spot on. 10/10

The choice of materials was very good and fit well. The guns looked very nice. There could have been more corner editor in the eviormernt, but the corner editing you did in it was good. You could have used more stickers and thin layers. 7.75/10

Gun levels have been done before, but this one was exceptionally done well. 9/10

There was no lag in the level. All worked fine, but during the first part, you could have used some dissolve on the enemy. 8/10

Woodbury's new levels is very fun with its gun gameplay, but could use some improvement in platforming. If you want to try a good gun level, play this one.

rOckalOvEer x73/indie_r3cords
Score: 8.6/10
Rating::star::star::star::star: & <3

You and your father are two security guards who work for a train company, protecting the trains from the bad guys in the wild west. Apparently, everything goes normal, but something weird happened...

The story is pretty cool, with the cowboys being abducted by aliens. The dialogue is very nice. The one problem I had was the depth kinda faded towards the end. 9/10

The shoot with the sticker was fun at the begining was fun, though at the first part it was kina of misunderstanding what to do. Also it was kina weird that the gun aspect of the gameplay disapeared after you were abducted, than randomly appeared again. The platforming was solid on the most part with you basic jumps and such. The "space horse" though was very hard to control and it didn't always go the way I wanted it to. 8/10

Music/Sound Effects:
Good amout of the right Fx for the level. The music was spot on for the whole level. 10/10

The asthetic for the Western section was amazing, you really hit that section spot on. The thing that I thought was really awesome was how the background loops during the train section. The Spaceship section, though, was not quite as steller as the first part. The whole aspect of the scene was ok, you also seemed to spam some stickers in spots and some parts were done somewhat sloppy it seams. There were some good aspects of that section as there were many good details in that section of the level and the objects were made looked well. 8.25/10

Really neat. Never played a cowboy and aliens level. The gun gameplay were really neat too. Even though its been done before, you put a twist on it with the train section. 10/10

There were a lot of tech problems with this level. There was a lot of alternating visable and invisable pistons. The UFO was a big problem as the controlling was iffy, and it would land for me with the hatch being open at the same time. I took me awhile to get out since everytime I exited out of the jetpack it automatically put it back on. It took me awhile to finish the level with that problem. 3.5/10

Lifted is a great level that eberybody should play. Though tech issues hinder the level from reaching its full potential, spectaculars visuals and fun story make this level a must-play.

*Note* The only reason I took off a star was the technical issues, but the rest of the level was steller, so I gave you a heart.

*The next 2 review are done by Silver39. I didn't have the time to do them myself, so he volunteered to help me out.*

Red’s Dead, Detention
Score: 7.5/10

Your in the Wild West, that’s actually not that wild. You dream of being a cowboy, but your actually just a child.

The story is nice and simple and the dialogue is comedic. 8/10
Simple platforming combined with a unique puzzle here and there. You did over explain a few of puzzles which got a bit annoying. 7.5/10

Music/Sound Effects:
Not that many SFX but the music choice fits perfectly. 8/10
Level is a bit inconsistent when it comes to aesthetics. Some of the cacti are poorly corner edited and the ground is a bit too rough and jagged. You did a great job with stickers however. 6.5/10

A unique story and a few unique obstacles. 9/10

The mine cart can break the level due to dying and ending up with the mine cart too far away. Happened quite a few times. 7/10

Reds Dead, Detention has a comedic tale to tell and some enjoyable puzzles. JetArtois has major potential if he works on creating beautiful environments.


The Clock Tower
Score: 8.1/10

Description of Level: Explore an abandoned clock tower. Solve the puzzles and get to the top of the tower.


Very simple but still enjoyable. Great flow. 8.5/10

Music/Sound Effects:
The music seemed to be a little scarier than the actual level is. However, there was an abundance of SFX. 9/10

For a mechanical clock tower, the use of grey rock material puzzles me. However, the theme of being overgrown was evident thanks to your use of stickers. The corner editing seemed a bit odd at times and a few areas were quite empty. 7/10

Most of the gameplay wasn’t really unique, only a few things stood out. 7/10

Working the clock can be frustrating due to how close those two levers where to each other. Otherwise, no problems here. 9.5/10

The Clock Tower by The_Questor is a fun platformer. You may confuse this Clock Tower with a cave, but it is still an enjoyable level to run, jump, and solve a few puzzles.


Score: 7.8/10

Run through a mayham of mosaics and rumbling ruins to save two worlds...

The story sounded interesting at first, but I got lost towards the middle. The dialogue perfectly fitted the mood. The story was good overall but it was vague for some parts of the story. 7/10

In many parts the platforming was solid, but sadly there was as many not executed as well. One of my critiques of the level was the flow, which it seemed like that there was a section of platforming, than once that was over you walked to the next section. Making the platforming fit together well would make the level more fun. 6.75/10

Music/Sound FX:
The music for most of the level was pretty good. But the music from the boss fight(?) was not really fitting the theme. The sounds effects could have been more present, but the ones you used were good. 7/10

The beginining wasn't the most visable part as there was a lot happen with the materails and stickers. The middle was the best part in both materials and tone. The end was a litte ehh in the wow department. I also which you could have used more glass in the level, since when you used glass in this level it looked great. The hand character looked very well done. 7/10

Never seen a little level like this before. 10/10

The springs at the beginning could be a little tighter. Thats all I've got. 9.5/10

Shards is level that could have used a litte more polishing in both the gameplay and asthetics department. Though if you want to try something new, you should play this level.

MSF:Field Test
Score: 6/10

Part of a series of missions and training exercises with Big Boss and his MSF unit.

Going through training excercises is cool, kinda. There wasn't really anything going on sometimes, or it was hard to tell. But on a posiive note, I did like the dialogue a lot and it was very funny at times. 6.75/10

Platforming was alright and very basic. Gameplay wasn't in abudance at all. Though the vehicle section was coolish, it shouldn't take almost half a level in my opinion. Some of the gameplay was good, but there's a lot of improvement needed in this area. Also it wasn't clear in whether the tapes were a bonus or main objective in the level, 'til I had to find out the hard way later. 6.5/10

Music good in some, not all sections. Barely to none FX in your lervel. You need more of those if you want it to stand out. 5/10

Material choice was above average on the foliage and stuff like that. The sky didn't look right to me in terms with the material. I didn't like the rubber at all that you used in your level, something like Black Stucco, would work better in that place. My main concern was the beginning and the end with the rubber. It looked very, very sloppy with all of the pieces of rubber. It didn't look good at all. You could've use a substitute and a single materal during those sections. The corner editor was nice, but some parts, such as the trees, which could've looked more liked trees. On the tree note, you should've use more than one material for it. Sticker was goodish overall, except for the background, in which the clouds looked randomly placed. To end this long section, the characters looked great and done very well. 5.25/10

It's a videogame level, so that doesn't help a lot with originality. 4/10

I got lost with what the tapes were for. That's it. 9/10

This level is one of the levels in the MSF:Adventures series. The level needs a lot of work in the visual and gameplay department, but with all those problems, it's still probably one of the best Metal Gear level on PSP Community Moon. If you like videogame levels, play this one.

Score: 8/10

Its located in a world of steel, steam and magma.
Visit the Tecnix and explore the magma cave.

None here. N/A

The platforming is very solid and fun. There's nothing wrong with anything here, but some new concepts would be nice. 9/10

The music wasn't very fitting for this level, though the addition of FX was nice for this level. 6/10

The material choice was good, except for the black looked a litte strange. The corner editing was nice, but some areas could have used improvement. The visuals overall are good, but don't pop out in comparison to other levels. 7.25/10

Its kind of a basic setting with generic basic gameplay. You should try to do something new in your future levels. 6.5/10

Everything worked fine. 10/10

Nysudrgh has made his best level yet. There is some orginality issues with this level. But if your looking for some solid platforming, you should play this level.

Operation Sackernaut
Score: 8.7/10
Rating::star::star::star::star::star: & <3

You've been subjected to a barrage of experiments by your captors. Now you have super-strength, but at a cost.

The story in this level was good, though there were still some "what am I doing" moments.The end also was kind of sudden and vague. A better resolution would've been nicer. 7.25/10

Gameplay was very fun consideing the new concept. But what was the most fun was when the puzzles was combined with platforming, which was very cool. As the only problem with this was the handling with the blocks, as it was sometimes hard to control. 8.5/10

Nothing wrong here. Everything was spot on. 10/10

I really liked the visuals for the level. The whole bold grey thing was very neat. The stickering was very good, but not great. The characters could of used some work though. 8.75/10

Just about everything was new and fresh. 9/10

A little lag at the beginning. Also the handling was a an issue too. 8/10

This level brings some very cool and new concepts to the game. The visuals stand out very well, and gameplay is very unique. This level is outstanding and should be played by everyone who loves puzzles and platforming.

Brain-Chain Survival Challenge
Score: 4.75/10

PSP port of the level originally made by comphermc

Nada... N/A

Gameplay was very simple, jumping on brains to stay afloat. It is good that you synced it, so you couldn't stay up forever. Simple, but fun. It would be cool to have more obstacles during the level as time passes. 8/10

No music or FX? At least music would be nice. 0/10

Ehh... I really didn't like anything a lot in this department. At least you should have tried to put a visual theme in the background. Also don't show the wall or ground, that's a must. There is a lot of work in this area. 2/10

It's a port of a level. Try something new. 0/10

Everything worked fine. 10/10

I know in this review that I might seem to be hitting you a little hard, but critizsim is necessary in being a great creator. Instead of doing a port, try something new. Look at some tutorials and levels to help improve your creating skills. If you do these thing, you might make a good level one day.


Memetic Hazard Remastered [1/2]
Score: 6.8/10

Disaster has struck in the friendly suburban town of Littleton in this totally overhauled remake. Rescue missing sackpeople, puzzle through a twisted reality, and purge corruption from the Imagisphere. (Part 1 of 2)

Honestly I have no idea what's going on, or what the heck that crazy guy is saying. All I know that I'm saving Sackpeople and there's "corruption". If your going to make crazy guy dialogue, make it understandable. 4.5/10

The platforming wasn't that smoove. Some parts were good, but most was choppy. The sticker switches took forever to activate, which really frustrated me at points. Overall the gameplay was OK. 6.5/10

Like the music, but where's the FX? I barely heard any of those.6/10

The visuals stood out the most from this level. The material choice was nice, I would've never thought of that combination of stone... On another note the characters looked nice, as with the details too. The corner editing was good, but not great. The sticker work was nice in the beginning, but less stickers showed as the level went on. 8/10

The cave looks kinda similar to something I've played before. 9/10

I didn't like that you didn't have to rescue everyone. What was that other section in the cave for, the one guarded by gas? 7.5/10

Overall this level is a nice level to play. The little things like the FX and the story hinder it from being a better level. If your looking to play something new, play this level.

The Unknown
Score: 8.4/10

You wake up on a strange island where your ship has crashed and your friends are missing. You are trying to find your friends and explore the island.

Story was nice, though a little part was vague, it was good overall.The ending was pretty neat too. 8/10

Gameplay was good. The platforming could've use some works in some of the parts, but overall it was solid. The puzzles were a good addition to the level, one of them was very challenging, which I liked a lot. But the level design could've used some work also. 8/10

Liked the music, but really could'ved used more FX. 6/10

The visuals were outstanding in this level. The material choice was spot on and the sticker work was great. The black and pink section stood out to me as being steller. The corner editing was very good also. But the characters could've use some work on them in my opinion. 8.75/10

Really cool and new. 10/10

You could skip the scoreboard and fall out of the level. 8.5/10

Himoks creates his best work yet with exceptional visual and fun gameplay. Overall this level is a quality level.

Score: 5.7/10

A paper based minigame.

No story here. N/A

It's basically walking around the same path with lane changing. Only thing that really changes is the speed of the level. Some more stuff in the level would be better. /10

The music is good, but there's no FX at all. 6/10

The visuals are good overall. I like the sticker work and the corner editing is fitting for this level. This level doesn''t pop out at you, but that said I don't know what more you could've done. 8/10

It's basically Magical Forest with paper-themed visuals, which you have already used before. 0/10

Nothin' bad here. 10/10

This level is a fun level to play, but basic gameplay and unoriginality hinders this level. Next time you try to build a survival challenge, try to make something new.

Geared Up
Score: 7.9/10

Dash to the top of the tower as fast as your tiny legs will carry you and make your mark on the highscore board.

None here. N/A

First when I played it I though I was kinda boring. But after a couple runthroughs it got more fun. I really like the interactions with the gears. The basic platforming is also very solid and fun to play. Some parts could of gone more smoothly, such as when you have to slide sackboy through three straight gears to reach a switch. That part could've gone better. Overall, the gameplay was pretty solid. 8.25/10

Nice music here, but where's the FX? 5/10

The visuals are ok in this level in my opinion. The material choice could've used some work on with the stucco and the other rock, but I don't know any other combination that would've looked good on the top of my head. The stickering wasn't very present, but I did like it when you did sticker the level. The corner editing was nice as usual. On another area. The back ground looked very bland in just being the stone there. Something more in the background would make the level more visually appealing. 7.25/10

Really old stuff with the racing-platformer level, but pretty neat with the gear gameplay. 7.5/10

Woot! High Score! 10/10

Fastbro's new level may not have the charm or story as some of his earlier levels, but if you're a fan of platformers, you should play this level.

Score: 8/10

This is where it all begins.

I like the concept, but I thought you focused to much on helping others out. Some parts were bland in this level i think. The real interesting part of the level was the morallity system, which in part was real executed. I want to see how this system is incorperated into future levels. 7.25/10

There were many good aspects in this area. The platforming had nice flow to it, and was solid for most of the level. There were many neat mini-puzzles in the level. My major issue in this level was its design, in which the layout was X-axis heavy. There could've been some more vertical gameplay. Also the level was very easy, in my opinion, but I did have a lot of fun with the level. 7.75/10

The music fit the level well. The Fx were good in number and quality. 9/10

The visuals were good in this level, but there are many aspects that can be worked on in this area. You had very good material choice, but I wouldn't use that basic stone as that look out of place. The characters and objects looked very well done. There were barely any stickers in the level, but it stil looked good considering the eviorment. I didn't like the corner editing that much, as the leaves in the trees looked slopy, and the caves looked jagged. The only thing that looked rewarding in the corner editing was the grounds and the thin layers on it. 8/10

The Autumn Maple Leaves setup hiders this area, but there were many original things in this level. 8/10

Nothing wrong here that I saw. 10/10

Crisis is a promising start to a news series by WoodburyRider. Though some polishing issues exist in this level, it will be interesting to see what levels come in the future.

Imagi-Mountain Adventure
Score: 7/10

Help a nice sack lady get back her item from the top of a mountain, inside the temple, past a long bridge, and an extremely "hard" puzzle! But when escape the temple you discover that not everything was as it seemed on the Imagi-mountain....

I don't consider this a story, basically cause its not really elaborated on. But the concept was really cool. N/A

There were a bunch a lag, which took away from the gameplay a lot. The platforming was alright, but it was fun in some parts. The numerous bubble combos help increase the replay value. Basically, the lag held this level from being a funner experience. 6.9/10

I felt like the music didn't well with the theme. It felt it would be more fit in a factory setting. In the area of Fx, I only heared about 1 or 2 of them. So more would be better in future levels. 4/10

The astethics in this level got better as the level progress. The material choice was good. The stickering, for the most part, was good, but some stickers looked out of place. In terms of corrner editing, it was alright, but it could be improved. Also You could've hid the material borders as that looked kinda slopy for the most part. 7/10

There were some very cool gameplay concepts I saw in your level, which is good. 10/10

One word. Lag. 6/10

Austimerr's new level may not be as good as "Trees, Bees, and Fees." But if your looking for a fun level to play, and you can handle the lag, try out this level.

Treehouse Adventure
Score: 8.0/10

Take a trip upon a giant treehouse, while jumping, pushing and pulling things along the way to the scoreboard in the trees.

No story in here. N/A

Fun gameplay for the most part. The roller parts were fun for the most part. The only major knock off here is the moving platformer parts, which moved way to fast and sent me flying a lot of times. Solid platforming overal. 8/10

The music could of been a different choice, but there was a good number of Fx in there. 7/10

The visuals were good for the most part. The material choice was a good selection. I like the stickering a lot, especially the shading stickers, though some of the foliage looked weird at some points. The corner editing was alright, but sometimes the level looked strange from it. The one thing that I didn't really like at all from this, was the first area. It looked cluttered with stuff. 7.9/10

Neat level on all aspects. 10/10

I got cheap killed by the moving platforming all the time. 8/10

Treehouse Adventures is filled with good gameplay and neat visuals. If your looking to play something new and original, play this level.
2011-05-24 00:32:00

Posts: 673

It's back!

I hope to have a level for you in two weeks time, as long as I don't go lazy again.
2011-05-24 01:44:00

Posts: 1703

Hai Random,

Can you review mah Tree Of Life ?
That would be awesome.
2011-05-24 15:41:00

Posts: 5482

nysudyrgh review is up.2011-05-24 17:20:00

Posts: 673

BIG thanks to you Random.2011-05-25 11:38:00

Posts: 5482

Awesome reviews, both before and your latest ones!!
Could I please get one for;
Level Name: Minecart Madness
PSN: Coxy224

Much thanksss <3
2011-05-25 15:06:00

Posts: 2645

Hey, just to know, for republishing noticifications. After the obstacle with the word grab on it when your on the minecrat if you jump down at the begining theres no back layer so you'll fall to the ground.2011-05-25 20:35:00

Posts: 673

Coxy's review is finsished!2011-05-26 00:34:00

Posts: 673

Hey Random could you review Modern Warfare Survival and post a link to this page in My Thread (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=56861-Modern-Warfare-Survival&p=857119#post857119) when you're done?

Level Name: Modern Warfare Survival (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=56861-Modern-Warfare-Survival&p=857119#post857119)
PSN: WoodburyRaider
2011-05-26 00:51:00

Posts: 1651

What about a hug for my "Lifted"?2011-05-26 00:51:00

rOckalOvEer x73
Posts: 112

Yeah sure guys, I'll make sure they'll be finished by this date. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0&feature=related)
You know you want to click it...
2011-05-26 02:19:00

Posts: 673

Yeah sure guys, I'll make sure they'll be finished by this date. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0&feature=related)
You know you want to click it...

Is it just me, or does that song get you really pumped up? Sounds good Random..your plan..not the song.
2011-05-26 03:14:00

Posts: 1651

Thanks so much for the review, very fair and well written
Glad you seem to enjoy it and thank for the heart!!
2011-05-26 09:48:00

Posts: 2645

Hey, could I have a review done for a previous level?

PSN ID: The-Questor
Level Name: The Clock Tower

If I recall right I requested this review on Page 1, so would it still be viable for a review on Page 2?
2011-05-26 19:55:00

Posts: 1328

Yeah, sure.2011-05-26 20:07:00

Posts: 673

Thanks for the review Random!2011-05-26 21:38:00

Posts: 1651

Hi Random. Could you review my Reds Dead, Detention level please.2011-05-27 19:58:00

Posts: 232

Yeah sure, I'll do it ASAP.2011-05-28 01:54:00

Posts: 673

Reviews are up.2011-06-05 05:20:00

Posts: 673

Hi Random, could you review my new level? 2011-06-05 13:35:00

Posts: 1316

Yeah sure. It will be done by tomarrow.2011-06-06 05:01:00

Posts: 673

Review Done!2011-06-07 05:07:00

Posts: 673

Hello Random. I would like to take you up on that offer now. If you could review my recently republished MSF:Field Test level that would be great.

"Time is precious, but truth is more precious than time." Disraeli.
2011-06-14 15:32:00

Posts: 50

Yeah, I will when I can...2011-06-14 18:03:00

Posts: 673

Now, it is done.2011-06-18 19:21:00

Posts: 673

Banner update! Thanks to Bagheadinc, Silver39, and Eagerneph.2011-06-19 08:41:00

Posts: 673

Hey Random, could you do a review of my Brain Chain Survival PSP port? It would be much appreciated :-)

2011-06-19 16:53:00

Unknown User

I'll be gone for a week so I won't be able to do anything. When I get back though, I will.2011-06-19 17:49:00

Posts: 673

I'll be gone for a week so I won't be able to do anything. When I get back though, I will.

Cool, thanks.
2011-06-19 20:35:00

Unknown User

Hey Random. Thanks for taking the time to review my level. I appreciate it.2011-06-21 15:21:00

Posts: 50

Hey, when you get back, I'd appreciate a review of "Memetic Hazard Remastered [1/2]". (Note that the original has been left up on the Community Moon for now. I'll probably leave it there for a while longer, but do note that if there's a sign in the cave on the left instead of a little sack-me, you're in the wrong level.)2011-06-21 20:53:00

Posts: 299

Hey Random,
Would you review mah new level "Steam" ?
Its better than the one before, and it has SFX like you suggested.
2011-06-23 22:16:00

Posts: 5482

Alright, Random's back.

Got my new level out for you buddy, Operation Sackernaut.

Please and thank you.
2011-06-25 16:42:00

Posts: 1703

Reviews are up to date.2011-06-27 05:52:00

Posts: 673

Reviews are up to date.

I don't see my level (Brain Chain) there. Are you still working on it?
2011-06-27 21:55:00

Unknown User

Oh yeah, sorry bout that, It will be done by the end of the day2011-06-27 22:39:00

Posts: 673

Now it should be up to date/2011-06-28 00:38:00

Posts: 673

Oh yeah, sorry bout that, It will be done by the end of the day

Just read it, thanks. I know it's not the nicest looking level ever but I'm not that great in that department. I wanted to make it look close to the PS3 version but due to some limitations of the PSP (no spotlights mainly) I had to keep it simple. I noticed you said there was no music, there is. I don't know why you didn't hear it. Maybe you didn't have the volume up? If you could correct that it would be much appreciated. Anyway, thanks for your honest opinion. I would make changes every once and a while but unlike the PS3 version, it deletes all the plays, scores and hearts when you publish over a level.

Just curious...how long did you last? There are a few different levels. Laser beams, electric spikes, then both.
2011-06-28 00:45:00

Unknown User

I'll play again. See the other stuff. I came across the spikes though2011-06-28 01:10:00

Posts: 673

Can you review my new level: The Unknown part 1?2011-06-28 18:58:00

Posts: 734

I'll play again. See the other stuff. I came across the spikes though

Did you get a chance to play it again?
2011-06-29 18:16:00

Unknown User

Yeah, I did see other stuff...2011-06-30 01:41:00

Posts: 673

Yeah, I did see other stuff...

There was music right?
2011-06-30 04:04:00

Unknown User

Heard it, but it's near impossible to hear clearly during gameplay.2011-06-30 04:23:00

Posts: 673

Heard it, but it's near impossible to hear clearly during gameplay.

Yeah, I noticed the volume is a bit low. I assume there is a way to turn up the volume in the music object settings? Like I said though, I don't really want to republish it and lose all my hearts and plays. Maybe I'll make a few changes and just publish it as v1.1 or something like that.

Edit: I just checked the volume and it's already all the way up. I guess there's not much I can do then.
2011-06-30 16:20:00

Unknown User

Himoks review is done. I'll be gone for weekend, but feel free to send me request.2011-07-01 16:55:00

Posts: 673

Could you review my level 'Geared Up' when your back please. Thanks!

EDIT: Just noticed that Imagi-Corp is still your review with the highest score! Yeah!
2011-07-02 13:52:00

Posts: 1277

Hiya Random,
Can you review Papergame when you compe back ?
(There are two of them, Its the one with capitals.)
2011-07-03 21:48:00

Posts: 5482

Just reminding you in case you missed it, can I have you of 'Geared Up' please? Thanks!2011-07-06 22:11:00

Posts: 1277

Sorry! I've been busy, but it will be done before tomorrow!2011-07-07 03:31:00

Posts: 673

Review's are up to date, sorry about that Fastbro.2011-07-07 05:24:00

Posts: 673

I didn't mean it in a 'why isn't it done yet' way. It's just because you reviewed Papergame first, I thought you might of accidentally missed mine. Thanks for the review!2011-07-07 09:51:00

Posts: 1277

Hey, to complement the more Tiger Blood, could you also add MORE COW BELL? That way you would be Bi-winning! (Duh!) Oh, and if you havent noticed, the PSP side is starting to come back, because dying is for losers! Thank you for bearing with me on my Charlie puns 2011-07-16 04:39:00

Posts: 732

WB review is done.2011-08-01 19:19:00

Posts: 673

WB review is done.

Wow, that was quick! Gracias.
2011-08-01 19:38:00

Posts: 1651

Austimerr's level is finished2011-08-02 20:12:00

Posts: 673

Hey Random. Can ya review my latest level Treehouse Adventure if ya get chance pal, cheers.2011-08-04 21:36:00

Posts: 232

Jet's review is done!2011-08-05 01:25:00

Posts: 673

Jet's review is done!

Cheers for the review dude.
2011-08-08 20:37:00

Posts: 232

Can you review my newest level: The Unknown part 22011-09-30 17:21:00

Posts: 734

Hey Random! Can you review Pirates of the Seven Seas: Part I plz. 2011-09-30 20:27:00

Posts: 3378

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