Level Finish Prizes
Archive: 14 posts
Where do I go to input what a player wins for acing a level, collecting all goodies, etc? Also, is it possible to put a key to unlock a level as an ending level gift? I'm at the finishing touches part of my first level, so I'm really eager to get it finished! ![]() | 2008-12-07 16:41:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Press square on the scoreboard. | 2008-12-07 17:00:00 Author: moleynator ![]() Posts: 2914 |
And is it possible to give keys as end level prizes? | 2008-12-07 17:13:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
And is it possible to give keys as end level prizes? I believe it is, but im not sure. Glad I could help for the first question anyway. ![]() | 2008-12-07 17:15:00 Author: moleynator ![]() Posts: 2914 |
Yes. Thank you very much. I'm astonished I didn't even consider pressing square on the scoreboard. :o | 2008-12-07 17:20:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I don't think it is possible. As I recall, prize choices are limited to objects and stickers, which the key is not. I have to wonder if you can save a key as an object though... I don't get the feeling it'll work in the way you intended (assuming it would even work at all, since they'd have to place it in one of their levels to collect it). Either way, I usually just stick the key right next to the scoreboard if I'm using one. | 2008-12-08 07:31:00 Author: gameguy888 ![]() Posts: 159 |
It might be possible to put the key as a prize. You should like glue it to an object or something... ![]() | 2008-12-08 18:49:00 Author: Bear ![]() Posts: 2079 |
just tweak the scoreboard and you will find what you need there but please put items that were demonstrated in the level so people know what they are and it is not just some other pointless object | 2008-12-10 03:01:00 Author: RAINFIRE ![]() Posts: 1101 |
just tweak the scoreboard and you will find what you need there but please put items that were demonstrated in the level so people know what they are and it is not just some other pointless object I definitely agree with this statement. It's very strange to be playing through a level, only to check your community objects and find some giant bizzare rocket thing you have never seen before in there. ![]() | 2008-12-10 05:01:00 Author: Elbee23 ![]() Posts: 1280 |
You cannot put a level key as a prize in the scoreboard. I tried it and it's not doable. The post about capturing the key somehow as an object is a good suggestion, however. | 2008-12-12 00:05:00 Author: muckypops ![]() Posts: 26 |
just tweak the scoreboard and you will find what you need there but please put items that were demonstrated in the level so people know what they are and it is not just some other pointless object While I do agree with you in a sense, the story levels include a lot of stuff that isn't in the levels. If it's cool it's cool and you can include it if you want. | 2008-12-12 00:06:00 Author: muckypops ![]() Posts: 26 |
Does the key count as a prize to collect? Say, I have four prizes in the level, and the prize for collecting all of them is a sticker which opens the door to get the key. However, if the key is counted as a prize, then you wouldn't be able to open the door. | 2008-12-12 03:22:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
The key is not counted as a prize if it's not in a prize bubble somehow. | 2008-12-12 12:13:00 Author: muckypops ![]() Posts: 26 |
Well, I've put out a level key thing. Let me explain how things work. The first thing you need to do is publish the level that you want to be having accessed as a key. Make sure that it's set to "locked" in the settings though before you publish it. That way people will not be able to play it unless you give them key, which you have control of. You get a message saying you are given a key. You get this message whenever you post a level, I think, but it's especially relevant for locked levels. The key will appear in the TOOLS section of your pop-it, not the Objects section. I think it's on the 3rd page, off memory. You can't give the key away through the scoreboard. You can't put tools in the scoreboard. Yes, you can capture the key just by itself in My Objects, but that object cannot be added to the scoreboard and won't show up on the list of choices. So, the only way to do it is like in the story mode, when you see keys for challenges lying about, which is for the mini-games that MM makes. The key can be placed anywhere within your level, and it can be attached to things. It does not have to be hidden away, but you do not have to draw attention to it. If you intend it to be a "to be continued" sort of level, then it's best to put it near the scoreboard but in an obvious way. An example of this is the key I've put in my digestion level. It's hanging on the tree at the end, and you can grab it before you get to the scoreboard or just after it if you prefer, it's still in camera shot. You could put it on top of the scoreboard standing area where the players stand to see their score, if you want it really, really obvious. You don't have to give out locked level keys through actual levels though, mind you. You can use level keys as objects that you can send to others to try out your level. What I've described though is what I think SuperPhillip has in mind. ![]() So there you go, a tutorial on how to make level keys. ![]() | 2008-12-12 12:28:00 Author: Elbee23 ![]() Posts: 1280 |
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