Electronics and You: Multimedia and Email
Archive: 1 post
I have designed a funtioning computer, that has operational control for music playing, photo albums and video playback. I have also designed a two way email system that allows two computers placed at different ends of a level to send Instant Messages to each other, from a choice of phrases. I'm aware other people have done this before, but I was mostly playing around and seeing what I could come up with. Nonetheless, if anybody wants to play around with these machines in their own create mode, they are offered here as prizes. With these home computers, your sackboy can bring his life into the advanced 8 bit world of 1985. The Cheerful standby mode channels fallout's Mr House: http://i485.photobucket.com/albums/rr212/Qeros/APhoto_2.jpg Our functional user interface will make your friends want to throw away their HP 9800s! http://i485.photobucket.com/albums/rr212/Qeros/APhoto_1-1.jpg Instant Messaging from a grand choice of 13 versatile words! http://i485.photobucket.com/albums/rr212/Qeros/APhoto-1.jpg http://lbp.me/v/0g1p2d At the moment, the ingame titles say "Computers And You" because MM in their infinite wisdom decided to sensor the word "computer" in a game whose primary improvement over it's predecessor was it's inclusion of computer parts. On another note, I actually tried to build the email machine originally in LBP1. The old tools made it a bit juryrigged. Hilarious huge towers filled with letters, each one an alphabet machine hooked up to 26 emitters firing conveyor belts of letters at you! | 2011-05-23 00:41:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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