How to get Amnesia: The Dark Descent for Free!
Archive: 2 posts
All you have to do is sign up for an account on http://www.onlive.com and download the app. Onlive is basically a website similar to Steam for those of you that don't know it. To get the game, enter promotion code THANKYOU in the Marketplace while in the app for Amnesia: the Dark Descent. http://www.mysystemrequirements.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Amnesia-The-Dark-Descent.jpg You better hurry though, because this will only work for the next 10 hours! Your welcome ![]() | 2011-05-17 21:42:00 Author: DaSpoony ![]() Posts: 191 |
Deals over. Guess nobody cares XD | 2011-05-18 16:19:00 Author: DaSpoony ![]() Posts: 191 |
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