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Another 1 bites the dust

Archive: 16 posts

Can anyone tell me if mods play through a level before they mod it. My harmless star wars costume level has been deleted. Why? Now I have to wait untill my other levels off the cool pages before I republish it.2011-05-17 16:55:00

Posts: 266

Strange, I dont think they do. Was there anything offensive in it AT ALL.2011-05-17 17:18:00

Posts: 2426

Has it got nothing to do with the PSN? I published two levels the other day (when the network first came back on) and I didn't get the publishing trophy. Since then, I've had five people play my level with no sign of the trophy. It might be something to do with that?2011-05-17 17:30:00

Posts: 378

Not at all. They should play through the level everytime it gets good grief. I just recently noticed that I didn't have a copy of he level, good thing I made one so that I may update it. So In this case not a big deal but I hate to think that it could happen to my MM pick.

I have no clue.
2011-05-17 17:33:00

Posts: 266

I don't think it gets played through before it gets modded... I'm fairly certain it's an automatic algorithm that decides when to pull a level down. I would HOPE that following a mod, the level is played by someone and reinstated if it's nabbed as a false positive.

To me, this seems like a clear cut case of jealousy griefing, and I wouldn't hesitate to be asking answers from Mm's side.
2011-05-17 17:55:00

Posts: 1465

The only thing I can think that might have pushed it into dodgy territory is the audio sample at the end of the level, I don't know what the official line is where that stuff is concerned.2011-05-17 20:59:00

Posts: 1156

Hmm yea maybe. I think thegide might be on the right track but I sure would like an official answer. I'll have to ask MM some how.2011-05-17 21:12:00

Posts: 266

I never got a chance to play it having been away from PSN even before it went offline.

I believe it is as gide says, with enough good grief's, it is just yanked 'automagically' to be looked at later or something.

I'd like to see them push a message out to you both via an email the minute it is modded. However with LBP.me, I would like to see something like an Actions/Concerns area for each creator. Somewhere that shows your level being removed for what reason, status, and how you could appeal as well as voice concerns with the mods. As it is currently, it just goes missing and you hope for some email someday which I don't think quite fair.

Anyway.. best of luck in getting this resolved and keep us posted.
2011-05-17 21:15:00

Posts: 11383

I haven't played the level, but I'm guessing julesyjules is on the right track.

Sony doesn't take copyright infringement lightly. (Honestly, I think we are likely heading towards a point, given the litigiousness of content companies, when all of the remakes--games and music--in LBP are going to be removed as copyright violations.)
2011-05-17 21:42:00

Posts: 379

Lbp.me shows your costume level is still there and getting plays.2011-05-17 22:13:00

Posts: 115

George Lucas played it and wants it remade 800 times using new special effects.2011-05-17 22:25:00

Posts: 2454

I logged on this morning and it was gone. I went to work then made this thread. I just checked lbp.me and it's been getting plays for the last 7hrs. Sorry to waist the communities time. Must have been a glitch. Can a mod do there thing here please.2011-05-17 22:54:00

Posts: 266

This happens to me all the time. I'll go to my Earth and a level won't show up. Usually, if I check community, then go back, its there again. It seems to be even worse since PSN came back. Last night, all three of my levels disappeared, then came back later..

I'm surprised this is the first time it has happened to you. LBP is a glitchy game, maybe MM can put this on their list of things to fix.
2011-05-17 23:31:00

Posts: 1230

George Lucas played it and wants it remade 800 times using new special effects.

Sounds like Lucas got jealous of a better product than what he's capable of, derp. Now I have Queen playing in my head thanks to the title.
2011-05-17 23:42:00

Posts: 1476

I haven't played the level, but I'm guessing julesyjules is on the right track.

Sony doesn't take copyright infringement lightly. (Honestly, I think we are likely heading towards a point, given the litigiousness of content companies, when all of the remakes--games and music--in LBP are going to be removed as copyright violations.)

Really? Half the Mm picks are recreations of or based on copyrighted material. If Sony are so strict on copyright, why were those levels picked and not moderated?

Just sayin'.
2011-05-17 23:44:00

Posts: 5592

Can a mod do there thing here please.
Locked by request.
2011-05-18 00:11:00

Posts: 4193

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