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Typewriter Tool Freestyle

Archive: 6 posts

I'm back with a new typewriter for LBP2. For those familiar with my LBP1 typewriters, this one is completely new and way better. Now you can type ANYWHERE you want! No lines, no limits (except for thermo ) ! Make custom text stickers faster than ever! Please read the instructions inside before using it. Enjoy! Font by Sackboy-4-ever. Additional music by tabycatmeow.

2011-05-17 00:31:00

Posts: 527

This sounds cool, I've never come across a typewriter before. Does your creation allow for different fonts?2011-05-21 19:32:00

Posts: 378

This sounds cool, I've never come across a typewriter before. Does your creation allow for different fonts?

that would be awesome to be able to choose between several different fonts
2011-05-21 23:03:00

Posts: 8424

This sounds interesting.2011-05-22 04:29:00

Posts: 1176

I didn't think anyone replied to this. lol sorry. I think it will be possible to add more fonts, yes, but since nobody is playing this I'm in no hurry to do it. I might do it one day in a new one or an upgraded version of this one.2011-06-15 04:58:00

Posts: 527

Have to recommend this level to anyone that's after making any kind of level logo, profile picture or personalised sticker.
The ease of use in this typewriter, the great variety of backgrounds and the quality of the logo makes it by far the greatest typewriter out there.
Definitely recommend it for any of you undecided out there
2011-06-19 23:10:00

Posts: 297

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