Problem: "The Hard Disk's Database Will Be Rebuilt" :(
Archive: 3 posts
Long story short because the browser I'm using is getting wonky & I don't have much time at the moment. Anyway', A few days ago, I turned on my PS3 and was greeted with this prompt message... The hard disk's database will be rebuilt Fearing my HDD would be formatted if i clicked OK so i turned my PS3 off instead. Is my HDD ok or is it ruined? ![]() Thanks in advance to anyone with helpful advice. Gotta go. bye. | 2011-05-11 22:35:00 Author: D-E-S_87 ![]() Posts: 148 |
A quick google search reveals that by pressing OK, you will not lose any data. Your PS3 should just reset and everything should be fine. The most that happens is your videos/pictures/songs etc. might be renamed. Next time, give google a try. ![]() | 2011-05-11 22:44:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
A quick google search reveals that by pressing OK, you will not lose any data. Your PS3 should just reset and everything should be fine. The most that happens is your videos/pictures/songs etc. might be renamed. Next time, give google a try. ![]() Thanks a million ![]() My PS3 is now mostly fine. Nothing like that has ever happened before with my PS3 so I was really worried when that message came up. If I lost any DLC, I wouldn't be able to re-download anything until PSN returns. And games like LittleBigPlanet rely heavily on DLC so this PSN downtime would be a very bad time to lose any of it. | 2011-05-13 17:02:00 Author: D-E-S_87 ![]() Posts: 148 |
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