Funny/Awkward/Embarrasing Moments In Life
Archive: 11 posts
Let's face it, we've all had those embarrassing moments in life. Also those awkward ones, and funny ones. If you are brave enough, feel to reply with something funny/embarrassing/awkward that's happened in your life. I would share one, but then forgot it ![]() Happy Replying ILL | 2011-05-11 04:12:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
In second grade my teacher tossed me a candy for getting 100% on my test. When I reached out to grab it I fell out of my chair and wrecked someone's report, and sitting on my candy.![]() | 2011-05-11 04:22:00 Author: DominationMags ![]() Posts: 1840 |
heres one, im in the n.j.r.o.t.c (Navy Junior Reserve Officer Trainer Corp) and we learn how to marching, so any way a couple of weeks ago we did our drill eval, to make a long story short i accidentally do a wrong move causing our grade to go down. To make things worse my platoon commander was right next to me, and giving me that serious face when i messed up | 2011-05-11 04:41:00 Author: wait wtf ![]() Posts: 853 |
In 8th grade, two chairs randomly gave out on me... when I was sitting in them. I felt so fat afterwards... ![]() | 2011-05-11 06:29:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack ![]() Posts: 5757 |
In middle school, I hung with this girl I thought liked me but was only trying to get one of my best friends to like her... One day, I straight up asked her, "do you like me"? She blushed and just walked away...And I took that as a YES! But no...she eventually told me she had no interest in me and I ate a huge bowl of sadness for lunch that day...story of my life. P.S. Sadness taste like chicken in case anyone is wondering. | 2011-05-11 07:29:00 Author: comishguy67 ![]() Posts: 849 |
In middle school, I hung with this girl I thought liked me but was only trying to get one of my best friends to like her... One day, I straight up asked her, "do you like me"? She blushed and just walked away...And I took that as a YES! But no...she eventually told me she had no interest in me and I ate a huge bowl of sadness for lunch that day...story of my life. P.S. Sadness taste like chicken in case anyone is wondering. That reminds me of something... In 1st grade, I already had a crush on someone. Unfortunately, some other kid had the same crush on her, and eventually we both found out about it. We fought over it and, well... I ended up punching him square in the face and dropping him. He'd freak out every time I got near him for the next 4-5 years after that. Obviously, I'd never talk to that girl again. In 3rd grade, I also got another crush on another girl. But eventually I lost interest in her and just completely forgot about her after a while. My family STILL teases me about it. Then in middle school, I got two crushes on two girls. Those also fell through, since one particularly hated me (still does... even though I don't even do anything anymore), and the other pronounced herself to be a lesbian. I was literally heart-broken. ;_; And now, I have some crazy Freshman proclaiming me to be her boyfriend (even though I NEVER see her at all), and nearly half of the girls I run into hate me. However, my sister says that there's a bunch of others who really like me, but I never notice. And the girl I DO like right now is, erm... well, it'd never work out. At least, that's what I think. I get all embarrassed every time I think about her, and ever time I try pushing away the thought of telling my feelings to her, it comes back stronger and, well... what can I say, I think I'm in love. But I don't think she loves me back. Dear God, I'm a broken-hearted sap. ![]() | 2011-05-11 07:41:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack ![]() Posts: 5757 |
I don't know if anyone will know what I'm talking about, but here goes... In eighth grade, a friend of mine had one of those rubber, half-circle toys (http://www.akron-novelty.com/ProdImages/PopUpRubberToy_small.jpg) that you turn inside out, set on a table and eventually it pops up. It's similar to a suction cup... Anyway, we were in history class at the time and we weren't doing anything that day so we started to mess around with it. Someone (one of my 'friends' I assume...) decided it would be funny to stick it to my forehead and then subsequently rip it off. Now if any of you have ever suction cupped something to yourself, then pulled it off without first letting air into it GENTLY, you'll know that it tends to bruise. You can probably tell where this story is going. For about a week or so after that I had to walk around with this birght-red, circular bruise on my forehead from that stupid thing... ![]() | 2011-05-11 08:03:00 Author: Ninja_Gnome23 ![]() Posts: 198 |
Lesson 1. I was going to the University, in the center of Rome. I was with a friend and we were approached by 2 cool looking girls, strangers. They asked me where the Colosseum was...I raised my arm and pointed a direction and a flying pigeon sniped my arm with one of the largest bird poo I have ever seen. | 2011-05-11 09:34:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
i got hugged by someone. Someones little sister. | 2011-05-11 13:22:00 Author: Cactii ![]() Posts: 426 |
Lesson 1. I was going to the University, in the center of Rome. I was with a friend and we were approached by 2 cool looking girls, strangers. They asked me where the Colosseum was...I raised my arm and pointed a direction and a flying pigeon sniped my arm with one of the largest bird poo I have ever seen. Ha ha ha! I was pooped on the head while i was liying into mud i fell into! | 2011-05-11 20:31:00 Author: Squidge99 ![]() Posts: 203 |
Nothings worse than getting the whole lot bagged in front of a bunch of people... | 2011-05-11 22:33:00 Author: KQuinn94Z ![]() Posts: 1758 |
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