!SPOILERS! Portal 2 Questions and Help! Contains Major Spoilers!
Archive: 4 posts
SPOILER ALERT MAJOR SPOILERS SPOLIER ALERT IF YOU HAVE NOT PLAYED PORTAL 2 BACK OUT OF THIS THREAD NOW! THERE WILL BE SOME MAJOR SPOILERS TALKED ABOUT IN HERE. I've recenty finished playing Portal 2 and loved it. I never got to play portal 1 so I have some questions. I figured this thread can be for questions regarding the story. Also I know sometimes I got stuck for a while and if your impatient maybe someone here can throw you a hint. I will say I recommend figuring things out on your own, it's much more rewarding that way. Also we can talk about how to get certain trophies like the lost experiment one. | 2011-05-10 03:25:00 Author: METALPUNKS ![]() Posts: 306 |
Spoilers! My questions have to do with Cave Johnson. Was he mentioned in the original portal? I don't get exactly what happened to him. Where did he go after he started to get sick? Did he get sick from all his experiments? Is Caroline inside of Glados? If yes please explain that. Also I have a trophy question. Where can I get the trophy that requires you drop a cube on a button without touching the cube If you only have the time to answer one question that'd be great. Thank you so much in advance. | 2011-05-10 03:32:00 Author: METALPUNKS ![]() Posts: 306 |
Spoilers! My questions have to do with Cave Johnson. Was he mentioned in the original portal? No he wasn't. I don't get exactly what happened to him. Where did he go after he started to get sick? Did he get sick from all his experiments? He died. He explains how he got sick during one of the old test chambers. He purchased moon rocks and turns out they're poisonous. Is Caroline inside of Glados? If yes please explain that. Not exactly. Essentially, Caroline is GLaDOS. They put Caroline's personality into a computer before/after (not sure which) she died. I assume that during transfer, she forgot about Caroline and became GLaDOS. She remembers her when she hears Cave speak. Also I have a trophy question. Where can I get the trophy that requires you drop a cube on a button without touching the cube During chapter 2, 'The Cold Boot'. It's the advanced aerial faith plates test (can't remember the number). After hitting the button for the garbage, hit it again to make the cube come over, but place your second portal directly above the button. ![]() | 2011-05-10 05:09:00 Author: Ninja_Gnome23 ![]() Posts: 198 |
Hey, any Portal 2 spoiler discussion can go here: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=53518-Portal-2-SPOILERS Since this is a duplicate thread, locking. ![]() | 2011-05-10 13:38:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
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