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Video Edits! [Requests open]

Archive: 25 posts

Alismuffins Video Editing Service


Hello all! I am really getting into video editing since starting university and could do with some short projects to give me some practice in the program Im using (After Effects CS5). So what Im saying is, if you want a short video of anything (LBP or non LBP related) then Im prepared to give it a go!

Why would I want a video?

Perhaps you want a trailer for an upcoming level of yours? Or a teaser for a huge project you're working on? Maybe you want a fancy way to show off your photos? Or a montage of all your LBP levels youve created? Whatever you want it for really.

So what can you do?

I can composite videos (video manipulation), add special effects, anything you ask for no matter how complex I will attempt!

How long can my Clip be?

The longer the clip, the longer it will take me. Id say definitely no more than 5mins, though depending on your preposition this could be altered.

What do I need to give you?

You can be as specific as you like or simply let me put my creativity to the test!
Please give me details of what you want in your post and send me any video, image or audio files you wish to be in there.

When can I expect it to be Finished?

Well obviously since I am at university I have projects to work on, so don't be upset if I take a while. But if it's a short enough video it should take less than a week. If I accidentally skip a request, please let me know!!

What Programs will you use to Create my Video?

-After Effects CS5
-ToonBoomAnimate pro (After I learn a bit more)
-Autodesk Maya (Again, after I learn the program a bit more)

Why are you willing to do this? Does it cost?

First off, it's FREE. I'm doing this for as much my benefit as yours. It is for practice purposes.

Here's some example clips:




The quality is not the best in this particular video, but I can render some pretty high quality videos. The vid btw is a remake of the opening credits to the movie "Chocolat"

REQUESTS 2 complete!


2011-05-09 14:44:00

Posts: 1328

Here's an example of my work!
Done on Photoshop, AfterEffects and FruityLoops


Anyone want a vid made of anything?
2011-05-22 13:15:00

Posts: 1328

Wow! I don't know of any videos I'd like to request, but you did really good of the effects! 2011-05-23 01:20:00

Unknown User

thanks SGR
I can make photo slide shows or text effects or whatever you can think up. I can do video manip as well like explosions, guns firing etc so if anything catches your fancy, just let me know! I can convert them to .Gif images also if you need an animated sig (If thats allowed)
2011-05-23 10:28:00

Posts: 1328

And here's another!

2011-05-26 18:34:00

Posts: 1328

When I start My Youtube Account I might Need Help With My VLOG ending, Its Going to Be A Smiely-Smiley-Smil-EPIC FACE

Oh and If Your Not too Busy Maybe You Can Do A CrazyAlex Fire Work INTRO.....THANKS
2011-05-26 20:40:00

Posts: 1061

Yup i can help you out with that ^^

A crazy alex firework intro? Can I have more details please? C:
2011-05-26 21:04:00

Posts: 1328

Okay The Intro maybe could Have Darkness Than A Big FireWork Bang Witch Creates The Name Crazy Alex In Fizzy Writing,
It sounds But Alis Can Handle It He is Awesome!

Oh And If You Get Used Too The Programs You Could Maybe Make Your Own Abriged Series, Like Team Four Star.
What Do you think?
2011-05-26 21:12:00

Posts: 1061

Here you go buddy!

2011-05-28 09:44:00

Posts: 1328


That Is Amazing man, I Am Going to Open All My Vids With that
2011-05-28 12:38:00

Posts: 1061

Could you do my name in an intro with SWITCH 2 coming soon under it. A blue light speeding toward my name across a white back ground and then my name goes on a cyan coulour then under it SWITCH 2 comes up in a cyan colour then under that coming soon. PLEASE.2011-05-28 12:43:00

Posts: 2426

Im glad you like it BK!

And Sure thing Craigmond
2011-05-28 13:54:00

Posts: 1328

Alright CraigMond, I am up to the sfx of your request c:2011-05-29 14:38:00

Posts: 1328

Alrighty here it is! I hope you like it
It was fun to make and I learnt a few more things about After Effects xD!

2011-05-30 14:35:00

Posts: 1328

Its..............AWESOME. Thanks so much is there any way I can download it.2011-05-30 14:55:00

Posts: 2426

Yup Ill send you a good quality version via PM soon2011-05-30 14:57:00

Posts: 1328

Wow! That video was amazing... 2011-05-31 03:51:00

Unknown User

Thank you 2011-05-31 04:43:00

Posts: 1328

Hey! I was wondering if you could do a video for me? For my Art Requests Thread?

I want it to have something to do with the annoying Orange Lol, make the letters (One at a time) Appear in the video saying: "Sackgirlsrule's Arts Request" And have the Annoying Orange laughing in the background And then have him appear under the words and says: "Hey, Hey Sackgirlsrule, Hey! Your Art's an Apple! HAHAHAHAHAH!" (In the annoying orange laugh ) If that's possible? Thanks
2011-05-31 08:03:00

Unknown User

Btw do you enjoy doing these vids or is it just generosity.2011-06-03 17:11:00

Posts: 2426

Hai thar Mr. Muffin! I was wondering if you could possibly make a video of my graffiti level I made? I don't want any fancy editing stuff lmao but if you want you can go ahead and give it a fancy intro lol just message me for details ^^ thank ya2011-06-04 01:29:00

Posts: 181

Heya guys! I'll get onto those two requests in a couple of weeks. Im working on an assignment right now that requires all my time

And I do them cos I enjoy it xD
2011-06-04 04:05:00

Posts: 1328

Heya guys! I'll get onto those two requests in a couple of weeks. Im working on an assignment right now that requires all my time

Alrighty then, sounds good! Just take your time ^^ lol
2011-06-04 04:17:00

Posts: 181

Yeah, hey! Don't rush! Take your time, because outside of LBPC, we have a life 2011-06-04 07:58:00

Unknown User

I uploaded a good quality version of my moving short assignment. Here it is:


Ill show you guys my animation when it is done ^^
2011-06-10 10:38:00

Posts: 1328

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