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Any Star Wars Music Maker out there?

Archive: 3 posts

I need a little help please - any music sequencer bods out there willing to help me out and bring this little ditty to life?


Its the only non-orchestral Star Wars piece, so I'm guessing the sequencer could do a pretty good job handling it. There's a fair amount of swing and 'feel' going on, I dunno how easy this would be to replicate with the tools, as I spent an hour with the sequencer and gave up, I'd need a serious amount of time to really get to grips with it.

Obviously, I can give you a full credit when the level's published (should be a matter of weeks), and these levels usually get a decent playcount, if that can persuade you...on another note (ba-dum-tish) , how much thermo does a looped 45 second piece of music take up generally....?
2011-05-08 17:47:00

Posts: 1156

Not mine but...

I used this one in my level:

I got some other Star Wars songs at the end of this level:
I think there was another Cantina Band version in it.
2011-05-08 17:54:00

Posts: 1518

This level gives away star wars music. http://lbp.me/v/ynjhzt2011-05-09 01:51:00

Posts: 104

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