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Dr. Who! (I need voices)

Archive: 14 posts


Lately I have been working on a doctor Who level! But since I am not British, I need some British voice actors. If you are interested in helping I would really appreciate it!

I am not done with the level, so I will need you every once and a while to do the voice acting. I am also looking for some creators to help with it. I am not always great on asthetic appeal so it would be wonderful if you could help make it look pretty.
I am also having trouble with a couple pieces of logic, so if you are good at logic I would love to have you help out!

What I need:

-Doctor Who voice actor (British accent)
-Creator good at making things pretty
-creator good at logic

As of 5/8/11:
I have the menu done. I also have the first part of the level done.
I am having the level somewhat split up to save thermo. So when you click on Chapter 1 on the menu it emits chapter 1 and takes you there. I am having trouble getting the teleporters to work right though.

I am on chapter 2, not very far in though.
2011-05-08 16:05:00

Posts: 180

i am good at logic, just send me a massage when PSN is back up!2011-05-08 16:15:00

Posts: 80

and i am british and have a Mic2011-05-08 16:17:00

Posts: 80

Ok thanks! I will definitly send you a message when PSN is back up...whenever that will be lol

2011-05-08 19:25:00

Posts: 180

Im scottish and have a mic, can do British accent and well, im ok at visuals.2011-05-08 19:42:00

Posts: 2426

Craigmond, that would be wonderful as well! I am very excited about this project.2011-05-14 02:10:00

Posts: 180

I can make things look good and I'm great at logic. Send me a message. I can make whatever you want.2011-05-14 07:14:00

Posts: 119

Don't know, I'm British but I don't have a mic.
I'm not sure about the other two, but I am a hardcore Who fan and would be happy to help out with accuracy, spelling and other stuff.
2011-08-13 17:44:00

Posts: 960

Doctor Who iz my favorite show and id love to help out, I'm good with logic and detailed building.

send me a message next time you go on psn
2011-08-13 18:24:00

Unknown User

I am American but I can do a good Scottish accent from what I am told. If you want to hear it, the level in my signiture if you reach the end the sackbot speaks with it. Thats the best version of it that I have. I can also take a crack at logic or decorating if you would like. (I am a bit Doctor Who fan.)2011-08-13 18:36:00

Unknown User

Guys, I'm not sure if this guy needs help anymore, this thread was made in May.. 2011-08-13 20:01:00

Posts: 1913

Update: I decided that I didn't like what the level was turning out as, so I kinda scraped the original level and started it over. I Haven't gotten very far into it, I am hoping I will be able to publish it in september or October but it isn't likely. But I will update this when I need help with the voice acting, for those who want to help with the design of the lvl, add me on PSN: my ID is kabirdsall142011-08-21 05:59:00

Posts: 180

I'm english I'l do sime voice acting2011-08-22 02:26:00

Posts: 515

I'm really good with logic, and i have quite a posh english accent and a mic, and would be glad to help you with your level. I don't think I can voice Dr. Who, cuz my voice hasn't broken yet, but if there is an english male kid in there, i could help. Otherwise, I'd be happy to supply you with logic 2011-08-22 21:58:00

Unknown User

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