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Generic Sportscar

Archive: 18 posts



Sure is better than anything that I used to like in lbp1. Alot more proportional, too.
I thought I might as well upload something here, right?

i guess it's also an obligation to post logic
2011-05-07 18:03:00

Unknown User

Nice work, wish I had that artisitic ability lol, guess im stuck to the logic part of this, Nice car tho!2011-05-08 01:42:00

Posts: 45

Wow! This car is awesome! Nice work! You have an amazing artisty abilty 2011-05-09 06:08:00

Unknown User

Really Nice. Are you going to use it in a level?2011-05-11 02:15:00

Posts: 263

Oh, nice, looks dwell detailed actually! 2011-05-11 03:00:00

Posts: 6707

Really Nice. Are you going to use it in a level?

Thanks. As for the uses, I'm actually thinking of developing a set of cars first. It also depends on when the network will be up, since I was working on something with a friend before and he had part of it. Such a shame too, we were on when it when down.
2011-05-11 03:01:00

Unknown User

I can see an Elise. 2011-05-13 02:22:00

Posts: 1176

I can see an Elise.

I'm not sure what you mean?

It's more of a hobby of mine to make the proportional cars. This one has suspension, a radio, headlights, taillights, an exhaust, ignition, and more. If only I could find a decent camera...
2011-05-13 23:26:00

Unknown User

dude, i'd LOVE to see you do a remake of a McLaren F1, that car is SWEET!. Nice work on the Two you have there atm man, great detail 2011-05-14 03:10:00

Posts: 21

I'm not sure what you mean?

It's more of a hobby of mine to make the proportional cars. This one has suspension, a radio, headlights, taillights, an exhaust, ignition, and more. If only I could find a decent camera...

So... I guess it's drivable as in a Sackperson can get in? The grey one looks a little small for that, but that is also what makes it awesome. Super hard to keep the shapes right at that size! Nice work.
2011-05-14 05:44:00

Posts: 1799

great car! too bad i am terrible at making car's. i still need a car for my apocalyptic level, and i wish i had your abilities. ^^2011-05-14 11:38:00

Posts: 23

So... I guess it's drivable as in a Sackperson can get in? The grey one looks a little small for that, but that is also what makes it awesome. Super hard to keep the shapes right at that size! Nice work.

lol the blue car belongs to someone else

Well, I was actually hoping for somebody to ask this question. It's actually the size of this car that makes it so easy to exit and enter. Absolutely no part of default sackboy and anything before some glitch costume shows when you enter. The controllinator is actually placed on the thinner layer, side-mounted and tilted so you don't have to get that fade effect entering/exiting. You can also add me when PSN is up if you'd like to test the actual thing.

Once again, the point of this style is to get a car that's atleast a bit shorter than the player.
2011-05-15 03:38:00

Unknown User

Ah, so the sackperson disappears upon entering?

I'm quite interested to check this out when the PSN roll out hits me.

You should check out my efforts in making a scale car (link in sig). I went a little larger to fit a sack person in it and still be visible, but like the green car it looks a little large standing next to it. But I think I got a nice balance in the scale... but maybe your work around could help making it even cooler.
2011-05-15 04:40:00

Posts: 1799

Ah, so the sackperson disappears upon entering?

I'm quite interested to check this out when the PSN roll out hits me.

You should check out my efforts in making a scale car (link in sig). I went a little larger to fit a sack person in it and still be visible, but like the green car it looks a little large standing next to it. But I think I got a nice balance in the scale... but maybe your work around could help making it even cooler.

Well, I can make the sackperson dissapear if I want it to, but they fit in perfectly anyway.

To be honest, this car seems a bit long to me.

Also, psn has been activated in my state, so feel free to add me if you would like to see more some time.
2011-05-15 23:33:00

Unknown User

Will do, but I'm in Aus and no PSN for me yet... check out my car if you get a chance...

EDIT: Sweet PSN is back for me.
2011-05-16 08:37:00

Posts: 1799

looks good.2011-05-17 02:34:00

Unknown User

Will do, but I'm in Aus and no PSN for me yet... check out my car if you get a chance...

EDIT: Sweet PSN is back for me.

In that case, I'll post the link to the car.
http://ie.lbp.me/img/bl/cde4144203b748e35791727e3480527a0f22821e.png (http://lbp.me/v/0j9cgx)

Wouldn't that be useful if lbp.me were responding...
2011-05-28 21:29:00

Unknown User

Looks a lot like a Lambo Reventon. I see the car is a bit on the tiny side, but if you manage to add rims without the spokes being distorted, it will look GORGEOUS. 2011-06-08 06:03:00

Posts: 74

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