What makes a video game good.
Archive: 1 post
This quotation occurred to me what actually makes a game good. I'm not just talking about typical stereotypes like guns, double jumps, guns, driving a tank, guns, more guns, travelling in space into some friendly alien planet, and even more guns. I'm talking about the unique side of games, the gameplay. When I refer to unique gameplay, I'm talking about something new and that will keep you satisfied with your well-spent money. When I spent $100 for my copy of LBP2 it was worth it, it delivered limitless hours of gameplay since it had over 4 million levels and counting and allows the player to expand his/her imagination in level and game development. Another game that featured unique gameplay is fallout 3, since it allowed the player to make their own decision in certain situations that will slightly alter the storyline and make allies and enemies. There are several more games that will be added to this forum for any unique aspects. Now, I'm gonna ask you what makes a game good. Minecraft: Minecraft is a sandbox construction game, inspired by Infiniminer, and created by Markus Persson, the founder of Mojang AB. The game involves players creating and destroying various types of blocks in a three dimensional environment. The player takes an avatar that can destroy or create blocks, forming fantastic structures, creations and artwork across the various multiplayer servers in multiple game modes. Minecraft is currently in beta, available to players for ?14.95 (~$21/~?13). Beta singleplayer and Beta multiplayer, when purchased, can be played in the user's web browser, or using the downloadable client. Minecraft Classic is available to play for free. Minecraft development started around the 10th of May 2009, pre-orders for the full game started being accepted on the 13th of June 2009. Minecraft's official release date is planned to be the 11th of November 2011. http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Minecraft_Wiki This game may have terrible graphics but delivers hours and hours of unique gameplay. Basically the player controls a character measuring 3 blocks high and 1 block wide. The player can destroy the environment in order to get materials to build new ones in the shape of cubes. The game has no storyline so the player can absolutely build anything at all such as houses, mansions, caves, a castle in the sky or just build a hole to live in. The player can fight monsters at night which are called mobs in minecraft so listen out for sssssssssss...... Disgaea: Disgaea is a tactical role playing game. Battle gameplay takes place on a map divided into a square grid. The player controls a squad of humanoid units and monsters, which each occupy a single square of the grid and do combat with a group of enemies. Depending on the character and attack selected, the player will be able to deal damage to a specific enemy unit or a designated region of the map. Combat ends when all enemy units or all of the player's units are destroyed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disgaea:_Hour_of_Darkness Disgaea is a tactical role playing game in which you control one side of the field to defeat the other side. What makes this game unique is that you think the level cap is 99, but you are wrong, let's just say it's over 9,000!!!!!!! Nippon Ichi decided to go over the fence so it increased the casual level cap to 9,999 and with this level you can take an amazing amount of damage compared to other rpg games. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOsvsyIElRI Patapon: Patapon is a video game that the player controls in a manner similar to rhythm games. The player is put in in direct control of a tribe of Patapon warriors; to command the warriors, the player inputs specific sequences using the face buttons on the PSP, each representing a "talking drum", in time to a drum rhythm. These sequences order the tribe to move forward on the linear battlefield, attack, defend, and other actions. If the player inputs an unknown sequence or enters them off the main rhythm, the tribe will become confused and stop whatever they are doing. However, repeatedly entering a proper sequence in sync with the rhythm will lead the tribe into a "fever" increasing their attack and defensive bonuses. The tribe will stop doing anything after performing the last entered command if the player does not enter any more commands. For example, some commands are square, square, square, circle (Pata, Pata, Pata, Pon.), which has them march forward and circle, circle, square, circle (Pon, Pon, Pata, Pon.), which makes them attack The game is divided into several missions. Prior to each mission, the player can recruit new troops and assemble formations, equip troops with weapons and armor gained from the spoils of war or crafted from certain minigames. The player can return to an earlier mission to acquire additional resources and equipment to build up their troops before a larger battle. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patapon Patapon is an amazing game for the playstation portable where music and war comes together. The player controls a small yet powerful army consisting of a variety of troops such as swordsmen and archers with drums. This game may seem childish but it's a very addictive game involving skill and timing. The plot is basically is to lead the patapon to earthend which still remains a mystery to us. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRAqpHwbsAY&feature=related | 2011-05-07 09:37:00 Author: TheDesertDrifter ![]() Posts: 72 |
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