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Problem with teleportation.

Archive: 5 posts

I have been making a top down racer level. When the players enter the level they can choose the color of their car by grabbing the similar colored sponge. That activates an emitter which emits a instant eject control seat set to maximum range.

The problem is that when I tried playing the level with my sister when I chose the car before her the screen shifted to me in my car and left her behind. Worse still; when she chose a car and then I chose, I would have the car she just chose and my sisters sackperson disppeared.

What should I do? And will the same thing happen when people play with each other online from different PS3's?
2011-05-04 20:14:00

Posts: 49

This is because you are playing more than 1 player on the same PS3, and the first player is determining what the viewpoint of the game is.

If you test the level online with friends, chances are that you will no longer have this issue. Just be sure to pick the "Versus" game type.

2011-05-04 21:29:00

Posts: 605

Need any help on your level *Hint Hint*?2011-05-04 22:15:00

Unknown User

This reminded me of a little poem from Hitchhiker's.

"I teleported home one night with Ron and Sid and Meg, Ron stole Meggie's heart away, and I got Sidney's leg."

Not helpful...I know.
2011-05-04 22:22:00

Posts: 1214

To stop this happening when playing on the same console you could use a movie camera, as that overrides the game camera - though you'll probably end up with the players off screen dying due to the count down timer. Another thing you can do: when a player grabs the sponge, an invisible holo with attached controlinator is emitted and the player enters it while staying in view of the actual screen. Once all players have chosen their colour you can them have them transport to the car with what you have set up now. An intermediate step in the process if you see what I mean.2011-05-05 00:18:00

Posts: 365

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