What do you do when you are being hated on?
Archive: 54 posts
I'm not talking about just online, but in life in general. Just today, I was getting bullied left and right. -First off: My teacher always rants on and on about random things each day, and so today he decided to start talking about how more people get murdered over religion than anything else. (This is true.) I replied to that by saying how over 50% of those are Christians. Well he replied that it was Buddhists and that the Christians are the ones that go around murdering other religious people. This really made me go on a rampage. The truth is that Christians get imprisoned, murdered, executed, tortured, and other things done to them just for simply sharing their opinion.... -Second: I'm a guy who is healthy, but on the chubby side and wears glasses, so having those two qualities automatically makes people think that its okay to call me fat, or a nerd. I really do not like people to stereotype me because those things get to me. -Third: I have been having big problems with this site. I am not going to mention names, but a few months ago, I thought about committing suicide because of people on this site. I have the same feelings again, but a bit more mild. And all this has happened in the same day. Yup that pretty much sums it up. Soooooo.... Do any of you have problems with people hating on you? | 2011-05-03 04:18:00 Author: theonlybub ![]() Posts: 690 |
I used to at school (which was a long while ago) because.. idk really (cause I was shy I guess?). Anyways some people are just jerks and it's better to simply ignore them and get on with your own thing. ![]() | 2011-05-03 05:15:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
Thank you good sir for the advice. ![]() I will use this advice. Thanks! | 2011-05-03 05:30:00 Author: theonlybub ![]() Posts: 690 |
uuummm...If you are having suicidal ideations, you should really talk to someone. | 2011-05-03 05:39:00 Author: Spider-Jew ![]() Posts: 1090 |
I do talk with people about it. ![]() I talk with my Family Guide Pastor at my church. | 2011-05-03 05:42:00 Author: theonlybub ![]() Posts: 690 |
First thing to deal with is those suicide thoughts.![]() You have to remember that when you get bullied on web sites, its a faceless act by someone who if you met in real life would run away like the cowards they are. Its easy for them to be so brave as they type away on a keyboard. As far as the bullies in your school, you will always find that its just one ring leader and a bunch of lapdog followers who bully their way through life, into a career of crime and eventually prison (if they don't change their ways) ![]() Unfortunately, this is part of growing up, but in the long run it will make you a stronger person. Just hang in there buddy, its not like you're going to be in school for the rest of your life. ![]() | 2011-05-03 09:39:00 Author: RtooDee2 ![]() Posts: 175 |
Ok, never mind us, it's you we need to talk to here. Are you really having suicidal thoughts? This isn't good, man. You (assuming) are young and have SO much more to look forward to. I hated high school too, lots of people do, but it doesn't last forever. Trust me, the kids who get picked on 95% of the time go on to be successful whereas the bullies end up hauling ****. Don't let people on this site get to you either. It's the internet, you are bound to get a few people being nasty, especially if you are an opinionated person. Is it really that big of a deal though? This is only LBPC for crying out loud, it's not as if you're going to have a fist fight with the other members! In short, life is all about the experience, both good and bad. There is so much more to this world than what you are experiencing now and the only way to discover it is by braving the storm. Learn from mistakes and don't do anything stupid! Peace. | 2011-05-03 10:16:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt ![]() Posts: 1477 |
Suicidal thoughts? Geez. Thats bad but bullying always comes to an end. For instance I got bullied in primary school mildly. Then a bit into first year of high school. So what I did was loosen up I started being more confident around people and got quite a few friends. Then I became friends with thier friends and whenever someone said something I would just be cool look at them in the eye (still smiling) and tell them to shut up. Then walk away as cool as anything. The bullying has stopped and some of those bullies are now on good terms with me. Not that I like them but they dont mind me. That worked for me, sometimes the shut up part doesnt work but it did for me. Also you said people on this site were bullying you? You should report them to the Admin. Hope this helps and although it probebly wont I sincerly hope the bullying stops because I know how it felt to be mildly bullied and it seems to me like your getting it really hard. Good Luck. P.S-My attempt was a long shot and it might not work. | 2011-05-03 10:33:00 Author: craigmond ![]() Posts: 2426 |
People summed things up pretty well here. What I feel strange is that nowadays there is no one that defends people against bullism. I couldn't stand when people was hated without reason and abused by others. There wasn't many people like me at the time, but I can't understand why nowadays, everyone wants to be mean at all costs. Bullies are just scam, ignore them and don't let them ruin your life, they're not worthy. | 2011-05-03 10:40:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
I don't, I am not hated on. "But Silver, half LBPC hates you!" you say? Nope, people hating on others for little stuff or any reason without trying to be reasonable or that just hate you "just because" or any other unjustified reason are too unimportant to be acknowledged imo. ![]() So yeah, I've yet to find anyone who hates me with a true, justified reason or who's actually willing to listen to what anyone else tries to say. ![]() I do recommend you do the same, it'll have those who dislike you in a huff, and you'll not be bothered by it, maybe even get some kicks from it. ![]() | 2011-05-03 11:03:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
I've got to agree with Leon on this one - Rise above it, my friend. I'm glad that you're speaking to someone about your problems, it's a good step to take. As far as cyber-bullying goes, there are so many thoughtless jerks out there who wouldn't give a secont thought to insulting (and sometimes full-on berating) another forum user, as RTooDee2 says - it's a faceless act, which is the most cowardly of all. I went through about three years of bullying in school, where a group of girls two years older than me singled me out. Now, you may not think that a bunch of girls would be capable of doing that much harm, but my memory of a bleeding nose and two black eyes (and let's not forget the emotional scarring . . .) would say otherwise. It took a long time to stop, and tbh I think it only stopped in the end because I go to a point where, as craigmond has found, I had to stop caring. I turned around, held my chin up high, and told them exactly what I thought of them. This was met by nothing more than giggles and more abuse, but I stood my ground. Nowadays I'm earning a decent wage, have a beautiful family, and one of the girls who was bullying me is afraid of open spaces and unemployed, living in a local council estate. Whilst I was busy in school studying and making friends, she was busy making trouble. Anyway! Enough about me! I really hope that you start to feel better in yourself soon, chin up - things will get better for you! | 2011-05-03 12:43:00 Author: rialrees ![]() Posts: 1015 |
I agree with everyone else on school and getting help with your thoughts of suicide. As for online issues. People can be trolls, and some people get their jollies by making others angry/feel bad. Just don't take any online hate personally. Some dude on LBP personally attacked one of my levels and pretty much said I was human garbage. All I did was send him a message explaining how I felt he was being very disrespectful and I never had issues with the guy again. I don't know if it was because of the letter or not, but it made me feel a lot better about the situation ![]() Ps if you do send a letter to a cyber bully, and they respond back trollololol, just know that they are just immature and you are obviously the bigger person. | 2011-05-03 12:56:00 Author: UberOrbPS ![]() Posts: 290 |
Everyone on here has pretty much summed it up. The thing with bullies is, when they find someone to pick on, they feed off your reactions. It's like you have a big button on your chest. They push that button to see what happens. If you get all upset and yell back or cry or anything like that, they love it. It's like a pack of wolves on raw meat. But stand tall and act like it doesn't bother you, like that button on your chest is broken, then eventually they'll move on. It may take time, but they will. I know you've heard the adage, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." That's not true. Words sting, they bite and they cut. It's difficult, but you have to act like they don't bother you. Rise above. Bullies hate that the most, when it don't bother you, when they can't get to you. Yeah, they'll pick up their efforts but just be strong my friend and you'll pull through. I think everyone has a bully story, even some bullies have a bully story. I was bullied in junior high and part of high school, and learned how to ignore it and most importantly laugh at myself. My mom used to cut my hair in junior high, only the only haircut she knew was to shave it all off. She would start off cutting then go "oops! I messed up." and out would come the clippers. I got harassed over it sure, but learned to joke on it myself. I made up all the jokes before they could. So they had nothing. I moved away my senior year and never looked back at that town. I did make friends, **** good ones and through facebook and twitter keep in touch. Walk your own path man and don't worry about those idiots. You are in school for you and you alone. When you're grown and successful and running a fortune 500 company, or doctor, lawyer, or maybe youth counselor helping teens overcome, or anything you want to be. Those bullies will probably end up living in squaller and asking you for a job. Suicide---That is not the answer. You are much stronger than that. As a Christian, you should already know that that is an unforgivable sin. God gave you life, it's a precious gift. I know sometimes it seems like a curse, but God will not put something on us that we cannot handle.Things happen for a reason and you will only come out stronger. I know you said you're talking to your pastor, I think you also need to tell your parents and seek counseling from a licensed professional. Talk to your friends. Pray. I also had thoughts of suicide when I was younger. Won't get into whole life story, but had a verbally, physically abusive, drug addict, alcoholic father. Physical abuse was directed towards my mother. She and I ran and spent half a year living on the streets, sleeping in parks, etc. He found us and dragged us back. Fast forward a little bit, I now have a brother and sister, we finally escaped him and thought was in the clear and wham! he comes in and kidnaps us (kids) and takes us to Florida, dumps us off in a trailer park and leaves. I'm seven years old with my brother who's four and my sister is three. We lived by ourselves for two months. I know it don't sound like a long time, but when your seven and have to take care of a 3 and 4 year old, it's an eternity. I would go around asking to borrow food, piece of bread here, tablespoon of jelly there and we survived. Some neighbors started getting suspicious and contacted authorities and we were reunited with my mom. I won't go into whole life story but there were many more obstacles to overcome and at times I just wanted it to end. But I knew that wasn't the answer. I endured and came out stronger for it. You will too. Just don't be afraid to talk to someone, anyone. I know things will turn out ok and I hope I was able to help in some small way. Peace my friend, God Bless | 2011-05-03 14:58:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Yeah I reckon mabye a prayer to God can help as well. Its very reassuring. | 2011-05-03 15:46:00 Author: craigmond ![]() Posts: 2426 |
Thanks to all of whom are commenting. It is really helping me reassure myself. And Biorogue your story really touched me. ![]() Thanks for all the help! | 2011-05-03 17:15:00 Author: theonlybub ![]() Posts: 690 |
-Second: I'm a guy who is healthy, but on the chubby side and wears glasses, so having those two qualities automatically makes people think that its okay to call me fat, or a nerd. I really do not like people to stereotype me because those things get to me. Weight doesn't matter, in truth! Well, not to me... and I love glasses anyway ^^ If they call you a nerd, embrace it ![]() -Third: I have been having big problems with this site. I am not going to mention names, but a few months ago, I thought about committing suicide because of people on this site. I have the same feelings again, but a bit more mild. I never intended to harm anyone. All I wanted to do was to try and explain to you that you shouldn't undermine (whether intentional or not) a group of people's belief, in the same way you wouldn't like anyone insulting Christianity. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." I may not be religious, but that is sure a phrase to live by ![]() Cheer up, bub! Don't let the peoplz of teh internets get you down! | 2011-05-03 23:35:00 Author: Weretigr ![]() Posts: 2105 |
I already apologized....if you read my post in that thread in its entirety. | 2011-05-04 00:04:00 Author: theonlybub ![]() Posts: 690 |
ANother good tip, learn to laugh at yourself, when you laugh at yourself, then the others have nothing to get to you, as they see you laugh at what they thaught would insult you. It helps to "cushon the impact" if you will. Oh, and about the nerd stuff, do realize that nerds/ geeks rule the world these days, I mean, who's one of the richest people in the world? Bill Gates, a, what many call a nerd/ geek, so in all truth, I would imagine being called a nerd is more like a compliment/ priviledge these days, than an insult. ![]() | 2011-05-04 01:21:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
What do you call a nerd in the future? Boss. :kz: | 2011-05-04 01:23:00 Author: JspOt ![]() Posts: 3607 |
You know, a good thing to do when people pick on you is to rationalize why they do it. Why would someone make fun of me? To feel better about themselves? Because they are bored? When you think about why people make of you, you'll realize the reasons are usually quite pathetic or silly.(Unless of course you've done something to them) You shouldn't take it so seriously. It's human nature to protect the self-esteem by offensive actions. You have to see it in their perspective. "Haha, this guy is way worse off than I am and that makes me happy knowing I'm not as bad off as this person." I have a quote, "No matter who you are or what you do, you will always be better than me". Think about this. And just out of curiosity, what was said that provoked your suicidal thoughts? | 2011-05-04 01:45:00 Author: comishguy67 ![]() Posts: 849 |
Copy and paste the rage face on every lewd comment towards you, and come to school with a.. What was that? I'm not Eminem? Oh yeah.. Anyways, all my life I was very deprived. I ain't had a woman in years. My palms are too hairy to hide. Dang it, it happened again. Anyways, I'm greatly advising you to NOT commit suicide. If you do that, then they've won. There are trolls and haters lurking on every thread. You never know when you'll run into one (wink wink). What I do is I tell everyone off who and strive to be the best at what they're good at. But that's a horrible way to look at it. Look dude, teachers are old and jealous of your youth and want to be right all the time. People who make fun of you don't even remember half the things they said to you. Do the same. And internetz?! Dude, let's face it. All haters on the intranetz are either hotheaded pedophiles with no lives or flaming 8 year olds. TRUST ME!! I've been through a lot of hateage, all you can do is just brush it off man. Watch some motivational videos like some TimothyDeLaGhetto or ShaneDawson. ShaneDawson was in the exact same spot you are. He has a video where he talks about how he used to come home and cry every day, heck we've all been there. But don't give in. It happens to the best of us, and losing to yourself is worse than losing to those fools. So don't let that hatred break your ankles. Confidence is always within if you look. I just copy and pasted that from a Taylor Swift tweet! Just kidding. Farfle farfle.. | 2011-05-04 02:47:00 Author: PurpleChaos ![]() Posts: 155 |
Why would someone make fun of me? To feel better about themselves? Because they are bored? When you think about why people make of you, you'll realize the reasons are usually quite pathetic or silly.(Unless of course you've done something to them) I know why people make fun of me on here. It is mostly because of my overly polite attitude and my Christian faith. I am sure that I offended some people in a recent post, and I realize I was a little rash, but other people were saying worse things toward my opinion. And just out of curiosity, what was said that provoked your suicidal thoughts? I do not feel like posting this because it brings back brutal memories. | 2011-05-04 03:41:00 Author: theonlybub ![]() Posts: 690 |
I know why people make fun of me on here. It is mostly because of my overly polite attitude and my Christian faith. Well, I was refering to people outside of the forum. The people that call your those names you mentioned. You shouldn't take them so seriously. As for your faith, I don't understand why someone would dislike you for being a Christian. Unless you preach your faith obnoxiously... And I like over polite people. ![]() I am sure that I offended some people in a recent post, and I realize I was a little rash, but other people were saying worse things toward my opinion. Well there ya go. ![]() Religious debates can get very heated. People get very defensive when you try to "more or less" convert them from whatever they believe. But again, don't take it so seriously. I love having debates about religion and philosophy and stuff and I'm very open minded. But not everyone is like me. So if you ever wanna talk about your beliefs, I'm your guy ![]() I do not feel like posting this because it brings back brutal memories. Ok, I understand. ![]() | 2011-05-04 04:40:00 Author: comishguy67 ![]() Posts: 849 |
As for your faith, I don't understand why someone would dislike you for being a Christian. Unless you preach your faith obnoxiously... Oh, don't worry about that good sir. I am not one of those people who go around throwing religion in other people's faces. I would only try to convert people in person anyways. ![]() | 2011-05-04 04:53:00 Author: theonlybub ![]() Posts: 690 |
Am going to make this short and powerful that will surley have an impact on you thoughts. you are gifted you might not know this yet but you are your going to to be somthing great one day evrything now is happening for a reason either to make you stronger for the future or wiser remember you only live once but in that you live many lives this is just the beginging dont let people knock you down buddy this your life your world. | 2011-05-04 05:02:00 Author: Special_D_ ![]() Posts: 57 |
Am going to make this short and powerful that will surley have an impact on you thoughts. you are gifted you might not know this yet but you are your going to to be somthing great one day evrything now is happening for a reason either to make you stronger for the future or wiser remember you only live once but in that you live many lives this is just the beginging dont let people knock you down buddy this your life your world. *sniff* that...*sniff*...was beautiful. | 2011-05-04 05:04:00 Author: comishguy67 ![]() Posts: 849 |
ive never been bulled ive always kept my self to my self but doing that ive seen how bullys work , you have something that they dont have. could be anything. they might be thinking ''im not going to do well in life'' so they try to make you not do well in life so they feel that they aint the only one , thats just one example there could be many reasons why. just think you might be a nerd or a geek but when your older thats called successful. | 2011-05-04 09:40:00 Author: howMUCHforBOUNTY ![]() Posts: 623 |
I've never allowed anyone to think they can push me around. Once in a school PE lesson, this kid kept on goading me and jeering at me because I was bad at cricket and I couldn't hit the ball. 5 minutes after returning to class, I decided to practice my swing and whacked him around the head full force with a chair, resulting in a trip to the nurse for him and a week's detention for me. Call it an over-reaction and preach your pacifist philosophies as much as you like, but the fact is that I instantly gained a reputation as a kid who it would be unwise to mess with, and I suffered no bullying for the rest of my school days. 25 years later and my step-son was getting pushed around by the "big" kid in school. Because the big kid was doing it, other kids started to think that they could get away with doing it too. It was affecting my step-son's school work and his confidence. He told me about what was happening, so I told him to go into school the next day, to tap the big kid on the shoulder in front of the whole class, kick him in the nuts when he turned around, punch him hard enough in the face to knock him down, and then tell him " that's what you get when you mess with me". The next day my step-son followed my instructions to the letter, adding his own bit of flair by kicking the big kid in the head after he went down on the floor crying. My step-son got in trouble for fighting and a letter was sent home (presumably so we could admonish him for his actions, lol), but he never got picked upon by anyone at school again. In fact the "big" kid lost much of his standing in class that day, and my step-son gained a reputation as the cool kid to hang with. Don't stand for any ****. Unless you want to be another man's gimp for the rest of your life, you take a stand and you fight for yourself. | 2011-05-04 10:40:00 Author: Ungreth ![]() Posts: 2130 |
Yeah, usually doing one time only what Ungreth said, can be enough for quite a life...![]() Still I don't think it's what Bub wants to do for his beliefs. Until I was around 18, before things started to change and bring me to the dark side of the force, I was a practicing Christian, but nothing could stop me for giving a lesson to someone who deserved for picking on my friends. Remember that Jesus kicked out the merchants from the temple. The use of the force/violence is usually the wrong way, still there's people that is so ignorant and deaf to words. | 2011-05-04 10:54:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
Still I don't think it's what Bub wants to do for his beliefs. Until I was around 18, before things started to change and bring me to the dark side of the force, I was a practicing Christian, but nothing could stop me for giving a lesson to someone who deserved for picking on my friends. Remember that Jesus kicked out the merchants from the temple. The use of the force/violence is usually the wrong way, still there's people that is so ignorant and deaf to words. Yeah, I guess it's difficult for a devout Christian. If you follow Christ's teachings then the answer would be to respond with kindness and generosity to those who abuse and torment you , to repay their evil with good deeds, and to let justice be dealt by God alone. Fortunately I'm a heathen, so I don't need to heed such useless advice. | 2011-05-04 17:26:00 Author: Ungreth ![]() Posts: 2130 |
Dang Ungreth. I always thought you were a troll or something, but after reading your advice to your son I give you my respects. That's surprisingly realistic- especially for a parent. It's true that standing up for yourself is an efficient way to stave off jerkwads, but nowadays that could get you jumped or even killed if you do it to the wrong person. My solution would be to buy a squirt gun that looks just like a pistol. But who am I to tell you? Heh. Anyhoo, don't even reply to haters. When you read it, just delete it. It's useless to talk back because they will keep forcing their dillusions on you. Brush that shoulder off, simple as that! | 2011-05-04 19:50:00 Author: PurpleChaos ![]() Posts: 155 |
Lol, I really lolled at the heathen point. O RLY? I want to go in Valhalla when I die because they make good bbq...but I don't have faith...I hope the Asi will take me as an outsider. I think that a good man is a good man whatever is beliefs are, and I think it's harder to be a good man, when you do it without a final reward, but...hey...everyone must be respected for what they believe on...even heathens ![]() | 2011-05-04 19:51:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
You really shouldn't worry, you've done the right thing for coming here and asking for advice! ![]() Concerning your first issue: Your teacher actually said that? I'm fairly sure that is not allowed and you should perhaps try talking to a different teacher (Do you have Form Tutors or Heads of Year in the US?) who could talk to the teacher and get them to apologise. That is unacceptable. Especially for a rolemodel and authority figure like a teacher. Secondly: Ugh. These people do not know what matters at all. It's on the inside that counts, and if they can't see that, screw them! You don't need to listen to them at all! I was bullied quite a lot in school and I learnt to just ignore them. It sounds difficult to do but next time they say something to you, just smile and walk away. They'll give up trying to agitate you. Most bullies do it to get a reaction and if you don't give them that, they'll eventually stop. Thirdly (this could also relate to your second point): Every morning, wake up and make the first thing you think, "I am awesome. And nobody can change that. I am awesome." This will help provide you with a positive mentality and also help you with ignoring those bullies. Anytime someone makes you feel bad, just think, you are awesome. Nobody can change that. You are who you are. And you are awesome. ![]() | 2011-05-04 20:18:00 Author: Plasmavore ![]() Posts: 1913 |
Dang Ungreth. I always thought you were a troll or something http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/5609/luciawhatthehell.png | 2011-05-04 21:13:00 Author: Ungreth ![]() Posts: 2130 |
Thank you so much Plasmavore you are very reassuring. | 2011-05-04 21:58:00 Author: theonlybub ![]() Posts: 690 |
Hm... well, since it's mostly me hating on myself, I guess when I hate on myself I... hate on myself more? But can't really remember when someone who wasn't me was hating on me... I guess it's more just me bringing myself down because misery is my comfort. Or something. I dunno. ... so I do have suicidal thoughts sometime... not that they are any more then just fantasies that make me cry, not because they are painful but because they bring me a feeling of relief... so it does make me upset but only because it produces a positive emotion. I don't really get it either. But yeah, never bullied... I think. Well, ok, I was years ago, kinda. Sorta. But for like 6 or 7 years it has mostly been me bullying myself, ,,, so, to follow Ungreth's advice, I guess I better kick myself in the nuts. Fun. Actually, I think I'll pass. ... Yeah. Um... ... I dunno, I could go into a discussion about why I feel such inferiority and the inherent paradoxes that cycle of self loathing and hatred produce more of such, and a full length essay on how most of my negative qualities are me trying to make myself negative because casting myself in a negative, piece of **** light is where I feel comfortable... but eh, I'm kinda bored. Plus these keys are too small. ... Yeah. Um, I'll go now. | 2011-05-04 23:04:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
1) KernelM's and your conversation should be kept between you and the moderators, NOT the rest of the community. At least they can then judge the situation fairly. 2) theonlybub, you need to think as hard as you can about what might provoke other people before you talk to them, because everyone is different. Especially if you are touching a subject such as beliefs. This is why, in my opinion, this thread should really be locked, as it seems to be somewhat of an attack on certain members, and could well upset some more if we get another religious debate. :/ 3) Stay strong, bub, but please be careful around others. Remember that no-one wants to be told what they should believe! That goes for anyone else trying to attack bub or any other person on their religious beliefs. Also, try not to take everything as a direct personal attack! ![]() - GLaDORAM | 2011-05-04 23:28:00 Author: Weretigr ![]() Posts: 2105 |
I'm a guy who is healthy, but on the chubby side [...] people think that its okay to call me fat [...] I really do not like people to stereotype me... If you're on the chubby side, you're on the chubby side. I don't see how it can be a stereotype. Now, it isn't okay for people to call you fat, but stuff like that always happens. If you don't like being bothered about your looks, don't rely on others to stop - it won't happen. People aren't very nice (as I'm sure you know). Try a healthier lifestyle if that's what's bothering you. ...I have been having big problems with this site. I am not going to mention names, but a few months ago, I thought about committing suicide because of people on this site. If you are that affected by remarks on an INTERNET FORUM, I don't think you're ready for one, seriously. No hate, but these people don't even know you in real life, why the hell should you care to this extent (or any extent for that matter)? Mature up and see what is really worth stressing over. I know why people make fun of me on here. It is mostly because of my overly polite attitude and my Christian faith. I think it has little to do with an 'overly polite attitude'. Just be careful of what you say and WHERE you say it. Be more open minded about things, too. When someone presents you with logical, reasonable arguments, don't get offended. Take them into consideration. [...] This is the kind of verbal abuse I have to deal with in real life as well, but it hurts more from a person that doesn't know me. Dude, it shouldn't hurt you at all if it isn't from a person you know. And I'm not sure but it looks like you cut out a large portion of the argument presented by Kernel to make him look worse (and probably things you said to him too)... Also, this: 1) KernelM's and your conversation should be kept between you and the moderators, NOT the rest of the community. At least they can then judge the situation fairly. 2) theonlybub, you need to think as hard as you can about what might provoke other people before you talk to them, because everyone is different. Especially if you are touching a subject such as beliefs. This is why, in my opinion, this thread should really be locked, as it seems to be somewhat of an attack on certain members, and could well upset some more if we get another religious debate. 3) Stay strong, bub, but please be careful around others. Remember that no-one wants to be told what they should believe! That goes for anyone else trying to attack bub or any other person on their religious beliefs. Also, try not to take everything as a direct personal attack! ![]() - GLaDORAM *sigh* You'll hopefully not look at this as 'offensive' but, rather, to the point. Try to care less about unimportant things - it'll help prevent those suicidal thoughts. I'm just trying to help, yo. :&apos ![]() | 2011-05-04 23:43:00 Author: iGotFancyPants ![]() Posts: 1355 |
... Having just read the discussion of which you're talking about... you completely left out the part where YOU were the one who instigated this flaming. You really just need to properly see the world... or something. Because trying to blame dem athies or whatever... look, I don't want to say it too bluntly, but... there has to be a point where you take some of the blame and try to overcome it. Or something. Like don't try to ignite a religious debate in a thread about science and then blame them for having actual arguments. I mean... like... I unno, when you say they're upset with your "overly polite manner", it just speaks volumes to me that you just don't understand the situation. Maybe you don't. Look, I'm not trying to be mean or whatever. But there comes a point where we have to stop blaming the world and start seeing that much of the fault lies in us. At least it does for me, but hey, I'm also depressed... kinda. I unno. ;-; | 2011-05-05 00:12:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Well you can always tell them to look away and when they turn BAM!! the old fork in the eye | 2011-05-05 00:16:00 Author: wait wtf ![]() Posts: 853 |
Things get better. Trust me. Things get better. I was in a similar situation last year, where I felt people were making fun of me, and that people didn't get me. Today, I asked out my crush and she said yes. Just wait thru it. You'll be fine. | 2011-05-05 00:34:00 Author: Jaslow ![]() Posts: 775 |
I've never been picked on, but I'm not an adult.. So that answer could change any time... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | 2011-05-05 01:28:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Please try to keep the thread on-topic and let's not drag everyone through the mud again, mmmk? (Consider this a friendly warning.) With that out of the way... Matthew 5:39 and Matthew 7:12 Nuff said. | 2011-05-05 02:58:00 Author: schm0 ![]() Posts: 1239 |
Just remember. With religion, some people are willing to fight to the death over it. If someone won't leave you alone over a religious issue, just tell them that you have your beliefs, and they can have theirs, and if they don't like that, tough. With religion, you should never have to defend it. If you're a Christian, you're a Christian, and that's that. Don't let others push you around just because they think they can. If they can't accept your views and throw a fit over them, just take pride knowing that you are the bigger person in life. | 2011-05-05 03:15:00 Author: UberOrbPS ![]() Posts: 290 |
I get angry and I start blushing from embarrassment. | 2011-05-05 12:16:00 Author: Amigps ![]() Posts: 564 |
Regarding your first issue I won't comment on it more than saying your teacher did speak a grain of truth there, though the numbers are probably somewhat less extreme and/or different... For everything else I will just post this ![]() http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ljFaKRTrI And quote this in particular: "But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake." ![]() | 2011-05-05 16:04:00 Author: moonwire ![]() Posts: 1627 |
Lol I don't know why but I cry over other people's stories. I know that none of you don't know what's going on in my head, so I'll tell you. My brain, "I am ignoring people that send me messages about that scientific thread now, this is just causing more problems, I better send them a message telling them I'm sorry a second time, oh here's a message back from a person, a moron? okay good sir thanks for that uplifting info...i better just lie down now, now what to do? jump out of this window right next to me? no I can't do that, what to do then? I guess I'll make some pancakes, yup that's it. Pancakes it is." So, I'm eating pancakes, it seems to calm me down, but I don't really know what to do anymore. I just can't get away from...well...you know.... I'm not trying to upset anyone in this thread. I put this thread up specifically so that I could get some information and help keep myself contained and calm so I can live my life in peace, but it seems like this thread is getting out of hand and is making my situation worse. If you don't have anything nice to say to me, please keep it to yourself. Thanks. I am sorry to anyone I have offended, this is the 3rd apology. I know I won't get a return sorry, so in that I say, "Good day to you sir." | 2011-05-05 18:16:00 Author: theonlybub ![]() Posts: 690 |
OK, then few things happened with me too: once, I got bullied for quite some time and then, I snapped and punched him in the face. not the best idea. ![]() Another bully said something rude at me, i said somethig totaly random back. He started to laugh, that made me luagh and we became good friends. And now I'm fine and still on hi-scool so stuff might still happen. Now about those suicidal feelings, i've answered that before in your PM. Have a good day further and don't let someone else take you down. Always think : I'm the best, I rule, Me = super. (not to brag but to keep yourself positive.) and just to be sure: DON'T JUMP !!! | 2011-05-05 20:12:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
In simple. You keep being positive "Keep trying till you run out of cake" This cake is eternal so always be positive. Be thankful, The people who have this help are "Still Alive" The bullies are "The ones who are dead" Emotionally. You got past it "This is a triumph. im making a note here, huge sucess." Extracts from still alive song posted by moonwire. | 2011-05-05 20:25:00 Author: craigmond ![]() Posts: 2426 |
In simple. You keep being positive "Keep trying till you run out of cake" This cake is eternal so always be positive. Be thankful, The people who have this help are "Still Alive" The bullies are "The ones who are dead" Emotionally. You got past it "This is a triumph. im making a note here, huge sucess." Extracts from still alive song posted by moonwire. Thank you ![]() ![]() | 2011-05-05 21:21:00 Author: moonwire ![]() Posts: 1627 |
Well anyway since we ended up posting Portal songs Ill post this one- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVVZaZ8yO6o The part where it says "Now I only want you gone" It refers to (In your case) The last particle that holds you back from being happy again which is now nervousnes. I certainly felt nervous picking my head up but now im quite confident. However I still get made fun of every now and then like today people were being racist towards me because im "Blacker" than them if you want to put it that way. Im only tanned but the constant annoyance of being called things im noy is, well, annoying. When I said "Blacker" there was no racism intended I just couldnt think of any other word ![]() | 2011-05-06 17:41:00 Author: craigmond ![]() Posts: 2426 |
What I'd do is talk to your Headteacher,Familey,Pastor and then spend time by yourself praying to God on how to ressolve this problem or even spend time thinking by yourself.Anyways if you do get bullied on here.Always think positive when they bring you down just be strong and stand up foryour self.If any start's on you DJ'S HERE! and that message is to everyone. ![]() | 2011-05-06 17:55:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Everybody needs haters http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4p8qxGbpOk | 2011-05-06 18:58:00 Author: Rhys125 ![]() Posts: 841 |
I have a hard time being insulted or feeling worthless because of the actions of people I don't know. You don't know them (at least not very well), and the opposite is true as well. If people are insulting you/trying to make you feel worthless, their judging off one or two of your traits. They have their problems too, and their probably just trying to make themselves feel better about themselves. So just ignore it, people who want to be wrong will try their hardest to be wrong. | 2011-05-06 19:18:00 Author: RagTagPwner ![]() Posts: 344 |
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