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Velocity charging cannon

Archive: 5 posts

So, in most video games with weapons, there's a gun or cannon that the longer you hold the trigger, the more powerful the shot gets, and the farther it goes. A lot of people in this game make weapons that have to charge to use, but now, you can actually charge the power and velocity of your projectile.
Here's a recording of the level:
NOTE: I've made updates since I took pictures and video. I've fixed the typo and slow timer in the video, and the power meter in the pics is now 10 neon blocks rather than 5.


(By the way, not going for visuals on this one, otherwise it'd be a kick booty futuristic laser launcher of sorts)
What it does:
1. Sit down in the controlinator, and use the left/right directions on the left analog stick to rotate the cannon.
2. Once you pick the angle, hold down R1 for the desired power, and then release. Simple, right?
3. You could also change the effects to make the shot get bigger the longer held in, or both!

How it Works:
Now it gets a bit more complicated. For the most part, the whole things runs off the sequencer set to .5 seconds on each bar.
On each bar there's a battery hooked up to one 2 input AND switch each. There is one NOT gate that is hooked to every AND gate too, with it's input being the cannon's trigger (R1). This way, The sequencer has to be over the corresponding battery, and when you release R1, the NOT Gates activates 1 input on each AND gate, so only one will have the input of the sequencer AND the NOT gate. The NOT gate is also hooked to the sequencer reset, so you don't have to wait for it to reset on it's own, or 'power down'.

I also added two meters to your left, one a 2.5 second timer, and the other 5 neon block that light up by the batteries.

I think eventually I will be creating a bloons type balloon bursting game with this, which will also be pretty easy logic wise. Anyone who would like to potentially help out with this just ask.

2011-05-03 00:01:00

Posts: 732

Logic looks pretty straight forward and clean. Personally, I'd re-orientate the AND gates and Emitters so that the inputs are on the top and the output is on the bottom. Less wire floating around then.

I know it's just a first step but Sackboy may be facing the wrong way in the controlinator. Depends on the design for the final stage I guess though. But maybe have his back to the screen?

Is there a penalty for 'over charging' the cannon? As you said you've made it pretty modular and scalable, so that may be a little tricky to add.

Anyway... I'll look at it when PSN is back. Hope you get a chance to finally check out my DeLorean at the same time!
2011-05-03 03:49:00

Posts: 1799

Will do! Please send me a reminder once the PSN is up so I dont forget!
Also, It'd be pretty easy actually to add in an overheat when charging to long, but I dont really see a point to it for what I'm making right now. This isn't a finished thing either. I'm going to make it 10 emitters and give it some better looks by the time the PSN is back up.
2011-05-03 04:39:00

Posts: 732

Will do! Please send me a reminder once the PSN is up so I dont forget!
Also, It'd be pretty easy actually to add in an overheat when charging to long, but I dont really see a point to it for what I'm making right now. This isn't a finished thing either. I'm going to make it 10 emitters and give it some better looks by the time the PSN is back up.

Having seen your Jakbot's colour effects I'm sure yyou'll have some cool lights and flashy stuff!
2011-05-03 05:32:00

Posts: 1799

Thanks! I'll try to do two versions in demo level. One will be the basic one shown above, and the other will have the bombs get larger and change color the higher the velocity.
EDIT: Hey, just to let everyone know I added video and updates in general to the post!
2011-05-09 13:22:00

Posts: 732

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