An Interview With Lockstitch
Archive: 18 posts
http://i1233.photobucket.com/albums/ff393/valmassoilbpc/Misc%20Thread%20Items/lockstitch.png A Household Name on LBP for PS3. Known for his unique story-lines and clever gameplay, Lockstitch continues to create levels that leave players in awe. How did you first find out about Little Big Planet? I heard about it a long time before I bought it. I was one of those people who got fooled that it was a kids game by the box art. After I bought it in April 2010 I was kicking myself for not getting it sooner. What was your very first level like? I starting building my first level right after I finished the main story. I was so excited to make a level that I didn't do much work on figuring out how to make a good one first. Thus after about a week of building sky ruins I realized my level was poor, scrapped it and started on "a whispering grove.". That became my first published level, which also eventually fell short of my standards and I deleted it. "a realm forgotten" was next and the earliest level of mine to remain published. What level of your own is your favorite and why? Currently I'd have to say refuse ridge. I really like the fast paced platforming and the setting was refreshing for me. I think it's visually my best work. What level of your own was the hardest to create? They're all about the same difficulty. A realm forgotten took the longest because as I built it over 2 months my skills increased so much that earlier portions I had made fell below my new standards and had to be scrapped and redone. What's your favorite and least favorite thing about Little Big Planet? My favorite thing about lbp is the ability to create levels and post them online, no surprise there. My least favorite thing would probably be the jealousy that the game breeds in some people. Who would you say is an inspiration to your work, if applicable? My biggest early little big planet idol was jackofcourse. His levels always had something new with a great wow factor. I wanted to make levels that gave players the same feeling. If there were only five materials in Little Big Planet, which would you choose? I'd choose a basic set of the POTC materials. I love them all and plan to come back to some of them sometime soon. In every level of yours, you introduce an unique storyline, which one is your favorite? Well, its hard to say really, most of my stories are just an excuse for some platforms and a scoreboard to be presented.... but given that I think that Refuse Ridge would have to be my favorite story, it's lighter and more carefree than my others. What is your favorite song in Little Big Planet? Ghosts, it got me to listen to all of Lady Tron's stuff... I had built Refuse Ridge specifically to go with that music, but then at the end realized I didn't really like the fit. If you were to talk to newcomers, what advice would you give? My advice for new people would be to take your time and have fun. I see too many new players who want to instantly be a great creator. It doesn't work like that... Getting better in create takes months and a lot of trial and error in the process. Do you have any hobbies in life other than Little Big Planet? My earliest hobby was anything Battletech. I'd play tabletop, painted a large army of figurines, and read a lot of the novels. After that I mainly switched to playing RPG's, but now I mostly stick with LBP. I enjoy a nice jog and try to get out and run a few times a week. Otherwise it's LBP unless friends come calling. | 2011-05-02 23:09:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
Wonderful interview! ![]() | 2011-05-02 23:13:00 Author: galacemiguel ![]() Posts: 179 |
Oh my.. I can't wait until I become a renowned creator. When I get interviewed on G4, GameInformer and eventually the News, I'm going tell everyone who MY idol is. | 2011-05-04 00:10:00 Author: PurpleChaos ![]() Posts: 155 |
I lost my interest for platformer levels sometime during lbp1 , i wish these popular creators spent more time making more lbp2 exclusive things like rpg's or feature filled adventures. when i play on console i expect to be overcome by a driven story or tacticle gameplay, platformering is something i would expect to do on a handheld now a' days. But i guess it will always have an audience for those who are new to lbp, or just like to feel nostalgic. | 2011-05-04 00:19:00 Author: ShadowTyphoon ![]() Posts: 80 |
I lost my interest for platformer levels sometime during lbp1 , i wish these popular creators spent more time making more lbp2 exclusive things like rpg's or feature filled adventures. when i play on console i expect to be overcome by a driven story or tacticle gameplay, platformering is something i would expect to do on a handheld now a' days. But i guess it will always have an audience for those who are new to lbp, or just like to feel nostalgic. Platformers are a way for skilled creators to express their style in a classical and fun method. A platformer has many more values than a zombie survival or a minigame if you ask me. But I guess some don't have the taste to recognize talent in just a platformer eh? LBP2 was implemented with a plethora of features. It's what one decides to do with said features that makes an elite creator. Some choose to put their hard work into visually adept and fluid platforming levels, some decide to make an innovative new RPG level of the sort. This balances the flow of levels sort of, though platforms are starting to die out. Guys like Lockstitch are giving the community inspiration to craft quality works, and one day I'll give something back! | 2011-05-04 00:50:00 Author: PurpleChaos ![]() Posts: 155 |
I lost my interest for platformer levels sometime during lbp1 , i wish these popular creators spent more time making more lbp2 exclusive things like rpg's or feature filled adventures. when i play on console i expect to be overcome by a driven story or tacticle gameplay, platformering is something i would expect to do on a handheld now a' days. But i guess it will always have an audience for those who are new to lbp, or just like to feel nostalgic. You do realize LBP is a platforming game right? So when you say platforming should only be on handhelds, you're dissing LBP itself. Also, Lockstitch's lbp.me profile says "Hey LBP, I'm Lockstitch and I'm here for the platforming!" | 2011-05-04 01:11:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
I lost my interest for platformer levels sometime during lbp1 , i wish these popular creators spent more time making more lbp2 exclusive things like rpg's or feature filled adventures. when i play on console i expect to be overcome by a driven story or tacticle gameplay, platformering is something i would expect to do on a handheld now a' days. But i guess it will always have an audience for those who are new to lbp, or just like to feel nostalgic. honestly i like platformers far more then that other stuff people make. while i do enjoy a good movie level here and there. platformer is just more fun. the gameplay is great. the visuals, everything! I enjoy everything about sidescrolling platformers. RPGs suck on this game because there are no save systems that can be made. mini games are fine but that's why they are called MINI-games. they are just little things to have fun with between bigger games. movie levels are pretty much the same thing as minigames, something short to enjoy between the main stuff. so no. big name creators should not stop creating platformers. if that's what they enjoy. *mew and you think platforming should only be on handhelds??? are you joking? i hate when people say that kind of junk. people also say that about a lot of RPGs lately. no there is room for everything on everything. i like to play big well made detailed platforming games or any type of games i enjoy most on my main game system thank you very much. | 2011-05-04 01:23:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Its hard to make this arguement with so much garbage on the community pages, (zombie levels, basic mini games, bad top downs) However i do understand lbp was founded on platforming, i think its evolved past that. By "that" i mean making a level thats entirely platforming. LBP2 emphasizes that you can make entire "games" now. A level entirely based on platforming is not a "game" in my opinion. Not anymore at least. The levels they are making, althought beautiful and fun, are not making good use of the tools in lbp2. Why cant we have side scrolling levels, with a sackbot with a full health and energy system, a full set of abilities, and on top of the a large adventure to play through. That way we can make use of the "plethora" of tools given to us. Platformers do not require any new tactical gameplay. Its basically the same type gameplay over and over. And what has happened, is that no one has really created a feature filled adventure level, because its so time consuming and difficult. Thats why so many people are still enjoying basic platformers. Cuz they are great in comparison to all the movies,previews,trailers,concepts,minigames,zombie s,shooters,topdowns. I give it to steve_big_gunz however cuz hes starting to leave his comfort zone, and make some innovative stuff. When mediocre creators attempt to make these feature fillled adventured im talking about, it turns into a concept or a preview because they dont have it in them to make something that large, complex, and time consuming. thats why it would be nice to see creators like lockstitch, make some complicated sackbots and tactical gameplay to accomplany his levels. | 2011-05-04 04:16:00 Author: ShadowTyphoon ![]() Posts: 80 |
Cool interview. You are one of my favorite creators. All your levels are unique and amazingly designed. I can't find one I didn't like. Keep it up, looking forward to your future levels. | 2011-05-04 05:03:00 Author: comishguy67 ![]() Posts: 849 |
. So basically your just saying you want people to put more one of a kind ideas in to their platformers? making them different from one another ETC? because you do know even something Like Sonic or Rocketknight are platformers (and they are full games) even tho their gameplay are different, even if you add a story and adventure, long as it's a sidescroller full of action (and I think it still has to have some form of platforms you have to get to in order to progress in the level) that's still what one calls a platformer... i think your using the wrong word for what your trying to say. what you mean is your tried of platformers that only use the Basic LBP type of gameplay. Even though that Basic LBP gameplay has it’s own fan base on LBP. But anyways, and yes a whole game of platforming is still a whole game. Even if you add a story to it some puzzles and make least more then 3 hours worth of game play. meaning its at least 5 levels long, that's still a platformer. platformer is not a old type of game it is just a type. and it's loved by many. and pretty much long as it a action sidescroller it is still called a platformer even if it has gameplay unlike any other ![]() *mew and without a save system no one can really make a lot of game types. more or less we lose like 50% game types if not more without a way to save. so pretty much only short level ideas can be done as no body is gonna go to the trouble of making something long. well some try but they never get done. But I’ll stop here. This is going really off topic. So I’ll just say this to go back on topic~ Lockstitch’s levels are really Nice ![]() And I hope he keeps up the good work. And nice interview. | 2011-05-04 05:19:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Yeah i agree, lbp has developed its own meaning for "platformer". Something with a list of items or weapons, or a special movie that adds some new strategy and tactical play to a level is all im asking for. And these dont require game saves. I do appreciate all the work thats goes into these levels, and frankly as boring as i find these basic platformers, i still keep coming back to them cause of all the other bad lvls spread around the community. But in my opinion this doesnt mean we have to settle for them when the creator is fully capable of adding some strategic and uniqu gameplay to their lvls. This is just my opinion, im not saying any1's lvls are bad, just voicing my prefrences. To be honest i think soon people will start making more of these "platformers with strategy", something unique like sonic, like you mentioned, and basic platformers like these will be required of higher gameplay standards. | 2011-05-04 05:38:00 Author: ShadowTyphoon ![]() Posts: 80 |
Its hard to make this arguement with so much garbage on the community pages, (zombie levels, basic mini games, bad top downs) However i do understand lbp was founded on platforming, i think its evolved past that. By "that" i mean making a level thats entirely platforming. LBP2 emphasizes that you can make entire "games" now. A level entirely based on platforming is not a "game" in my opinion. Not anymore at least. The levels they are making, althought beautiful and fun, are not making good use of the tools in lbp2. Why cant we have side scrolling levels, with a sackbot with a full health and energy system, a full set of abilities, and on top of the a large adventure to play through. That way we can make use of the "plethora" of tools given to us. Platformers do not require any new tactical gameplay. Its basically the same type gameplay over and over. And what has happened, is that no one has really created a feature filled adventure level, because its so time consuming and difficult. Thats why so many people are still enjoying basic platformers. Cuz they are great in comparison to all the movies,previews,trailers,concepts,minigames,zombie s,shooters,topdowns. I give it to steve_big_gunz however cuz hes starting to leave his comfort zone, and make some innovative stuff. When mediocre creators attempt to make these feature fillled adventured im talking about, it turns into a concept or a preview because they dont have it in them to make something that large, complex, and time consuming. thats why it would be nice to see creators like lockstitch, make some complicated sackbots and tactical gameplay to accomplany his levels. I guess you're entitled to your opinion. But honestly, I would much rather live with all platforming levels instead of RPGs or games | 2011-05-04 12:00:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
Nice interview, lovely light hearted side to it - can't wait to get PSN back and enjoy some of Lockstitch's work again! | 2011-05-04 12:26:00 Author: rialrees ![]() Posts: 1015 |
Well I guess I should throw in my two cents here.... To me LBP has always been about the classic platforming levels...and I may just be old and crotchety at 25 yrs... but I really haven't enjoyed the new direction LBP2 has gone. Sure the new tools are great, but it has brought an increase in movies and mini-games, both which I generally don't enjoy much. I do agree though that some really cool new platform stuff can be made with the tools. Comph's Wizard is the perfect example. Its great platforming that uses many of the new features nicely to create a whole new game. However, I most enjoy platformers that are polished, fun and innovative, and so for the forseeable future those are what I'll try to produce. | 2011-05-04 16:45:00 Author: Lockstitch ![]() Posts: 415 |
Nice to see an interview on here. Wish ya had the full page treatment Lockstitch, you deserve it. Love your levels. I would love it if you could check out my level once PSN is back up. I'd really like some feedback form someone whose work i respect. On another note, I know everyone is entitled to their opinions, but consider me one of the old fogeys who love the platforming element. Oftentimes, simplicity just works. Cant wait for project Loki....whatever it may be. | 2011-05-05 13:28:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Awesome creator and a really nice guy to boot. I've had the pleasure of playing with him a few times, he's so down to earth and respectful despite his almost iconic status within the LBP community. Great interview! ![]() | 2011-05-05 13:38:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt ![]() Posts: 1477 |
Awesome creator and a really nice guy to boot. I've had the pleasure of playing with him a few times, he's so down to earth and respectful despite his almost iconic status within the LBP community. Great interview! ![]() Lol that is like precisely what I can and would say. Except its better then what Id say because Im only good with words in arguments, which probably isnt a great thing. Anyway, congrats on your interview Lockstitch, cant wait to see the finish product of Loki! And I will say, Ive always been slightly surprised at how courteous you are to other people. Anyone asks you to play their level, and youre there, no bad talking, no ignoring. Ive never seen anyone else quite that sincere. I can you as a great person in real life. Maybe you can tutor me in math sometime ![]() | 2011-05-05 19:37:00 Author: ATMLVE ![]() Posts: 1177 |
Maybe you can tutor me in math sometime ![]() I can teach you once he's done with me. | 2011-05-06 21:09:00 Author: PurpleChaos ![]() Posts: 155 |
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