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Importing Music

Archive: 7 posts

I'd like to see a feature where you could import INSTRUMENTAL Music to your levels in LBP, much like when playing music in the Pod or create mode. To avoid copyright and such, at the start of the level, there could be a little expandable bubble (like a speech bubble) giving you information on the track, such as Name, Composer etc.

What do you think?
2011-05-02 14:09:00

Posts: 319

Showing music description don't avoid copyrights + it can be easily altered 2011-05-02 15:20:00

Posts: 3991

- Give song info.
- Forget copyright.
- ????
- Profit!

Hehe, no but yeah, just giving info about the song is not enough, as mentioned above.
Need to pay to "legally" use them anyways.
2011-05-02 15:29:00

Posts: 6707

Yeah, I suppose. Something built-in like iTunes would be a good way to get over copyright, as you pay to use the music -> money is paid to companies and such. Copyright would obviously be a big issue.2011-05-02 19:00:00

Posts: 319

Yeah. Using a service like iTunes welded into the system would avoid copyright issues, inasmuch as the songs could be restricted to those with compatible licencing. As it is, even those sequenced (or in LBP1 interminably long...) music levels are technically illegal.2011-05-02 19:57:00

Posts: 379

As much as I would personally love the feature, I also believe it would take away from the custom made songs using the music sequencer.2011-05-03 01:43:00

Posts: 2018

Welll in that case it's more Sony job to do so since they got plugs in music industry, not ot mention they publish music too as same as movies2011-05-03 03:57:00

Posts: 3991

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