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Best Video Game Level Ever?

Archive: 16 posts

Tell me your favorite. I'm Curious.

For me it was the last level of resistance 2, in the southern plantation. I've just never played anything like that before. The swamps, the southern style manor, the town, the ferry boat. Not one part that didn't thrill me.
2008-12-05 03:19:00

Posts: 380

Wow, that's a toughy. There are a lot of greats out there, and I'm sure there are others that I loved, but I remember being awed by the final colossus in Shadow of the Colossus, it was completely epic in scope, and I felt really great when I managed to beat it.2008-12-05 03:36:00

Posts: 20

GoldenEye on N64 - Facility2008-12-05 04:51:00

Unknown User

GoldenEye on N64 - Facility


Close calls:

High Charity on Halo 2. When "Blow me away" kicks in. Love that moment. And the rest of the level is also pretty epic in size and scale and design.

Mile high club on Call of Duty 4. Fast paced, frantic, and a lot of fun. Not overly long so you don't get bored either.

First level of Resistance FoM. It was set in York, my hometown. Full of historical innacuracies, but I can live with it.

Starlight zone in Sonic 1. I loved the music, it was such an interesting change of pace to the rest of the game.

Emerald palace/ Forbidden palace (I think) in Sonic 3 and Knuckles. see above.

Turtledrome in TMNT the arcade game. It took me, my two friends, my dad and a whole load of coins to beat that level, but the level of accomplishment you felt afterwards was brilliant!

I'm sure I can think of some other great ones, but those are the ones that spring to mind.
2008-12-05 10:48:00

Posts: 1084

Off the top of my head:

Surface Tension - Half-Life. I used to play that section over and over.

DM-Peak - Unreal Tournament. Ditto, though it is a tournament game so it makes more sense. =P

The part in Grim Fandango where theres a dam made out of peoples skeletons guarded by demon beavers. ^__^

Mansion - Timesplitters 1.

Massive hall section at the end of Serious Sam: Second Encounter, with thousands of enemies.

Shamazaar - Outcast.

Meh, cant think of anymore right now...
2008-12-05 10:58:00

Posts: 48

2nd Bonus Level of Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil.
Hardest Platforming stage I've ever played (even with all the LBP custom stages included)
2008-12-08 06:52:00

Shining Aquas
Posts: 353

COD4 - All Ghillied Up.

'Nuff said
2008-12-08 06:55:00

Posts: 2080

Motorstorm pacific rift - Sugar rush.
Best racetrack i've seen in any racegame

R2 - The chicago level.
that was just epic ^^


GoldenEye on N64 - Facility
2008-12-08 21:11:00

Unknown User

Mario Bros- Level 1-1

enough said
2008-12-08 21:16:00

Posts: 6419

Oooh, if we're doing racetracks, my favorite ones are:

1. Donnington Park (full circuit)
2. Brands Hatch (full circuit)
3. Laguna Seca

All real race tracks, I love playing on authentic tracks.
2008-12-09 09:29:00

Posts: 1084

Um race tracks?

Any level from diddy kong racing
2008-12-13 07:44:00

Posts: 380

Sonic green hill zone act 32008-12-13 07:46:00

Posts: 134

Mine is definitely the Shalebridge Cradle from Thief: Deadly Shadows. That level is just incredible. One of the most chilling, ominous and nerve-wracking levels I've ever played... and the game isn't even a horror!

Aside: Hello again everyone, good to be back. I've had college keeping me busy the last few months, Medicine is tough... who knew!? Anyway looking forward to gadding about with yas all in the near future.
2008-12-13 18:11:00

Posts: 1018

good lord... this question could keep me busy for days just thinking about it. i just beat mirror's edge so i'd like to nominate something from there but i'm not sure what. the level design is just great and feels so organic. most level design in games feels contrived and designed just to play through, but the mirors edge levels feel like they could actually belong in the real world, and are also great to play through.

but i think i'm going to have to nominate level 6-1 from Ninja Gaiden (NES). SUPER hard but once you start to get it down, you FEEL like a ninja hopping between enemies and dispatching without losing your flow. the opening bridge is a prime example of this. the whole game has it but this level really showcases it.
2008-12-13 19:02:00

Posts: 157

The first Metal Gear.This game was epic I remeber get the remote rockets for the first time just haveing a field game with them.
Then ther was Duck Hunt that game excellent.
THen came Tenchu the epic in silent death.
2008-12-13 19:13:00

Posts: 83

i got a new favorite level.
The last mission in GTA San Andreas.

its like 45minutes its the most fun ever!
2008-12-13 19:48:00

Posts: 6419

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