Ponderosa: Visit the big ranch, meet a sick cow and grab the hidden treasures!
Archive: 1 post
This is a self-promotion of my very first level. But don't go away fast. I spent a lot of time to make it fun to play, at least I hope it is. My first level is called Ponderosa. It is placed in Wild West setting around a big ranch (well, you know the Ponderosa, don't you?). You can choose between no less than three routes to succeed. One is a bit harder, the other two are easier to solve. As reward I placed a main and a hidden treasure on the hard route and some funny mini-quests along the road. Maybe I will upload a video walkthrough later but it is more fun to discover the secrets on one's own, isn't it ![]() A two-player team achievement can be found on the top of the ranch's roof. Can you solve the quest with the sick cow? I have reached a point where nothing can be added anymore, it is 100% full. One more object and it will overheat. So some compromises had to be made visually but I think it is still enjoyable and re-playable. I spent around a week until now. It is no 2-hours-give-me-hearts-now-shot. Obviously, I would appreciate hearts if you think it is good enough ![]() Tell me what you think here or in the comments, please. Thank you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ok, I promised a video walkthrough so here it is: f2KBq5_Gi-M Additionally, some pictures out of the editor for your pleasure: http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=137&stc=1&d=1228572717 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=138&stc=1&d=1228572724 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=139&stc=1&d=1228572730 | 2008-12-06 14:16:00 Author: apricum ![]() Posts: 8 |
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