Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Archive: 3 posts
After the second Transformers movie, a lot of the people involved with the movie were willing to admit that it wasn't that great. With that in mind, they supposedly set out to make this a far superior movie. This trailer just came out, and the action has me really excited, but we'll have to see about the story: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxVt75aGko8 Official website (http://www.transformersmovie.com/) What do you guys think? Will this actually be better than Transformers 2? At least Megan Fox is gone. | 2011-04-29 04:42:00 Author: Patronus21 ![]() Posts: 266 |
Good God.. Bay really does try to out do himself every year on the explosions and effects doesn't he? Will still make everyone involved millions of dollars though, people just love mindless popcorn movies. Oh and, never will get used to flapping machine lips. They kinda freak me out. | 2011-04-29 05:16:00 Author: KoingWolf ![]() Posts: 386 |
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_H_z3hls5LKg/TGWWxS0lwpI/AAAAAAAAAFQ/b-P5NP9Hexk/s400/Pwnage.png Looks like the humans have no chance. And it looks like Prime doesn't even want to help. Those Decepticons just invaded like THAT (clicks fingers). Hopefully Soundwave will get some action, and Shockwave looks awesome! | 2011-04-29 15:32:00 Author: Jakest123 ![]() Posts: 319 |
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