Demon Souls- Help? :(
Archive: 32 posts
Ok, so after seeing many reviews and great feedback on the game, I decided to go out and buy Demon Souls, and I have. ![]() I loaded up the game, created a character etc and did the tutorial. Well, until the boss came and killed me in about 4 seconds. That was a impossible start to a game. lol So i'm in soul form, trying to beat the first level but around every corner there's some good dam enemie waiting for me. I finally get on top of the castle/fort to the cannons and see this heavy armoured guard standing there. I have to fight him, several archers in the area with damaged armour/weapons and no potions/items whilst this guard beats the living soul out of me and then, just as i'm about to end his life, he heals himself. That is as far as i've gotten so far, just outside some warp door thingy.. idk.. I'm not complaining, I mean it is fun and everything though it's EXTREMELY difficult and annoying. The class i chose was the Thief, no reason, just did. I have the standard equiptment with a berserk sword i believe, which i can wield, but the effectness is lessoned. I have about 900 souls at most, so my question is what do I do? I need tips/help/hints.. whatever.. Should I restart with a new class or what? This is extremely hard so I need all the advice I can get. Any answers are GREATLY appreciated. ![]() Oh, and not having PSN makes it harder because of no messages. lol Thanks! RC | 2011-04-27 12:48:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Welcome to Demon's Souls. What you are experiencing is completely normal. This is just how the game says "hello". Don't worry, you'll get used to it. For starters, you're supposed to die in the beginning. It's possible to kill the boss, but I've never been so masochistic as to try. Now, for the rest of your problem... In your other thread, I advised you that melee classes were going to be hard. Thief moreso, due to their frail nature to begin with. So, you may want to restart for sanity's sake, in order to choose a more hardy class. You could try warrior until you learn the game a little more thoroughly. Part of Demon's souls is learning where the enemies are and how to handle them. The other is not sticking your neck out too far. Treat this game as if it were real life. Would you really charge into an area without carefully surveying your surroundings? Would you really engage into a fight with three enemies at once if you could instead, lure them away one at a time? This game turns everything you know about this type of game inside out. It's about developing strategy and being ever so careful even when you think there's nothing to have a care about. For the particular area you're having difficulty with, at the top of the stairs, ignore the knight, and take out the lancer and archers behind you first. For the knight, you need to learn to parry and counterstrike. Keeping your stamina gauge full is also key - no stamina = no blocking. Remember, you can always run away and try again, but don't get too far or he will heal up, as you've seen. NB: I started as a Female Royal and morphed my stats into a Mageasin over time. I had very low HP, but focused on doing huge damage from a distance. | 2011-04-28 03:24:00 Author: Thegide ![]() Posts: 1465 |
Three things to add. One, if the knight that was trashing you is a Red Eyes Knight then you'd best just find another route as he's far stronger then the rest of the enemies around and is guarding the way to a bonus boss (who's door is locked until you get a key much later on anyway). Two, if the knight was a Blue Eyes Knight you really are supposed to kill those to advance and you really need to be a lot more careful compared to the dredgelings and soldiers in the area; while successfully parrying and riposting as Thegide suggested would probably kill them instantly it is also fairly risky (especially at low levels) unless you're practiced at it. A strategy I would also recommend is to position yourself for backstabs and dagger-type weapons (which thieves start with) have a bigger angle at enemies' backs where backstabs can occur; Blue Eyes do telegraph their swings quite a bit and after they finish a combo or running thrust they are vulnerable although to reliably position yourself for backstabs you want to avoid those strikes rather then block them so try circle strafing and waiting for the right time (while keeping the shield up just in case). And you can interrupt whem using healing grass on themselves; their animation when they do is similar to yours and they lower their shield so watch carefully. Finally, you mentioned you're using a berserk sword but as far as I can recall there isn't a sword by that name in the game. In all likelihood you found the "B@$t@rd Sword" and in all likelihood you don't have the stats the wield it effectively just yet (maybe if you use it in two-hand mode but that means no shield) which means the damage you deal with it will be greatly reduced, which is something you really don't want. | 2011-04-28 04:18:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
A great game to get, Demon's Soul's is one my all time favorites. My favorite class is the temple knight, you get the halberd which is a very effective close to medium range weapon. It's good for keeping a little bit of distance, you can also heal yourself with this class. Which is an extremely valuable attribute for this game. The key to to getting through the stages is the really the dying over and over again, because if you stick with it you will learn and be able to complete it eventually. Some of the latter stages in the game are much harder than Boletarian palace (First stage). I have completed the game more than once. It's all about timing your blocks and rolling effectively. That's pretty much all the advice that can be given, Good luck with it ![]() | 2011-04-28 12:08:00 Author: Bluephantom575 ![]() Posts: 142 |
We warned you it was a difficult game. But that's one of the things I like about it. Another strategy would be to make a few small incursions to build up some soul points before returning to the nexus to spend them buying some extra moon grass etc. Take everything slow ![]() | 2011-04-28 14:09:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
I need tips/help/hints.. whatever.. Should I restart with a new class or what? This is extremely hard so I need all the advice I can get. My first playthrough was offline as a knight. It was soon after release so there weren't any guides or anything. I recommend you play first without reading any advice or hints because it'll make the game more fun and rewarding. | 2011-04-28 14:29:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
Thanks for everyones suggestions and help, it's helping alot and i'm becoming alot more cautious in playing each new level. I found the thief very quick, but weak which is good but one hit is game over, so I decided to try the temple knight, which was perfect for me. I'm able to keep distance and heal myself, though I don't use it often. I've learn't certain spells and miracles and currently use a pickaxe, standard armour, fire blast spell thingy and heal.. The pickaxe i'm using because i'm on 2-2, and a hint suggested piercing attacks, so i learn't pickaxes pierced quite well. In just a day, i've beaten the 1-1 boss, slug thing whatever.. The temple guard thing 1-2.. and the armoured spider just a second ago 2-1. That massive guy with the shield was a nightmare, he kept crushing me over and over and since i'm avoiding using guides and walkthroughs, this is proving to be a amazingly challenging game. Now starting 2-2, after that spider, i'm not sure what to expect and slightly scared :/ In real life, i have a whatever they are, phopeia? or something, a fear of spiders, and fighting that one was horrifing lol, i hate looking at em.. One question though. Before i fought the spider, I wasn't able to advance to 1-3 because of a fog that told me to slay an archdemon.. Is that just any other demon in another world or..? idk Anyway, thanks guys and LOVING THE GAME xd | 2011-04-28 15:13:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Now starting 2-2, after that spider, i'm not sure what to expect and slightly scared :/ In real life, i have a whatever they are, phopeia? or something, a fear of spiders, and fighting that one was horrifing lol, i hate looking at em.. Yeah when I first saw all those cobwebs in the mine I was expecting some gross Shelob-type thing at any moment. The boss wasn't that bad for me though and I hate spiders. I was happy is was just staying in one place and wasn't hairy and bleh. ![]() One question though. Before i fought the spider, I wasn't able to advance to 1-3 because of a fog that told me to slay an archdemon.. Is that just any other demon in another world or..? idk An archdemon is the boss in the last level of a world. In other words you need to finish one world entirely to advance further in world 1. | 2011-04-28 15:37:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
Ah you mean arachnophobia.... EDIT: Ayneh sniped me | 2011-04-28 15:44:00 Author: Thegide ![]() Posts: 1465 |
Ah ok, so to advance further in world one I must complete another world entirely before continuing, great.. Not looking forward to that at all XD Is there a reason for this? I mean like is there a master boss or something that lays behind world 1-3? And I was also kinda cautious around seeing the webs, i had next to no health and when i went down the shaft I knew it was going to be bad. I need went to the boss without knowing it was him behind the warp, and i didn't die due to a stone I found earlier one that allows the player to teleport back to the nexsis unharmed and with all souls, which I found very usful. Wonder what lays ahead, though to be honest I don't want to know. They're getting harder and the gameplay is becoming much more focused on stats. I'm constantly having to test kill enemies to find their weaknesses. Like shooting fire, spells, melee, blunt etc until I find what they are weak against, which is time consuming but also fun. | 2011-04-28 16:15:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Ah ok, so to advance further in world one I must complete another world entirely before continuing, great.. Not looking forward to that at all XD Is there a reason for this? I mean like is there a master boss or something that lays behind world 1-3? Something like that... the game does finish off in world 1. And I was also kinda cautious around seeing the webs, i had next to no health and when i went down the shaft I knew it was going to be bad. I need went to the boss without knowing it was him behind the warp, and i didn't die due to a stone I found earlier one that allows the player to teleport back to the nexsis unharmed and with all souls, which I found very usful. Wonder what lays ahead, though to be honest I don't want to know. They're getting harder and the gameplay is becoming much more focused on stats. I'm constantly having to test kill enemies to find their weaknesses. Like shooting fire, spells, melee, blunt etc until I find what they are weak against, which is time consuming but also fun. Indeed, you are going about things the right way from the sound of it. Just don't spread yourself too thin stats-wise. It's better to play off your strengths and guard your weaknesses than to try to be a jack-of-all-trades. In all likelihood, you will be replaying through the game several times with the same character if you're trying to collect trophies (because you need several copies of some demon's souls in order to obtain all the items/spells). | 2011-04-28 20:04:00 Author: Thegide ![]() Posts: 1465 |
Yeah well the game is challenging and the help you've given me along with several other players here in this thread had been of great use to me without spoiling any of the fun. And as for stats, I'm sometimes stuck with the decision of what to use my souls on. For example, after fighting a boss or clearing and memoirzing the path up to the boss i'm generally out of stock, meaning damgered armour, weapons, no food or items etc, and since souls are used to buy spells, miracles, items, reapirs, health and stats, it's all one big blur and requires amazing decisions on how to spend it. I generally buy food and repair armour before starting a supply run as I call it, where I simply play through a, or several levels, killing enemies I know the where abouts of and collecting their drops, Once i've done that, i look for secret areas and head back to restock. One area I found quite cool was on 2-1 at the very start, but at the time I didn't noitce it, I only noitced it when I went back. But it was in the first room, those platforms that go up, around down, around and up again taking you to several floors that are hidden. That was quite cool and the constant obstacles through the game are amazing. I mean the breaking bridges etc, they are unexpected and awesome. So glad I got this game and so looking forward to Dark souls, which isn't a sequal they annoynced. It's just got the basic gameplay from Demon Souls with the same characters but a new story and enemies and world. Oh, the gameplay is harder O.O | 2011-04-28 20:23:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Hey, For those reading this, your obviously more pro at Demon Souls than I am and i'd appreciate it if you were to give me some feedback on how my character is doing. Here are my stats that I thought were relevant: Vitality 16 Intellegence 10 Endurance 17 Strength 18 Dexterity 12 Magic 15 Faith 13 Luck 7 Soul Level 28 Health Points 698 Mana Points 65 Stamina 104 I have also found 5 rings without guides etc whilst killing the following demons: 1-1 1-2 2-1 Also 2-2 Red Dragon that did the fire breathing along the bridges. The rings I have are: Cling Ring Thieve Ring Ring of Posion Restistence Ring of Fire Restistence Ring of Gash Restistence I am a Temple Knight, though i'm nto using the Halberd as much as other weapons. I found that most of my injurys/deaths weren't from me being in the wrong place or anything, it was stamina. So, i've changed to wizard robes which i found whilst starting 3-1 with the normal helmet and a scimmy. + 3 and a shield (not sure name) +3. I carry both things in left hand for mircales and magic spells and also a bow with 200 arrows. My spells are Heal and Fire blast. Hope this helps, tell me if i'm doing ok? I also have 3 of those stones that revive you ![]() | 2011-04-28 23:53:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
In regards to stats, the ones that you can't go wrong with increasing are Vitality and Endurance as more HP, Stamina, and Equip Weight capacity is never a bad thing although there is a limit to how much Stamina you can have which is hit before endurance itself is maxed out, afterwhich more endurance will be a waste unless you really want to equip the most heavy armor available (which most don't). On the other hand, Luck is something you never want to increase unless you want to make a build based around the Blueblood Sword, which is potentially one of the best weapons in the game but only becomes such when you invest in massive amounts of luck (which modifies the sword's damage more then other stats). And while luck technically increases the rate of drops, most exhaustive testing has found that it only increaes the rate of common drop which are exactly what their name suggests and being swamped with them is detrimental to farming the valuable stuff. How intelligent you want your character to be is something that should be decided by how much emphasis you want to put on magic/miracle use. Simply put, if you imagine yourself liking the idea of having a greater variety of magic and casting more of it then you'll want to invest in it although there is a limit to how many magic slots that is also hit before intelligence is maxed out. On my more magic-heavy characters I usually just stop raising Intelligence when Magic Memory hits 6; while MP will continue to rise until Int is maxed you should have plenty of spice to restore it anyway. If you just see magic as a supplement to your fighting style rather then a key component you probably want to put in much less. In regards to the other stats, what you should invest in is directly tied to what equipment you want to use and what sort of fighting style you employ. Remember, in addition to equipment requiring the proper stats to wield effectively, the damage weapons do is also determined by what stat modifiers are associated with them. Brute force fighters use strength but other characters should just invest just enough to make effective use of what equipment you want. Fighters that rely on more "technique" based weapons such as bows or katanas should raise dexterity, otherwise treat it similarly to strength in regards to equipment requirements. Magic-heavy users should obviously invest in Magic, and there are also weapons that have significant magic modifiers. Similarly, Miracle-heavy users should invest in Faith and look into weapons with Faith based modifiers. If you plan to keep using the bow and spells I would recommend not increasing strength anymore. At 18 it is enough to use the heavy-type Steel Shield which is a solid choice that is more then adequate for the rest of the game, especially when upgraded. Now the real choice lies in what sort of balance you want between Dexterity, Faith and Magic. You'll just have to decide for yourself what you want to use the most: arrows, magic or miracles. You can distribute them equally but remember you never need to make extensive use of all three and it's better to be good at two rather then average at all three (being excellent at one can work great, but it might not be very flexible and could also prove boring). | 2011-04-29 05:18:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
Ok, well after that I feel kind of swamped with information and thanks ![]() Though you say that some stats effect weapons and increase them and such, though I can never tell what weapons need the stats and so on. The stat screen is a bit WOW at first sight with all the information to take into account. Yea, I'm currently using th Steel Shield with 18 strength, that's the reason I got 18 strength. I raise Vitality due to wanting to increase my maxium health whilst in Soul Form, alongwith the clingring. The other stats i'm not sure what does what and what would be best for me. I've recently begun using fire blast as a magic spell to attack enemies rather than using arrows or bolts. I've only used arrows to take down the red dragon on 2-2 along the bridge, and on 2-2 where the red dragon sits next to the blue dragon so i could get the items, though i didn't get one coz the blue dragon took me of my feet with his tail so I legged it. My fighting style if more of the following: -When i'm fighting someone who focused on magic, i usally wait for him to shoot me, and dodge it, and repeat this several times to learn his moves. Then i fight back with magic, keep my distance and avoiding his spells. -When fighting melee, I tend to walk towards them with a shield, and wait for them to attack, then move behind them and attack em. For blue eyed knights this proves usful, but for red eye knights, it still seems very difficult and they always kill me. I got into the door at 1-1 that knight was guarding, and got killed by some glowing green ninja running around the room lol ![]() When fighting ranged enemies, i walk towards them with my shield, and roll to avoid arrows, and attack one at atime keeping an eye on the other archers. My weapons i use the most are Pickaxe +3 Scimmy +2 Halberd +2 I recently took off armour for robes, but have not yet seen if this is a good choice, but i'm not sure about what stats to raise since my fighting style if kinda differential depending on what im fighting and weither i know its fighting style. I never use heal, NEVER. I usally use the herbs/etc i find in drops. Hope this helps, RC | 2011-04-29 09:35:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
It's hard to tell what stats you personally want to put in on your first go around unless you look at a wiki site for a long time, because you don't know what weapons you like the most until you are at the end pretty much. Upgraded weapons are the best & they depend on your type of build, that's one of the great thing about DS because there is no best weapons or stats to put in, it's up to ow you personally like to play. You can't go wrong with endurance or vitality, luck isn't too use full unless you use a blue blood sword, intelligence adds to magic slots, & faith adds to miracle slots. Intelligence does not add both. adding stuff like magic, dexterity, or strength depends on your personal likings because certain upgraded weapons become more powerful by added bonuses to their attack damage with either str, dex, mag, or luck(only with blue blood sword) depending which type of upgrade stone you use on the weapon. There is a ton of info on this game going to the DS wiki will probably help you out more than anyone can. There is stuff like world tendency that they easily describe there. | 2011-04-29 10:16:00 Author: IAmChavez ![]() Posts: 142 |
I'm gonna be honest here, from personal experience, and from what I've been told when playing with most "veterans," armor is worthless, dodging is way more useful than any armor, learn to dodge attacks, and you'll be golden. ![]() And I'll be honest, its worked for me, rather than "defense" I focus more on attack and speed, and its been working pretty well for me. ![]() | 2011-04-29 11:51:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Yeah, i've noticed that. Since I took off my armour and replaced with wizard robes, i'm far better at movement and speed. The armour always slowed me down in battles causing me to take countless hits while my stamina drained from the hits. Without the armour i'm able to roll out the way and strike from behind and do some damage. It's working far better for me, though if your hit from an unexpected enemie, you take damage, alot. Though, as long as your focused and cautious, you shouldn't die. I havn't died for a LONG time, just bout the evacuate miracle for 20'000 purely because i'm on 2-2 and you have to go down all those mines. As far as I can tell, there is no way back up so it should come in handy ![]() I'm started using magic and miracles alot more. They are helping alot, especially soul arrow is it? I'm not sure, but it damages the more heavily armoured knights greatly, which is what I need. I also noticed each enemie has a weak spot, which may seem obvious though I hadn't thought about it until meeting those unexpected worms poping out the floor in 2-2. That's when I noticed the difference in where you strike the enemies, great help to me. I loved that traveller in 2-2 who trys to get you killed by sending you to get the treasure underneath the massive fire slug thing, who's really stupid enough to do that? -Just kill the slug ![]() Still, I think the flame lurker is next in 2-2, which If im right, he's tough. I don't know what he looks like or what his moves are, so it's going to be difficult no doubt. Having fun, and focusing more on faith and intellegence at the moment, perhaps some magic here and there. When PSN comes back online, you guys want to add so so we can destory some demons together? -Well, you can and i'll watch ![]() | 2011-04-29 13:02:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
There's also a shortcut in the first tunnel to the right in 2 - 2 that take you almost in front of the Firelurker's lair. ![]() Tho careful, one wrong step on that descent and BAM, need to go back for them in Soul form, with stronger enemies. xD (Dying in body form makes enemies tougher btw, while defeating demons in any form, make them weaker, for that world only, of course.) | 2011-04-29 13:12:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
WHAT!? Bu..But why!? Most games are like, " oh, you died? He's a helping hand, double life!" ![]() But not Demon's Souls, oh no.. they're like, "Oh you died? Gutted. It was your own fault, and to teach you to be more careful, all enemies are stronger and your weaker! What's the matter, couldn't beat the game in body form? Ha, gutted."- C,mon, have a heart ![]() The enemies getting weaker for when bosses are destroyed, I kind of noticed that though i thought it was because I was gaining levels, guess it's both. World 1-1 is EASY, hard to believe that just 2 days ago I was dying every 10 seconds ![]() GREAT GAME. GREAT CHALLENGE! Haha ![]() | 2011-04-29 14:49:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
The instruction manual generally tends to explain weapon attributes and the numbers and symbols associated with them better then I can so you probably want to look at it to supplement what I tell you. Generally, a weapon or shield has "Stats Needed" listed under it's status screen and for weapons "Stat Bonuses" which determine what stats effect their damage and to what degree (the higher the letter rank, the more potent that stat will affect it). If you use magic most of all, you'll obviously want to invest in magic and intelligence and look into getting or forging a weapon that has a magic stat bonus damage modifier. And if you never use miracles, then you obviously don't want to invest in faith unless you want to make use of some particular miracles you may get later on. And most people tend to avoid heavy metal armor for the most because it has a slight penalty in stamina regeneration because ultimately they find avoiding taking damage to be more prudent then taking it. Thus using light armor like robes isn't a bad idea until you find something better. You cannot kill the blue dragon until you get to the last area of Boletaria Palace (and even then it is only done with a ton of arrows or spells) and the "green ninja" was Old King Doran, he is a bonus boss and flat out one of the strongest enemies (not to mention the most durable) in the game so unless you plan to take him out with some particularly cheap tactics don't even bother with him yet. | 2011-04-29 15:12:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
MAN! Demon's souls is a REALLY hard to beat game, with many outcomes for what you do. The game bacomes easier once you have a strong, defencive character with a strong weapon. oh, and remember to talk to the really annoying blind lady to upgrade your stats. | 2011-04-29 15:53:00 Author: nk827 ![]() Posts: 193 |
Haha, green ninja ![]() Yeah, i mean i've had the game two days so i don't expect to be a master that never dies, i'm just trying to get the most out of what i'm putting in. The more I put in, the more I get out, so learning is kind of important. As for the ninja, I noticed it was a boss because anything that is that fast and powerful should be a boss. Oh, and i'm raising faith because with no doubt there will be times later on in the game that i'll need miracles, with evauation i'm using, and heal both are handy, though I currently have around 80-100 of each healing item. The half moons, late moons, all those, got alot of them since I rarely take damage until seeing the boss. I also have around 60 shards for updrades, though none are ever the ones I need to upgrade. I have soooo many, but they all seem to be dragonfire, spider shard, chunks, whatever, everything except what i need. What about you? What's you character stats/level/equiptment etc.. fighting style also. *EDIT* Just took down the Flame Lurker, and man do I feel like a good because he didn't hit me once ![]() I was running around like for pillars to hide behind and I found a rib cage that he can't hit you behind, that only lasted about 2 minutes though, and he had 50% remaining, so i took him down using soul arrow and some kind of spell that protects you for fire just in case. I've been exchanging my demon souls for money, which I heard was wrong, so i kept this one and gave to blacksmith ed, he gives me more upgrades now though they kinda suck.. Anyway, what about you guys? | 2011-04-29 16:25:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Oh man, lurker was one of the best boss fights in the game. I loved it. Myself, I think I already mentioned I have a female royal. My save game is hostage on my yloded PS3, but I think I was around level 140 and a Female Royal specializing in offensive magic and bow use. I really played the crap out of the game, and have about one of everything. My standard gear was something like Sharp Uchigatana +5, Viscous Compound Longbow +5, Moon Winged Spear +5, Purple Flame Shield +10. Crescent Falchion +5 and Blessed Mace +5 swapped out for regen. Because of my low HP, I went for big damage and sniping. I really pumped magic stats, and anyone who invaded my game usually found themselves one-shotted by Rage of God.... oooh fun times. | 2011-04-29 23:22:00 Author: Thegide ![]() Posts: 1465 |
Aha, sounds like a solid class to use ![]() I havn't been invaded because of PSN, but i'm not looking forward to when it happens. One question. When you are invaded, or invade another player, do you have to search the enitre map for them? And also, how do you get the stone to invade another player? | 2011-04-30 13:39:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
You have to search for them, generally you'll spawn at whatever archstone the player has started from or has passed and have to hunt down said player from anywhere between it and the next boss location. You invade by using a "Black Eye Stone" while in soul form in one of the worlds; it is dropped from the first non-player black phantom enemy you kill and can be used an infinite number of times. | 2011-04-30 17:26:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
This may be a silly question, but what's a black phantom? Also, you kill a black phantom, collect this stone, then you own it forever to use whenever in soul form to kill an enemie player in exchange for your body form? What happens if: You invade a players game and die to the player? If a player invades your game, and you kill the player? Thanks in advance, Signed, RacingCreed | 2011-04-30 22:41:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
This may be a silly question, but what's a black phantom? Also, you kill a black phantom, collect this stone, then you own it forever to use whenever in soul form to kill an enemie player in exchange for your body form? What happens if: You invade a players game and die to the player? If a player invades your game, and you kill the player? Thanks in advance, Signed, RacingCreed A black phantom can mean either a player invading you world or a enemy that has a red aurora around it. Blue phantoms are players that are in your world to help with co-op also. You get the the black eye stone from the first black phantom enemy (non player) you kill in the game. | 2011-05-01 00:04:00 Author: IAmChavez ![]() Posts: 142 |
http://www.cad-comic.com/ http://v.cdn.cad-comic.com/comics/cad-20110105-04342.jpg ARE YOU MAD? | 2011-05-01 01:51:00 Author: Cronos Dage ![]() Posts: 396 |
Lol, kinda random. Though back to Black Phantoms. I know that you get the stone to invade other players, my question(s) are these: How do I find a black phantom(non player) in game? I've not yet seen one and i've beaten 5 bosses, 1 was optional. Say If i invaded another players game, and died to them (in other words, failed.) what happens to me? Do i just respawn in soul form or what? Say a enemie invaded me, and i killed him, so he failed, what happens to me? Do i gain xp or a reward for surviving his attack? | 2011-05-01 11:27:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
The appearance of black phantoms, and their human "white" counterparts are tied to world tendency. Rather than trying to explain world tendency, I'll send you to this link: http://demonssouls.wikidot.com/world-tendency Specifically, read up on the bit about changing world tendency. But, if you're looking for black phantoms, dying in human form (outside of the nexus) is a good way to shift it towards black. Killing demons and invading phantoms, however, shifts it the opposite way. When you kill an invader, they drop whatever souls they have on them, which you can collect. If you die when you invade another's game, you lose whatever souls you had on you, and are returned to the nexus. | 2011-05-01 20:46:00 Author: Thegide ![]() Posts: 1465 |
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b1/casabolg/RunStraightThrough.png?t=1262563532 http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_T4qnZ72ydk4/TU4wnNP2l8I/AAAAAAAAA2M/VoczSuC58Ws/s1600/1282027625877.png | 2011-05-01 20:55:00 Author: Thegide ![]() Posts: 1465 |
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