Sack Trooper - The Mecha Menace
Archive: 12 posts
This game is the first of what i hope to be a series of levels. If it is popular i will make more as i have already built a load of interesting models and vehicles to use in later levels including, Tanks, jet packs, Mechs and a Mecha Monstrocity. The story is your a trooper of the GSR (Galactic Sack Republic) and you are fighting against the evil industrial might known as the Mecha Menace who wish to control every world and destroy the GSR. In this level your ship has crashed on the planet Sciphos and you must find a way of the planet. I will make a begining intro story and level if people think it will be worthwhile. http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=33474 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=33468 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=33469 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=33472 http://lbp.me/v/zecpm5 | 2011-04-26 11:35:00 Author: Lordwarblade ![]() Posts: 761 |
I'm most definitely giving this a play when PSN is back up! Pretty visuals from what I can see... | 2011-05-14 08:18:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Snazzy, I wish I could just queue stuff now. But I'll check this out! | 2011-05-15 00:48:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
Great level, I would have liked a longer intro maybe, like why they crashed or the reason for going to the planet. The first cut scene the sackbot has some weird hunch back animation going on though, not sure why this is. Great planet design, it's atmospheric has great lighting, I liked the distracting waterfall, but I got stuck on one play in the chute. I also got stuck at the first spiders as the purple tentacle didn't go back down to the spawn point one time ( I think it got caught on the wall). I also broke the first tentacle when I swung over the pit. I like the spider design, but they are pretty non threatening to kill (not a huge deal, as they get more dangerous as you progress. I liked the multiple was to go, but liked more that I could backtrack to some extent. The Spider Web lair after purple spider was interesting but the switch could do with a bit more 'theming' maybe also consider web on the mesh/switch etc. It would have been interesting to have tiny baby spiders run all over the place when you kill a big one (happened to me in real life once still freaks me out to think about it!) I fell through the bridge at the last rung and got stuck behind the red barrels, wasn't too sure what layer I was meant to be on to proceed, I actually quite frustratingly stuck, I also got stuck IN the barrel one time (an interesting idea for another stage maybe, but not in this part). The Sentry isn't introduced too well and there could be more time before it kills you. I was sort of expecting a giant spider, which may be cool, like it drops down and you go "Oh snap; how do I kill that?', and the sentry does... you could then use the spider bits as cover instead of boxes. It also might feel better if it the sentry had a reaction to being shot. Like having the sackbot, realising that he's been thwarted, and jump out almost in time, but still gets caught in the explosion). The second one didn't seem to even react to me. So I just walked past and shot it. The house, and the fact that you take over the character for the level transition, was good but you don't seem to walk into the building... For the next level I somehow ended up on the other side of the glass... not sure if this is a secret area, but there didn't seem to be much there. (I was jumping around near the first smoke effect and crate and went through the broken pane. The broken pipe walkway bounce was nice, but maybe play with the sound effects when you're in it... add some echo or something. You have the lighting for you stage sorted but the sounds could be beefed up with thing like that. The moving tentacles through the wall look cool, and I was half expecting to have to fight some sort of tentacle monster, so was a little extra cautious while walking past them. The Single piston elevators in this section (and at the spiders lair) could look better with some of the alien tech theme, or just dual pistons. The furnace bit was a great little jump/leap of faith. The first landing point rocked me into the fire once also, it seemed that I always landed on the edge of it. In the fire part, I kept hearing stuff break, not sure what was happening though. I like the respawn in the pipe, but was a little annoyed to be killed by the laser before I got the next checkpoint. Having to replay the section was OK, but the laser was activated so It was harder to jump along with it firing off screen. The final Mech is cool, but your controls are a little off... you say R3 to move in and out but its the R Stick that does it. Remember that you can have the control stuff list along the bottom. I also don't think I killed the Mech properly. I shot it heaps and it blew up in parts, but I think one bit (maybe the middle bit of the leg, it was a round piece with a small crescent moon part on it turned around in one of the explosions, and it was on on more paint hit, but it was covered. I'm not sure if you have the parts set up in a certain order to get destroyed, but I think I may have shot its legs out form under it. So it fell over and forward and then was shooting the ground (which was good as it gave me time to work out how to change layers). Check you logic to see if you are protecting bits that you want to blow up last... I ended up just flying quickly through the red shield and up the pipe to the end. I would like to see your intro fleshed out, and more discovery of the planet over a few stages if you do decide to expand this further. I have queued up you Warhammer stuff and should be getting to it shortly! | 2011-05-25 11:54:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
Wow thanks for all the feedback Mr_Fusion. Theres still alot i need to learn about the logic before i can really mke this level great as platformers aren't my strongest point but i will definately work on some of these issues. I have been working on ideas for a longer intro and also a second level to this planet with a giant spider a boss so that is why there was no boss spider in this level. Unfortunately i am running out of room on my earth to build many more levels so i might add this level to a second PSN account but not sure. You can check out a pic for my giant spider boss here https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=55768-Just-some-models-i-have-made I thought i fixed the problems with the vines and purple tentacles but it seems i lost that file so i will have to refix it, thanks for pointing this out. The Spider Web lair after purple spider was interesting but the switch could do with a bit more 'theming' maybe also consider web on the mesh/switch etc. It would have been interesting to have tiny baby spiders run all over the place when you kill a big one (happened to me in real life once still freaks me out to think about it!) I had thought about this already but as the thermometer is a little high i don't think i could do it easily. A lot of the gameplay issues you had such as getting stuck and falling into the laval i never had a problem with myself but i will look into it now. Weither i make more levels for this or not really depends on how popular it gets though seeing that you enjoyed it despite of all of these problems is making me consider to build more. Thanks. I will play your level as soon as possible. And i hope you enjoy the Warhammer levels as they are something i am proud of an definatley wish to continue. | 2011-05-25 13:06:00 Author: Lordwarblade ![]() Posts: 761 |
Wow thanks for all the feedback Mr_Fusion. You can check out a pic for my giant spider boss here https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=55768-Just-some-models-i-have-made I think thats why I was expecting one; as I first looked in that thread before seeing this stage... ![]() In regards to running out of space on your planet, not sure if you have considered making your multi-part stages sub levels (like the switch to the house bit). Unless I'm wrong sub levels don't take up a published spot. So set up a hub for each game and a sticker lock if you want people to play in order. Then you could just have an emitter setup that pops in the right stage? A little convoluted, but a great way to maybe explore more concepts... I cant comment on your warhammer yet but a sticker key would work great in that type of world with a line of portals... one could also be a surprise monster closet! | 2011-05-25 13:27:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
I thought sub levels actually counted towards the 20 you can publish? I shall look into this and find out cause i keep building new level whenever i have a new idea. At the moment i have 16 published but i hae at least six new WIP on my moon with a couple more sub levels. Thanks again Mr_Fusion Hoped you liked some of the models. I've fix up a few of the problems now including i the bridge and from what i have tested the boss at the end. The vines and tentacles should work properly now as well. I'm sure its not perfect yet but i'm working on it. | 2011-05-25 14:02:00 Author: Lordwarblade ![]() Posts: 761 |
Regarding sub-levels, yes they do count towards the overall 20 you're allowed to publish. I'm really hoping that they'll increase the limit some day, because there are a number of people who could benefit from it. ![]() I haven't played this level yet, but I've got it queued. ![]() | 2011-05-25 20:35:00 Author: Qrii_Nakari ![]() Posts: 204 |
Thanks for clearing that up Qrii_Nakari looks like i'll have to use another PSN account for some of my levels. | 2011-05-25 20:47:00 Author: Lordwarblade ![]() Posts: 761 |
Hahahaha, ten hours later and I'm back! ![]() I really like the level of detail you added into each of the environments though, and the creature designs are very nice! I thought it was pretty cool how you made different-looking spiders attack in different ways rather than resorting to making all of them hop and skip! The change in environment kept the level interesting as well; the transition between each one felt seamless to me, and sometimes I just stood there and marveled at the detail. XD Sorry, I thought the visuals were great! I thought it was interesting how you made the control scheme for the custom jet pack different compared to other levels; however, I think you meant R1 when you said X was to fire the weapon. Although, I'm not sure if Australia has different buttons for their PS3 controllers or something. :o (not sure about you but the jet pack definitely reminded me of Killzone 3 and Killzone Liberation ![]() ![]() I also agree with Mr_Fusion and think that this level would benefit from having some sort of narrative for it, something to give players a reason that they had to be at these different places. But I really enjoyed the level! Great job on this ![]() As of right now, Ninjas of Karura is the only level you haven't gone through yet, but you don't have to do so since you've already given feedback on my other levels. Thanks again for playing through my Devon series. ![]() | 2011-05-26 07:32:00 Author: Qrii_Nakari ![]() Posts: 204 |
I'm not sure if Australia has different buttons for their PS3 controllers or something. :o No, we have the same controllers, we just hold them upside down... Actually for the original PS I do remember that our control pads started out smaller... (I think). I sort of remember reading that the first controllers were Japanese (and smaller) but the newer ones were from America and were thus supersized. ![]() | 2011-05-26 08:16:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
Thanks again Qrii_Nakari for the feedback. I didn't even think about femails playing this (Maybe i'm sexist! But surley i'd have realized by now ![]() I have changed the desighn for the jetpack about a thousand times since i reated this level and therefore the button layout keeps changing so i just keep forgetting when i update it thank for that i'll fix it now. I did atually play killzone 3 before i made it, the image must have stuck in my head. I'll have to fix the Boss like you and Mr_fusion suggested, again this boss has changed on or two times so i kept forgetting the distance he shoots. At first i wasn't going to built a intro but seeing as people who play it do want it i shal look into creating one. Your Ninjas of Karura level is already queued i just didn't have time before nightshift to play it so iwill be going back to it. It looks fun. | 2011-05-26 11:02:00 Author: Lordwarblade ![]() Posts: 761 |
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