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Social Creations Group

Archive: 1 post

Hey there!

I have recently looked into groups or/and clans around the website concerning LBP2 with creators as the focus. I found several that had some good aims and goals to achieve other the oncoming months, though most seemed to lack seriousness, which is what i enjoy about a group. I enjoy the group members company, I enjoy the creativity throughout the group and I enjoy the serious creators opinions and feedback which motivate me to continue creating and improving.

This is where Social Creations is born.

Social Creations is a new group, just a few hours old yet every group as a beginning, but not neccessarily an end. Do not be put off by the lack of members and potential, because give it time, this group shall grow and become stronger with those inspired creators of all ages and skills come to improve and learn.

If you think this group may be of interest to you, or your friends, or even someone you know, why not join the group and give it a trial? -What have you got to lose?

The group can be found via my profile on LBPC, found at the top left of this thread.
If you have any questions about the group, feel free to message me on LBPC or comment in the comments below and i'll answer questions ASAP.

I would also say it's fine to message me via PSN, though with the recent problems PSN is experiencing, it's best to keep the messages on LBPC.

I look forward to hearing from you, and hopfully welcoming some new members to this growing and expanding group.

2011-04-25 22:27:00

Unknown User

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