Whatever happened to playing videogames for fun?
Archive: 18 posts
I think that some people are playing videogames because it's something to do instead of just playing it for the sake of fun. Some people are actually going as to ruin other people's fun to keep this non-existent order in a video game! Yeah, there are rules in place to keep the game clean for a reason, but I'm not talking about those, you should follow those anyway. I'm talking about how people are getting on other people's backs for making a quote un-quote "noob-ish" level. OH, and "Noob" is just another term those "people who play video games because its something to do" made up to make the "people who actually play games for fun" feel bad. I mean so what if they make a stupid level? What if they absolutely suck at FPS? I see it in LBPC too, stop letting level-making stress you out! If you ever get stuck or frustrated, just Sit back. Relax. and let it come to you naturally. Maybe even, sleep on it! My friend, recently got her level Mm picked and I was with her when she was making the level a few times actually. I felt kinda bad because the sackbots weren't working right--for no apparent reason and she was just...tearing her hair out I guess you could say. and she is a really good well known creator, you might know her Morgana25? but other big-shot creators came to her rescue at the end so everything worked out fine. I don't know, maybe her refusal to give up on the sackbots is what makes her so awesome at making levels. Maybe that's the difference between: me-who can't even finish a level because everytime I get an Idea I start another level. and her-gets her levels Mm picked! So tell me, can stressing out about something originally made for entertainment be a good thing? Or should we all just turn into noobs and have fun? discuss. | 2011-04-23 23:46:00 Author: wolverine_2008 ![]() Posts: 304 |
I have fun, I get other people to have fun, and in doing so, whoever wants to ruin our fun backs off.![]() :SH: | 2011-04-23 23:49:00 Author: ThePineapplizer ![]() Posts: 769 |
I play games for different reasons and that's reflected in the different games I play. I have fun playing simulation games, but it's a different sort of fun to playing a RPG or a physics game like LBP or Phun. With the latter two games part of the fun is overcoming problems like you said with sackbots or with logic if you're that sort of person, not everyone is. | 2011-04-24 00:01:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
i always have serious LULZ while playing videogames (and while eating ice-cream) so i dont have to complain just make sure you have LULZ and if you got some spare time share your LULZ with your friends approved by nys ![]() | 2011-04-24 00:11:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
I always play for fun and work on levels when the ideas come to me, and it's a nice balance. I get angry at creating, I switch to online/story and vice-versa. Only problem now is I can't go online and get away from creating, although I do keep going back and making little adjustments that make my upcoming level's that much better. ![]() | 2011-04-24 00:47:00 Author: UberOrbPS ![]() Posts: 290 |
Yeah, some people don't know how to Moderate! (not like LBPC moderate) Creating isn't bad but when it starts to annoy you, have to take a breather and play levels...FOR FUN! ![]() | 2011-04-24 01:46:00 Author: wolverine_2008 ![]() Posts: 304 |
There are different definitions of fun. I am one of the creators that gets extrememly frustrated when something refuses to work. Doesnt mean its not fun. Thats part of the challenge. You'll find that lots of expert creators experience a large amount of frustration during the process. Masterpieces don't put themselves together and if we all gave up at the first sign of a challenge, there wouldn't be any good levels at all. Some of us thing the challenge IS the fun part, that outsmarting and thinking out the problem, and ultimately overcoming it, is fun. To an outsider or someone who doesnt understand the concept of determination or dedication, it simple looks like people getting frustrated for no reason. For the person doing the creating, its them being determined to overcome the challenge they are experiencing. Nothing of high quality is easy to make, and thats what separates good creators from bad creators- GOod creators are willing to expend effort and put for th work into their creations, whereas bad creators dont experiment with anything or try anything new simply because it would require effort and work, something they are not willing to do. The determination to put forth effort is really where the dividing line is between creations that get hundreds of hearts, win competitions, and are MMPicked, and those that get eight plays and are promptly forgotten by the community. | 2011-04-24 04:28:00 Author: the Ion Pulsar ![]() Posts: 172 |
Rants, Oh I like just casual gaming, the only serious parts are when your online, like for example I do Tournaments and Challenges very often on one particular game. Other than that it's all in good fun. | 2011-04-24 05:55:00 Author: Maxi ![]() Posts: 1176 |
My friend, recently got her level Mm picked and I was with her when she was making the level a few times actually. I felt kinda bad because the sackbots weren't working right--for no apparent reason and she was just...tearing her hair out I guess you could say. and she is a really good well known creator, you might know her Morgana25? but other big-shot creators came to her rescue at the end so everything worked out fine. I don't know, maybe her refusal to give up on the sackbots is what makes her so awesome at making levels. Maybe that's the difference between: me-who can't even finish a level because everytime I get an Idea I start another level. and her-gets her levels Mm picked! For the record - I fixed them and I was tearing out my hair because sackbots are dumb. lol You just caught me on a particularly frustrating week wolvie. ![]() | 2011-04-24 05:58:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Still cannot comprehend the logic of tournament-style players in the Super Smash Bros. Series. Why indulge in a game which involves characters, items, and locales from all of Nintendo's franchises if in the end you're just going to trash one or two for 'fair' gameplay? I am a man of order myself, but there is a good kind of chaos, and SSB exemplifies it. You shouldn't get angry if your friend gets lucky - Smile, turn around, joke around a bit and then play another round. Isn't that what's fun? Isn't that what's the point of all of this? Of LBP, of Halo, etc. etc.? I thought we played video games to get away from all this unpleasant real-world business. | 2011-04-24 06:47:00 Author: Astrosimi ![]() Posts: 2046 |
I play one particular game series competitevly because I find it fun, but other stuff I don't care about, I just play how I want. Stuff like trophies and what have you I have no interest in. | 2011-04-24 08:32:00 Author: kirbyman62 ![]() Posts: 1893 |
I don't know. Fun ≠ Achievements? Heh. | 2011-04-24 20:32:00 Author: Cronos Dage ![]() Posts: 396 |
Still cannot comprehend the logic of tournament-style players in the Super Smash Bros. Series. Why indulge in a game which involves characters, items, and locales from all of Nintendo's franchises if in the end you're just going to trash one or two for 'fair' gameplay? I am a man of order myself, but there is a good kind of chaos, and SSB exemplifies it. You shouldn't get angry if your friend gets lucky - Smile, turn around, joke around a bit and then play another round. Isn't that what's fun? Isn't that what's the point of all of this? Of LBP, of Halo, etc. etc.? I thought we played video games to get away from all this unpleasant real-world business. I love Chaos in games, which is why I love gaming so much. It lets me get away from my OCD, I said that it doesn't have to be just organization all the time in games, that just gets annoying, save it for the real world, but there has to be some basic unspoken set of rules that every gamer casual or not should follow because it just makes gaming more fun for everyone who's playing. like Cheating. Playing against a Cheater is fun probably the first time around because you joke and laugh about it, then they keep cheating you and you keep losing then they make the game frustrating for you. There are no rules against cheating, but it just makes sense that the game would be more fun if everyone played fair, no matter how chaotic the game would be but aslong as its not just cheap shots all the time. What other unspoken rules do you think gamers already go by? | 2011-04-25 01:51:00 Author: wolverine_2008 ![]() Posts: 304 |
Getting frustrated about it means you care about it, or you'd dropped it long ago. ![]() Also, for the smarties, a good mental challenge is as fun as anything, so getting all frustrated because you can't figure it out is still a blast on its own, and extremely rewarding when the problem is solved. I'd go on, but to put it shortly, fun is relative and a term that can change depending on the person, what some may think its fun, others may think its booooring, and vise-verse. ![]() | 2011-04-25 02:25:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
What ever happened to kids playing outside? Apple pie? When a man was worth his salt. (Thats probably not the saying, but oh well.) And when a.... Oh wait, never mind. | 2011-04-25 02:42:00 Author: Maxi ![]() Posts: 1176 |
The saying "Worth your salt" or "worth its salt" comes from a time, most notable in the middle east, when salt was measured as a trade good. As it was a powder, you could weigh something to find out its weight in salt, and thus, its worth, particularly for jewelry or other trade goods. Salt was relatively valuable then, so not everyting was actually worth its weight in salt- To say something was "worth its salt" meant it was sufficiently valuable to be traded in such a way. Thus when a person or object is "worth their salt", it means they are at least moderately valuable, or good at what they do. | 2011-04-25 03:08:00 Author: the Ion Pulsar ![]() Posts: 172 |
The answer, my friends, is simple. Online Gaming. Back in the days of N64 and Final Fantasy IX (You thought I would say VII, but NO!), we had only our close family and friends to bring us through. Games were much less serious affairs. So what if I didn't finish Snowboard Kids 2 or unlock every apple tree in Mario Party 2? It didn't matter, because I was having fun with cherished ones. Then online came. Pretty soon, everyone was being judged on skill. Trophies and achievements attacked and caused people to try and reach goals to improve their status online. LBP came along and dangled the ability to create in front of the creative type's faces and then made us realize the rediculous amount of time needed for one level. Of course, games like Mario Kart and Zelda are still super fun, as are most games. Just most games with user-created content aren't that fun because you see what others make and want to do that too, while you just can't. The main thing people need to realize is that levels take 50+ hours minimum. They need to decide if they are up for this or not. | 2011-04-25 07:58:00 Author: Fading-Dream ![]() Posts: 164 |
FINAL FANTSY IX! OH YEAH! Its always great to see a fan of the REAL best Final Fantasy game. GOOD GOD, absolutely everything in your post is one hundred percent true. Especially the last part about 50+ hours- Something most people are unwilling to commit. Really intricate levels take even longer than that. There are levels that have hundreds of hours poured into them. | 2011-04-25 08:59:00 Author: the Ion Pulsar ![]() Posts: 172 |
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