Anonymous not responsible for PSN downtime
Archive: 2 posts
Also, on the rumors that Anonymous did this. Now, Anonymous ALWAYS claims their attacks. Every single one. Why? Because the attacks they perform have a message bhind them. If they do not own the attack, the message they are trying to deliver is lost. Thus, if they refuse to own up to an attack, their message is not known, and the attack is pointless and delivers no meaning. This is why Anonymous always announces an attack before doing so, announces their reasons, and then afterwards if questioned will say they were, in fact, responsible for the attack. I will not entertain any response as to whether or not I am a member of anonymous, but anonymous is not, as some believe, a single entity that moves with a single purpose. THere are those in anonymous who completely disagreed with Geohot and though he got what he deserved. There are those that agreed with his actions but did not participate in the attacks. And then there are those that engaged in the DDOS attacks against sony. THree definite factions, all within the same group. Anonymous is not an organization, it has no leaders. It is just a like-minded group of anonymous individuals who believe in self-policing the internet and maintaining free speech. To summarize, Anonymous did not do this. You know this simply because they said they did not do it, and no one from Anonymous has come forward and claimed responsibility- Something Anonymous ALWAYS does if they perform an attack. This is something else entirely. THough I do make a prediction- Sony will very well blame anonymous anyway, because Anonymous is an obvious target. If it was Anonymous's fault, all the plus members who did not recieve service will just have to be angry at Anonymous since it was through no fault of Sony. But Sony were to say it was their fault, then the Plus members could demand compensation from Sony for inability to render a service they are paying for. Its simple PR. This is why the blogs list "Possible third party actions" as a potential cause- As has been stated, the move to the new servers at Prolexic is the most likely cause for the downtime, and Sony undoubtedly knows this. Anonymous just makes a convenient scapegoat. | 2011-04-23 02:15:00 Author: the Ion Pulsar ![]() Posts: 172 |
k guys - keep the chat about the current downtime in This Thread (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=55424-PSN-Downtime-%28was-Error-0x80710a06-%29) please. Too many of these are popping up clogging the forum. | 2011-04-23 04:31:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
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