Vanity, Insecurity, Short Tempers and Self Absorbence!
Archive: 9 posts
Remember these words from the Negativitron's speech? Most people think they haven't seen any evidence of the Creators acting like this in the story. They're wrong. I was watching the openings to each world, and when the Creator acted Vain, Insecure, or self absorbed there was a Negativitron-y glow around the character. Da Vinci acts short-tempered when he says "I should do this on my own, I really should!" (in Let's get you match fit.) Victoria acts insecure when she says "What did I do wrong? What didn't I do RIGHT?" In the intro to Victoria's Lab Avalon acts Vain just before he gets eaten by the Negativitron in "Negativitron incoming" (Da Vinci shouts "Avalon... nooooo!" then the Negativitron says "Mmmmm... Avalon!" Eve acts self-absorbed when she says "The patients... they are nothing without my love..." (after, the Negativitron says "YOU FEED ME!") I haven't seen a purple glow for Clive or higginbotham. Has anyone else noticed this? | 2011-04-22 19:56:00 Author: Jakest123 ![]() Posts: 319 |
Maybe Clive's and Higgenbotham's happened before the story mode, during the takeover of the Factory. Higgenbotham was at the Factory at the time; when it was taken over, he was infected (as Clive states in "Higgenwhonow?"). | 2011-04-22 23:22:00 Author: Number7Million ![]() Posts: 248 |
Yeah, and Clive probably got depressed when the factory was invaded. | 2011-04-23 13:07:00 Author: Jakest123 ![]() Posts: 319 |
ohhhhhhhhh ya i never noticed eve... lol i just thought it was a "love" effect XD but avalon geting eaten isn't exactly like the others, its red because the negativatron is eating him. he never has a close up when he's being all "awesome" | 2011-04-23 14:12:00 Author: iinov8 ![]() Posts: 131 |
They never really say Clive's and Higginbottoms. Maybe Clive is depressed (check his Clive Ego sticker) Maybe Higgienbottam is crazy (check his Higginbottam Ego sicker) although, I fail to see being crazy be negative. | 2011-04-23 16:39:00 Author: GreenGhost28 ![]() Posts: 85 |
Well, he was infected by a meanie. Maybe said meanie had ulterior motives, as if Higginbotham's insanity 'fed' the negativitron? | 2011-04-23 16:57:00 Author: Jakest123 ![]() Posts: 319 |
Well, he was infected by a meanie. Maybe said meanie had ulterior motives, as if Higginbotham's insanity 'fed' the negativitron? yeah maybe, the meanie infection only fed to his power, anyway they destroyed him and everyone was okay, they just made themselves a better person. I would really like to see how he got infected though, and why did he visit Clive's Factory? (level idea) | 2011-04-24 05:42:00 Author: GreenGhost28 ![]() Posts: 85 |
Indeed level idea. I think Higginbotham gets his purple glow when clive has his flashback. I don't have the Higginbotham costume though. | 2011-04-24 13:04:00 Author: Jakest123 ![]() Posts: 319 |
Yes, Higginbotham gets his purple glow when clive has his flashback in "Higginwhonow?". | 2011-04-25 20:40:00 Author: Jakest123 ![]() Posts: 319 |
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