Crimson Crow - Indie Game
Archive: 2 posts
http://media.moddb.com/images/games/1/9/8785/screenshot_012-00000.jpg A screenshot from the level "Red Harbor". I've been working on an independent video game called Crimson Crow for about 3-4 years (independent basically means the game has no publisher). I am no longer part of the game team and no longer working on the game; the team leader switched, and I am unaware of the new leaders intentions for the game, but all progress has basically halted and the game is technically considered "dead". My part in the game was lead level design/texture artist/concept artist/3D modeler. The previous team leader had recently released one of the latest builds of the game, now mind the game was in basically pre-alpha/alpha, so it's really unpolished, but you can still download it here: http://www.moddb.com/games/crimson-crow/downloads/crimson-crow-009 http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn65/warlord_evil/gullcitytest13.jpg Screenshot of a scrapped level from an older build that is not in the download link. When you download it, click the .exe file the reads "Torque Game Engine Advanced" or something like that...you'll find yourself in the game's main menu with all the levels, mind that there is basically nothing complete in the game, all you get is a gun and you can run around, no enemies either (unless you figure out how to play online of course.) I recommend playing the levels Red Harbor, UW Storage, and The Bar, as they are some of the most complete levels (everything else is hardly a "level" to begin with). Alt-C switches to camera and to player, holding shift allows the camera to fly faster, pressing 1 or 2 while player switches weapons. ------------------ I am working on another indie video game "project" but I will say nothing of that right now. ![]() | 2011-04-22 03:51:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
That's looks cool Warlord! Great pictures So you can work for indie games, even if you're not a pro? | 2011-05-11 03:32:00 Author: dajdaj03 ![]() Posts: 1486 |
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