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FIFO Stack (and whatever else I put in)

Archive: 4 posts

During the course of my level creation, I found that I needed to create a tool that would keep track of "things that happened" "in the order they happened". What made this difficult was that LBP2 reacts well to events that are occuring right now, but it has a terrible memory.

Hence, the FIFO Stack.

FIFO stands for First-In First-Out. It's an old programming concept, usually stated in terms of variables, and numbers, and pointers ... but LBP doesn't have any of these things. Strangely enough, in LBP, a Stack object is simply *cough* a stack of objects. Who woulda guessed.



If you're curious about the Stack, drop by the level and jump on a few buttons. I've arranged a demonstration where one of the stacks has 7 "letters" sitting in it. As you "pop them off the Stack", a message is revealed.

If you want to use the Stack, no credit is needed for it or any of the other tools you will find in this level, with time. Have fun stackin' things.
2011-04-21 02:31:00

The Manx Turtle
Posts: 50

Hey thanks for the ButtonUp tool i managed to fix the issue in my level now so it works great. Also like the look of your bipedal tool as well.

Thanks for playing my level and for your logic.
2011-05-18 17:12:00

Posts: 761

You're welcome, WarBlade.

This just in: Binary digits will be replacing fingers and toes as the standard for counting, in the United States next year. You all better brush up on the system, using my new tool!

2011-05-26 23:23:00

The Manx Turtle
Posts: 50

Gray code ftw :=)2011-06-12 19:47:00

Posts: 166

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