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Flying fire

Archive: 3 posts

You might have heard this before but... Me and my bro were experimenting with stuff on lbp2 when we came across something really cool, It was flying dangerous stuff, gas and plasma don't work on this. What you must do is make a small shape out of hologram, whatever shape you want, and tweak it so it has 0% brightness and movement. Then use either fire or electric on it and done, the electric is really cool for lightning and the fire looks awesome. The plasma is made invisible like this but if you're feeling evil try it in your level.2011-04-20 11:21:00

Unknown User

Just to expand on this, if you have the hologram at 1% brightness you can apply plasma without it going invisible, and keep the effect.2011-04-21 01:48:00

Posts: 77

Because you only see the fire, and not the burnt material, you can put this around an object to have it be lethal, but still keep its appearance, which I find very useful when fine-tuning visuals.2011-04-21 03:26:00

Posts: 682

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