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The "Digital" Etch-N-Sketch

Archive: 2 posts

I''ve had this up for a while now, and its more than you think it is. Its basically an advanced drawing application for LBP 2. The fun thing about this is its "Automated Drawing " feature, which allows the machine to draw "For you", if you're not as accurate. Its a lot different than the other Drawing apps out there, so just give it a try. I've gotten some interesting photos from it, as well as my previous version. So, that's that...

[Just search BossWolfen (aka my PSN) and you should see it.]
2011-04-20 06:38:00

Unknown User

I played this the other day and I must say this thing is VERY impressive. You can draw just about anything with this tool, change colors, freehand, or use the automated drawer by placing the corners and the system wil outline the borders. Quality work here. Good job.2011-04-20 12:41:00

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