Sara Sama Sticker
Archive: 7 posts
So, as some of you may know, my PS3 died and I lost all my stuff. I am now going through Lbp1 and reacing all the levels and collecting 100% of the goodies. Well, I aced all the levels, and collected all of the goodies except for 1... The Sara Sama Sticker. According to the strategy guide, that's what it's called anyways. There is NO prize bubble anywhere in the level named this. There is an audio bubble named 'Dancing Drums' and the picture on it says Sara Sama, but no Sara Sama sticker. Is this a glitch on my end or have others had this problem? I realllllly want 100% item completion, can anyone help? Thanks Uberorb:star: | 2011-04-20 01:14:00 Author: UberOrbPS ![]() Posts: 290 |
There isn't a Sara Sama sticker. The sticker on the cover of Dancing Drums is either the name of the artist or the name of the album that the song originally came from. Exactly where did you get your guide from? 'Cause it's faulty. | 2011-04-20 14:10:00 Author: FlipMeister ![]() Posts: 631 |
There isn't a Sara Sama sticker. The sticker on the cover of Dancing Drums is either the name of the artist or the name of the album that the song originally came from. Exactly where did you get your guide from? 'Cause it's faulty. I got a copy of the (Official?) LBP Strategy guide when I bought LBP, and it says that there is a sticker on Dancer's Court called 'Sara Sama Sticker'. When I go to where it says it should be, the 'dancing drums' audio is there. The guide also doesn't mention dancing drums at all, just some other song I've never heard of. I think my game is glitched or something, I've been over the level a ton of times, and I KNOW i picked up all the items. I got 100% completion once before, so I know it's not me personally - Uberorb:star: | 2011-04-20 14:29:00 Author: UberOrbPS ![]() Posts: 290 |
I got a copy of the (Official?) LBP Strategy guide when I bought LBP, and it says that there is a sticker on Dancer's Court called 'Sara Sama Sticker'. When I go to where it says it should be, the 'dancing drums' audio is there. The guide also doesn't mention dancing drums at all, just some other song I've never heard of. I think my game is glitched or something, I've been over the level a ton of times, and I KNOW i picked up all the items. I got 100% completion once before, so I know it's not me personally - Uberorb:star: It definitely sounds like a problem with your guide. What was the other song it mentioned, though? | 2011-04-20 14:46:00 Author: FlipMeister ![]() Posts: 631 |
I am not sure about the name of the song, I'll check when I get home later. I know it was a song I've never heard of before. I know it's the original LBP strategy guide that came out at release. I know that I've checked everywhere to for the last prize bubble, so my game must have something wrong with it, and the strategy guide is probably incorrect to... Or I'm crazy ![]() | 2011-04-20 17:16:00 Author: UberOrbPS ![]() Posts: 290 |
Simple. Pull out the "Dancing Drums" music in Create mode, and use the Sticker/Decoration Edit cursor to remove the text from the music box. That is the "Sare Sama sticker". The writers of the guide probably goofed up and assumed the "Dancing Drums" music object was a sticker, since its icon is just the words "Sare Sama" with a transparent background. | 2011-04-20 19:32:00 Author: Blue Helmet ![]() Posts: 306 |
I really don't know at this point. I've been through the level so many times, and I know that I've collected everything in it. At this point, I'm not gonna worry about it. All you get for collecting 100% goodies on the level is a concept anyways, so off to Lbp2 to Reace all of those levels :/ Uberorb | 2011-04-20 23:43:00 Author: UberOrbPS ![]() Posts: 290 |
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