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Working guns!!

Archive: 8 posts

Not a hologram, not a paintanator, not objects glued to your sackbot. Working, functional guns all with their own attributes. SPAS, MP5(3 round burst), AK 47, 1911, UMP 45 and M249 SAW. Check them out at my level. I'm giving away two of the gun models at the end of the level. ( It's raining cats & dogs! ) http://lbp.me/v/z6mwc72011-04-19 17:12:00

Unknown User

hhmmm sounds cool but I hedgy can't find it. 2011-04-19 23:11:00

Posts: 145

I'd que up but play stations sites seem to be under maintainence2011-04-21 20:15:00

Posts: 52

Because LBP.me isn't online right now, I just wanted to ask...

Are these "handheld" items, or large objects? And by "handheld", I kinda mean "Can my Sackbot hold and shoot someone with it?"?

2011-04-21 21:47:00

Posts: 1113

OP's link doesn't work but it seems to be this: http://lbp.me/v/078ves2011-04-22 17:52:00

Posts: 2454

I queued this before the PSN outage and just got to play it.

Twisted. Twisted concept. But the weapon design is phenomenal, the tricks you can do with flipping the gun around was awesomely insanely original, as well as how they are held. I am super interested in how you accomplished that.

http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/4629/aphoto2v.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/802/aphoto2v.jpg/)

The Sackperson holds it very well most of the time. Oh and it's very impressive that you can drop it while trying to throw it around, and you have to go and pick it up again!

I do think that the time limit is a little long. I would have liked only a 1/4 of that, then kicked back to the store to purchase stickers to upgrade to better weaponry. But a very interesting tech demo stage none the less.

Because LBP.me isn't online right now, I just wanted to ask...

Are these "handheld" items, or large objects? And by "handheld", I kinda mean "Can my Sackbot hold and shoot someone with it?"?

Ostensibly, yes. This looks like a possibility.
2011-05-22 07:27:00

Posts: 1799

Cool level, but is there any way you could re-make the guns with out the "History Pack" DLC?2011-06-19 02:48:00

Unknown User

Nice, but It look amazing!!!2011-07-08 17:20:00

Posts: 948

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