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Gamma Burger

Archive: 3 posts

Hey guys. Just started to fool around in create mode the other day and guess what? Gamma Burger was born! heres my description of it:

Gamma Burger. Contains: Lettuce, tomato, cheese, onions, beef patty and a crap load of excess energy (Photons) just waiting to burst out at your finertips. You won't be able to regret it once you've taken a bite...

Yeah, anyway, it's just a fun toy to fly around in if your bored.

Upgrades planned:
.Abduction beam! Steal your friends with a controlinator embedded in your tractorbeam and kill them shortly afterwards.
.Some sort of mechanism that makes you tilt slightly when you fly sideways.
Photos and a level coming soon
2011-04-19 12:05:00

Unknown User

Finish it so I can queue it up.2011-04-19 16:28:00

Posts: 2391

It may take a while because it's going to be a multiplayer mini game 2011-04-21 08:11:00

Unknown User

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