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This object is getting to complicated problem.

Archive: 4 posts

So i made a HUUUGE house. And i made a big misake because the entire wall, is just one big square!

Im proud of what i have now, but the problem is, i want to make some windows in it.
But when doing that, i get the ''This object is getting to complicated''.

I know i can easilly just remove the wall, and rebuild it again. But the wall is full of emitters and switches. so i cant just remove it.
Is there a way to cut the wall in 2 pieces?

2011-04-17 21:32:00

Posts: 132

If it consists of several different materials, a huge square as you are reffering to is going to get to complicated at one point.
You can try changing some of the materials making it less complicated that way, and then slice it with a thin "brush".
If it's got a lot of corners that is also going to complicate it. You could try evening them out with the corner edit tool.
A different although more unpractical and time consuming solution would be to create a thin holo in the thin layer in front of your wall, switch to front view and move the emitters and switches onto this temporary wall. The way you do that is to make the holo wall invisible, select the switch and then bring the holo back resulting in the switch "jumping" onto the holo wall instead. It would remain in the same place as on the original wall which you could then delete and recreate.

But I guess the bottom line is a lesson identified: Don't make the back wall a single enormous object.
2011-04-18 01:12:00

Posts: 210

Make a long, thin piece of material and use that to cut the wall in half, ideally somewhere where you wouldn't be able to see the seam.2011-04-18 02:23:00

Posts: 2454

Another option is to use another material and place it directly overtop of half of the original object. then use the material changer to change it back to the original material. All your logic pieces should still be in tact, and you can then glue the two pieces together.

feel free to add me if you need me to show you what i mean.
2011-04-18 03:14:00

Posts: 283

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