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Item Selector (Enhancement for your Sackboy/girl!)

Archive: 3 posts

Hello! I made a user-friendly enhancement for Sackpeople! The Item Selector lets you pull out any of four powerups (Paintinator, Grabinator, Glapping Hook, and Swim Goggles) through an intuitive menu without stopping the action! Hold L1 to bring up the menu, select a powerup with the right stick, and press R1 to use it. Not that hard at all. I'll make a short demonstation level with the item as a prize!

You can use it to make using powerups more convienent for levels and such!
2011-04-17 04:36:00

Posts: 75

I like this idea I look forward to seeing it I can give feedback once I test it out for myself so I'll keep my eyes peeled.2011-04-22 02:39:00

Unknown User

Nice. I managed one these things but with the addition of the jet pack, and 2 variations of a creatinator gun (One of them was like a combo of all the bullets, the other was just a missile gun). Only problem is the crazy player sensor....2011-04-26 06:11:00

Unknown User

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