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How about destroyers that only destroy logic?

Archive: 9 posts

Perhaps ot os asking a bit much, but I really wish there was a way to make logic clear off, with out having to resort to tricks.2011-04-17 04:01:00

Posts: 822

Hmm. How about sticking it to a Hologram & glue the Holo to the thing you want it to destroy? I tried it in my level & it worked. :kz:2011-04-17 04:34:00

Posts: 515

Lol, I am cheaper than that. I have a guy that needs to give six mission speeches, but due to thermo I have to have a single version of him with all logic. I tried placing it on holos behind him with all the added destroyers and such, but it cost too much thermo and it meesed up him talking. I just see a real use in most of my level to "clear off" chips of certain logic. I just like the idea of a destroyer chip, a setting that only destroys logic, instead of all xconnected or such. I pretty much have all the rest of the logic on holos with destroyers, but I need to clear of certain bits of logic faster and less thermo hoggy. Just an idea that's all.2011-04-17 05:24:00

Posts: 822

You could just place a Counter through a not gate to the Microchip? Then flick it off for when you want it all to 'disappear'?2011-04-17 15:26:00

Posts: 918

It still takes up thermo. I don't need it removed to stop things from occuring, most of the chips only turn on when they are needed, it is just that I tried placing them all on holos, and then found that takes up more space, and the magic mouths did not work with the sackboy whne they were not on his chip...which could have been because I named him something else by accident...but eitherway the cost of the extra holos caused the level to overheat...and I had already removed all the destroyers from teh windows (I liked the windows getting blow out as the ship was damaged).

Does no one else want the option to make logic vanish from the game? It would be great to have emiters vanish or majic mouths once spoken without having to result to the holo trick or such.
2011-04-18 05:54:00

Posts: 822

Really not a bad idea, being able to entirely destroy a chip would save a bunch of wiring and whatnot instead of using killswitches, although only if you're really DONE with those micros for the rest of the level...I dunno...sounds a bit like the Dissolve part of a PERM switch *shudders*...can you imagine accidentally dissolving a huge piece of logic and not noticing until playtest half an hour later...ugh...2011-04-21 00:56:00

Posts: 152

Howabout you just plug a wire to the activate microchip input. Then, when you want to shut everything on it off, just have the signal be 0%. Done. 2011-04-21 03:29:00

Posts: 682

Howabout you just plug a wire to the activate microchip input. Then, when you want to shut everything on it off, just have the signal be 0%. Done.

The issue the OP brought up, if I'm getting it right, is that a whole mess of logic takes up a bunch of thermo, and if you could have it completely disappear, you could emit new logic using the space given by the old disappearing. A valid point, in my opinion.
2011-04-21 17:24:00

Posts: 152

Thanx, that was exactly what I was trying to get at. Right now I am forced to have several chips on holos with dissolves, to allow the logic to vanish from the level as it goes (missions). I can't have some of the logic spwan because it is part of the menu and select options...but as the level goes and a mission is over there is no longer a use. The only slight issue is having the extra logic on the bots vanish whne it is no longer needed. Having new bots spawn takes up space...so the only option thermowise with them is getting stuck with useless logic. So it is not that I am not using every trick in the book to reduce thermo...it is just that every trick is not good enough. I could save so much space if I could have certain chips dissolve as the level went on. I do agree having it dissolve in create would be horrid, I always leave it in pause mode, but once in a blue moon I forget to rewind enough after a unpause test...perhaps making it not work in create mode like the D-Pad would solve that issue.2011-04-21 21:23:00

Posts: 822

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