SOS! Hero wanted!!!
Archive: 13 posts
Hi, Sackworld!<3 Here is my first attempt to make a level. Plot is to help save a house, where things went crazy. I tried to put lots of details in design to make it look nice; different challenges to keep it fun; and did all my best to make sure all prizes are of excellent quality and unique. I hope you like it and have fun. PS.. Should you notice anything that is way too hard to finish the level or needs improvement, please let me know. Feedback is greatly appreciated. CREDITS: Creation: Alehandroff - creation partner, my technical brain and a friend to die for Carolicia - helped to test the level and gave inspiring advice Masterpieces used: JEANY97 - for her beautiful Horsie http://lbp.me/v/t-hqew WONDERWHY1 - for the Spotlights http://lbp.me/v/0gdvk stevo13344 - for a cute little Puppy http://lbp.me/v/w2edjc ladonna2 - for a dining table and chairs from her amazing collection of furniture http://lbp.me/v/z1-gtt Mastermind: pivottt Wise advise: Qrii_Nakari, Hammertoe_1 http://lbp.me/v/zv5w00 | 2011-04-15 00:15:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
WE HAVE A VERY FIRST LEVEL AMOUNG US ^_^ I shall play this legendary moment XD | 2011-04-15 13:48:00 Author: Angelgozen ![]() Posts: 286 |
Oops... I probably gave a reason for sarcasm... Sorry... I just meant to share some fun. ((( | 2011-04-15 16:08:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
This level seems interesting ![]() | 2011-04-16 20:04:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Yay!!!! I have received a F4F directly in a game: Very impressive design and I like how you made the pony actually walk ![]() Thank you, Galaxy! I did those changes, put invisible walls to limit the margins of the level. Oh, and the horse is borrowed from JEANY97 http://lbp.me/v/t-hqew. She did a great job, I couln't have done it better. I also managed to fix an issue from the previously posted feedback: You asked me to play this level, ( creator of Prison Break ) I must say I enjoyed it, keep up the good work! It's flaw was that I was unsure that I was supposed to hit the wall for the fire. Point is, very artistic, creative, excellent work! You are right, I should've not placed the Counters on the wall. (I first assumed, that the shooting will be done in that direction anyways, so I placed them all there). So, now I fixed it, and all the shooting you have to make directly to the birning item. Thank you so much for a valuable hint! ))) | 2011-04-17 23:46:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
You've created a visually charming level. Good aesthetics. You may want to correct several grammar mistakes throughout the level. It would add more polish. | 2011-04-18 16:46:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
It was good technical,fun and much better looking an all than my 1. Lvs on LBP1 /(but I dont have anymore) | 2011-04-19 09:27:00 Author: Erebus ![]() Posts: 79 |
well first thanks for your feedback on my level! of course I played your level now and this is what i can say about it: you put much detail into the house, great! the gameplay was good too. but I got confused as i tried to find the way to the scoreboard. finally i saw the little path under the roof. you also could make that the magic mouths are just activated once, because as i played your level, everytime I got to a place twice -for example the bedroom- the speech bubble and the movie camera were activated again that was a bit annoying. Hope that can help and sorry for my bad english. Keep up the good work! ![]() | 2011-04-19 15:21:00 Author: frexy18 ![]() Posts: 62 |
You may want to correct several grammar mistakes throughout the level. It would add more polish. Thank you for taking your time and coming to my lvl, helping me to fix all my grammar! I really appreciate it. I got confused as i tried to find the way to the scoreboard. finally i saw the little path under the roof. You gave me a great idea how to work the area I was a bit concerned about. Now there is a little hint, saying that you have to find a path under the roof. you also could make that the magic mouths are just activated once, because as i played your level, everytime I got to a place twice -for example the bedroom- the speech bubble and the movie camera were activated again that was a bit annoying. Believe it or not, but I myself was (and still) totally uncertain, how those magic mouth settings work. They all were set by me to just one activation. And when I've changed it to ON/OFF option, they started to work desired way, to activate only once! No matter how many times I watched the tutorial, it clearly said if you want it to activate only once, you have to put it to ACTIVATE ONCE mode. Why in the world it works opposite way for me - I have no idea. But now almost all of them are in ON/OFF mode, and it works only once, as you and I wanted it to happen... Now, the only place I was not able to change it to this ON/OFF activation, is in the beginning, where the bot has to say 3 things in a row. Because in this case all of them get jammed in one, and play in the same time without the 2nd and 3rd becoming visible. So, if you have to place several mouths on the Cirquit Board, they will be speaking one by one only in a mode, when they activate speach and camera each time you hit the trigger area. At least, I managed to find this only way. PS... Does anybody of regular users of this site know how often the moderators are around? I wrote them a couple of letters asking to add an F4F option to the name of my thread - in return I hear silence. The site isn't busy at all. Maybe, you have to become a reputable user and somehow deserve their reaction? Hm... Any hint on how to get heard over here? | 2011-04-19 18:33:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
*refers back to her thread on Ninjas of Karura* I would appreciate it if you had actually gone through my level (or gave a sign that you queued it) and gave appropriate feedback, rather than resorting to a cheap method that could potentially cause you to lose respect from some creators. ![]() I really love the design and attention to detail you put into the house! It really does look like a place for a rich person to call home. ![]() ![]() ![]() Now, it's your turn. ![]() | 2011-05-17 22:10:00 Author: Qrii_Nakari ![]() Posts: 204 |
*refers back to her thread on Ninjas of Karura* I would appreciate it if you had actually gone through my level (or gave a sign that you queued it) and gave appropriate feedback, rather than resorting to a cheap method that could potentially cause you to lose respect from some creators. Hi, Qrii)))... Ouch! Don't get too spiky. Actually, I went to play your level and I remember I got totally stuck at one point and was not able to get further. I decided to try again, rather then giving you a negative word. And at that point of time I was such a newbie, so I didn't even know how to que. I did play through your level [...] Now, it's your turn. ![]() No worries. I'll make sure to play all of your levels and you'll see my reviews. I don't promise to be as meticulous, but I'll definitely tell you what I think. And should I get stuck again - you'll hear it this time. In the meantime, I took all of recommendations with a great appreciation, managed to fix a few things and upgraded this level to Move. | 2012-01-03 22:35:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
![]() I'll help you with those magic mouths : ONE-SHOT means that it will activate the mouth once, but when you close it there's no triangle button popup to open it again. Though every single time you will come back, it will trigger the mouth again. POWER means that the first time you come, it will trigger it, but next times it will only show the triangle popup so you can choose to read again. The output of the magic mouths is ON for a very-short time, when you close it. Now you can't chain your mouths if they are all set to POWER, because the signal is actually 0.03333 seconds long, so you won't have time to read all of them. However, you can set the first one to POWER and then the other ones in the chain to ONE-SHOT, and that will work. When you'll come back, there will be a triangle button popup, and pressing triangle will play the 3 of them again. Another thing you can do is use a counter set to maximum 1, and connect it to the magic mouth set to ONE-SHOT. Then you need a player sensor to trigger the counter. Now the counter can only be triggered once, so the magic mouth will show once only. I guess I won't give you the F4F post I were to give then, cause I'm in need of feedback for my health meter toolkit, very advanced logic. | 2012-01-04 20:40:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
pivottt, I'm so lucky you stopped by at my thread. Your advice is absolutely priceless for me, because I'm fighting with these mouths, like Don Quixote with his windmill. I'll try to follow your instructions and set it the way you say. Even though every time I open a microchip, my eyes go O_o. I also struggle a bit with the cameras. For some reason, in a game they don't necessarily work the way I want them. View goes lower, skips between cameras, setting between "requires all players" does not work the way I expect it when I set it... Uhh... It always worked better for me when someone shows me once, then trying to figure out by myself... ![]() Oh, in the same time I checked out all your levels and left my reviews there. I still am to check how your invention - Health Meter Toolkit - works. Best phrase I read there was "you don't need to know how it works". That was such a relief! )))) But as a fact, I totally respect logic pros, especially the generous ones!)))) I'll keep you posted. | 2012-01-07 01:33:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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