Dark Matter?
Archive: 21 posts
Ok...does anyone have any idea how Dark matter works in game...![]() Is it an invisible block...is it a physics cheat that allows tunnels... ![]() Thx in advance... ![]() :kz:Noon | 2008-08-11 23:34:00 Author: Noonian ![]() Posts: 523 |
Ok...does anyone have any idea how Dark matter works in game...![]() Is it an invisible block...is it a physics cheat that allows tunnels... ![]() Thx in advance... ![]() :kz:Noon good thread I need to know what this stuff does too....*cough Cartman/Maltay ![]() | 2008-08-11 23:47:00 Author: OverWork ![]() Posts: 873 |
I read somewhere it can be used to hold items in air but that's about it and I can't remember where I saw it. I'll see if I can find it. | 2008-08-11 23:49:00 Author: marmiteman ![]() Posts: 124 |
I don't remember where I got this quote but, I remember reading that 'dark matter' is unaffected by gravity. I also read that the use of dark matter in the single player campaign is EXTREMELY limited. Nice to know it's there though. From what I understand, DM is like any other material when build mode is paused. Can't be moved. The difference is that when you unpause build mode, the DM stays put whereas the rest of the materials fall. | 2008-08-12 00:02:00 Author: 1000101 ![]() Posts: 192 |
from what i understood about dark matter, it isn't "cheating" by useing it because its physical properties are there. you can put it down, then lay other things on top to suspend them in the air. since there is no cheat to make things float its pretty much a loop-hole around the "no-cheat" policy | 2008-08-12 00:11:00 Author: 12454522412412 ![]() Posts: 779 |
It's an object or 'matter' not affected by gravity in LBP. | 2008-08-12 10:30:00 Author: mattygibbard ![]() Posts: 23 |
so can you walk though it![]() | 2008-08-12 10:47:00 Author: Thee-Flash ![]() Posts: 3154 |
you can't walk through it it's the same as the other materials just does not fall when gravity is turned back on as has been said. It's basically a way to put a platform (or anything, i'm just using this as the simplest example) that is suspended in the air without having to build it up from the ground, hope this helps Here is a example in mario, the platforms are in mid air. In LBP they would just fall to the ground lpk5U70MQBg | 2008-08-12 11:49:00 Author: dorien ![]() Posts: 2767 |
so you can't use for a tunnel? and thx for answer ![]() | 2008-08-12 11:53:00 Author: Thee-Flash ![]() Posts: 3154 |
You cannot walk through it, but you can make a tunnel from it. Just use a small piece of dark matter on each corner of the tunnel roof to hold it. Or make your tunnel roof out of dark matter and cover it with stickers. Tunnels will be fine. | 2008-08-12 11:55:00 Author: mattygibbard ![]() Posts: 23 |
Dark matter is like glue that only reacts with the object getting glued and the background...so it basically sticks objects in mid air (think Mario blocks) ![]() | 2008-08-12 11:56:00 Author: Stix489 ![]() Posts: 2080 |
Just edited my post with a mario example ^^^^^^^ | 2008-08-12 11:56:00 Author: dorien ![]() Posts: 2767 |
I understood darkmatter as glue for the air... you can stick anything to it and it will stay stuck to the dark matter in the air. | 2008-08-12 11:56:00 Author: Maltay ![]() Posts: 2073 |
Ah, didn't know it was like glue. I thought it was an object that floats. That means tunnels will be fine. Just glue the roof of your tunnel to the background using dark matter and it will stick. | 2008-08-12 11:57:00 Author: mattygibbard ![]() Posts: 23 |
ahh al right thanks for the ideas also the tunnel of stickers ![]() | 2008-08-12 12:01:00 Author: Thee-Flash ![]() Posts: 3154 |
You can sum it up really easily: 1) Invisible (when playing the levels of course, not in the creator ![]() 2) Not affected by gravity Purpose: To keep items in the air when logic says they should fall into the ground / be affected by gravity. | 2008-08-12 12:57:00 Author: Linque ![]() Posts: 607 |
Just wondering, why does everyone say you have to build it up from the ground? Just have a background and glue it onto there.. | 2008-08-12 13:22:00 Author: DrunkMiffy ![]() Posts: 2758 |
Just wondering, why does everyone say you have to build it up from the ground? Just have a background and glue it onto there.. Yeah, you can have a backboard to stick things to but, sometimes, like on the pirate ship level, you want to actually see the background. At least, that's the way I'm seeing things. | 2008-08-12 13:28:00 Author: 1000101 ![]() Posts: 192 |
Mm fair enough.. | 2008-08-12 13:31:00 Author: DrunkMiffy ![]() Posts: 2758 |
yea i can't wait too see how many backgrounds there are going to be. | 2008-08-12 14:05:00 Author: LittleBigMan ![]() Posts: 326 |
Yeah, my guess is that it functions exactly the same way as Mario. Or almost exactly. | 2008-08-12 17:35:00 Author: bbroman ![]() Posts: 1374 |
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