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A Time Machine Out Of A DeLorean - Evolution of circuitry over time

Archive: 41 posts

So you're telling me that you built a time machine out of a DeLorean?

The way I see it; If your gonna build a time machine into a car do it with a little style. This object showcase is still looking for feedback but is also being re-purposed to document the evolution of circuitry and logic within the car.

Evolution meets creationism is an extension of a discussion in DoodVogeltje's (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?22714-DoodVogeltje) thread How To Understand And Create Your Own Logic (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=60158-How-To-Understand-And-Create-Your-Own-Logic-PART-1). It's in the object showcase as its not a tutorial, but it is a learning exercise to watch the logic change over time.

I have taken all that I have learned and am building a (hopefully) final version of the car. Something I plan to share across some BTTF themed stages.

In The Beginning; There was LBP1

I first tried to build a Back The Future style DeLoean in LBP1 and was pretty happy with the results.

It has spring suspension and a grab switch that makes it go forwards. Also the flux dispersal bits were electrified, and when you grabbed the sponge in the car it had a headlight. It was scaled so that Sackboy's head was in the window while standing.

http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/2066/figure1n.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/9/figure1n.jpg/)

That is about as far as I took it and after playing other 'Sack To The Future' stages I tried to make more traditional platform stages, but got distracted by life and moved on.

I always wanted to make a BTTF stage and when LBP2 turned up I returned more determined than ever.

I rebuilt the car with a mover and a controlinator, re-sized it to have a Sackboy sit in it and got to work

http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/2850/figure2h.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/26/figure2h.jpg/)

This is where logic took over. The car already went forwards and now it went backwards! (L1 & R1 respectively).

But it needed to fly. After I spent a little while making custom stickers and refining the shape.I went about accomplishing this first task.

A Flying DeLorean? - The Hover Conversion Kit

You can switch between hover or drive mode once the engine is running. There is a short animation as the car lifts up, and a cool down timer to stop over zealous button pressing. In hover mode there are several lighting effects that come with it. Underside running lights as well as landing lights.

Lighting Effects

My first idea was to have the wheels retract into the body of the car.

http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/6185/figure3k.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/685/figure3k.jpg/)

I used some hologram material to set up a piston to make the door go up and down, and a microchip that contained a player sensor was placed on the door (I later learned that that was a stupid place for it as it moved the sensor away when you stood there, but thats a different circuit's evolution story).

I also used some holographic material on the rear side of the car and affixed pistons to this. I built my first circuit on the Controlinator that was set inside the car.

http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/4313/figure4z.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/96/figure4z.jpg/)

This chip had a few things on it, I hooked up the flight controls from the Mm Flying Bee in the Avalon stage and set it up so that 'X' toggled the chip on, it also went to a chip with a gravity tweaker in it (the evolution of the flight control circuitry is actually another interesting story as I had massive issues with Gyros making it).

I also had a plasma tweaker hooked up to R2 so the whole car lit up when held down. The flight toggle activated timers in two stages, the first makes the car rise straight up and then allows for flying control.

The toggle that is switched on runs out to the pistons attached to the wheels, when flipped they quickly pulled into the car. You can see the angle by tracing out the holo and the piston end attached to the wheel. This worked, but meant the wheels couldn't spin, the car didn't look 'right' and there was no room for the hover wheels to go.

I spent a long time working with followers trying to get the car to sit on them without being attached, I then revisited emitters and worked out a way to have them emit and axel into a holder in the car. It took a while to get it all to line up and look right, and resulted in me having to rebuild the car again.

http://img121.imageshack.us/img121/7572/figure5.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/121/figure5.jpg/)

Here you can see the evolution of the hologram holder on the front side of the car. It extends out to hold the door chip (now called 'Door Handle&apos so it doesn't move when the door goes up,

The lower long chip contains a sequencer wired to some holo blocks on the underside of the car (you can see the inputs directly above the chip). The car flew pretty well by this iteration but I was still having difficulties with the gyros and anti-grav settings. Which is why there is a few gravity tweakers dotted about (especially on the rear setup of the car. I had a metal block in there with the circuit board pattern back there!

http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/6847/figure6h.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/21/figure6h.jpg/)

As I was making a way to have the wheels disappear and re-emit I had moved into wireless signalling in this picture compared to the last circuit. You can see that there is still two toggles, one looks after the flying circuits (up the top the wires going in are for the L Thumb Stick).

The 'X' button still flipped both toggles but one no longer is connected to anything, but there is now a Tag, called 'Hover Mode On' there. The wheels have two sensors one for Hover Mode the other inverted. I wired a destroyer set to disappear to Hover Mode so if you pressed 'X' both wheels disappeared. I was pretty happy with it, but was still having difficulty with the gyros, I took a little break and I wanted to get some SFXs on the car.

http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/681/figure7.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/19/figure7.jpg/)

I started messing with the time travel effects and because I was excited about wireless signalling I built the spark at the front and hooked it up to R2 so I got a nice light show when I was driving about. You can see more Microchips turning up at this stage also. This was a result of overcoming the gyro issue, although some of them were later to become part of my Time Circuit Microchip.

I wasn't happy with the effectt at the front, so I removed it and cleaned up the chip layout.

http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/1672/figure8g.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/135/figure8g.jpg/)

This is getting pretty final (or so I thought) in design. I discovered masking holo with stickers and went to town adding subtle effects for frost on the car, flame trails even a tiny Flux Capacitor flickering away.

The biggest aesthetic design tweak was moving the piston from the top of the car into the inside. A new chip called Landing Gear was made outside the car (its on the green holo, above the long Microchip). The green holo teardrops below the wheels flicked on a danger tweak set to flame for a few seconds, as well as emit smoke.

http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/7587/figure9i.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/600/figure9i.jpg/)

The Hover logic also received an upgrade. The Chip with the up arrows is now named Flight Control Chip, and has a few elements. The first is a wireless button for 'X' that takes control of the hover mode, which has broken out to several things, when toggled on.

First, the chip that makes the car go straight up is renamed 'Hover Boost' the timer still then switches over to flying mode (the two wires going off the circuit board are still for the L Thumb stick), but it runs trough a few other circuits before it gets there, Hover Boost has some tags next to it called Hover Boost Smoke and Hover Boost Flame, these activate transition effects as the car takes off.

The wheel setup (now called Wheel Mode) has not changed, but the Landing Gear chip has changed how it behaves slightly. It has a tag sensor called Hover Mode that toggles between two different arrays; the top one (switched off in this picture) hooks to two emitters and a tag called Hover Mode On, when on the tag will destroy the wheel (that still have the Hover Mode On sensor hooked to a destroyer. And the emitters will emit the wheels in the flying position.

The new microchip on the wheel has a destroyer to make it disappear during time travel. The Hover Conversion Chip that is part of the flight control chip now has a called Tag Hover Mode and this is still attached to a toggle selector that will switch off for a brief moment and then turn back on. Not really efficient, it's still clearly a hold over from the original design and shows my thought process of moving something that worked elsewhere but not thinking of optimising it.

Speaking of original design the empty toggle switch (circled) is still present from the earliest iteration of the car. Like and appendix, it no longer does anything, but it's still there.

http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/8258/figure10.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/163/figure10.jpg/)

This toggle gets re-purposed at this stage to become landing controls, the wheels have impact sensors on them and the switch on the tags. Cutting the circuit. What this chip is doing is slowly lowering the car to the ground, when it touches the ground, normal driving controls are restored.

The only other thing to change was some interrupters to turn off circuits if the engine wasn't running and the wireless 'X' button now has a cool down delay on it. In testing people were pressing 'X' so fast that the toggle's broke and the car would keep rising in Hover Boost mode, never switching to Flight mode.

I ended up splitting out the cool down chip as I found I kept needing to refer back to it, and was reusing it over and over. It actually became my first saved microchip.


It has had a little bit of refinement also as I kept reusing it.


Still the same concept, but less convoluted, and not using DLC stickers. It also allows for both ON/OFF output, as well as an 'active' output while the timer is on. I think that at this stage I am being influenced by Robbit10's creator toolkit as I can finally understand the signal paths in it.

Since then there has been a lot of other tweaks, but the car shape and Hover Conversion Kit did not change.

Until the final (current) design. I don't intend to optimise any more than this, but I want to give away the work I have done so I need to clear DLC and the like.


I want the car to be be won in chunks, so that people can upgrade it, just like any crazy wild eyed scientist would want to, so I am making it modular. Not to sure about how to share the parts yet but this method means that all elements are self-contained so I can work on the how later.

http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/9862/figure11i.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/811/figure11i.png/)

Here you can see the current Hover Conversion Kit, the wireless 'X' button going into a cool down (that is also interrupted if the car's engine is off) into the Hover Mode (now back on the main circuit board). The selector replaces the toggle array, tags have been optimised to one called Hover Mode (all associated Hover tags have been removed and rely on this as a trigger to invert or activate timers.

The Landing Gear chip is a little more refined, and is now part of the Hover Conversion chip but it is clear that it is newer as it is nowhere as efficient as the rest of the setup, but it now has only one impact tag. I should add that I like to have a NOT gate next to a Sensor for clarity. I wish that it showed you on the tag.

The toggle Hover Mode has held over to another part of the car to track which mode the car was in when it time travels, ensuring that it returns the same But I have a feeling that a selector set up to store the signal will replace it? however this is part of the evolution of the Time Circuits as I try to get them to remember and store states.

Logic for logic's sake, but how did it come to be?


http://img863.imageshack.us/img863/9066/45610809.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/863/45610809.jpg/)


2011-04-14 09:22:00

Posts: 1799

Looks like a lot of logic than expected for a "Vehicle" whacha gonna do with all that? lulz (Also sackbots can work easily with controllers if you set them to "Acting". Idk why, but it works)2011-04-21 06:55:00

Unknown User

Looks like a lot of logic than expected for a "Vehicle" whacha gonna do with all that? lulz (Also sackbots can work easily with controllers if you set them to "Acting". Idk why, but it works)

Yeah, there is a lot of logic (more than in the picture). It's the first thing I have built in LBP2 and I will say I learnt a lot over the 100+ hours I spent on it. I have actually gone back in and have been optimising the logic but it does do a lot.

The car has the ability to switch back and forward from drive to hover as an initial layer to the logic. Hover mode causes the wheels to retract and be replaced with the side on view. This also switches on several lighting effects.

In drive mode there is a randomised starter motor and idle (that also switches on several other lighting effects), Upon acceleration there is stages of flux dispersal theat lights up the different time elements (all linked to an on/off time circuit controller, that also activates a fast pulse flux capacitor). If you slow down there is an inertia dampener that stops the car with a deceleration circuit and a screeching halt.

In flying mode all this is switched off, except for the high end engine noise. Apart from the running lights in hover mode there are several effects linked to smoke and boost flame.

There is cool down timers for going in and out of hover mode and impact sensors linked to the car landing and switching off the landing lights.

The time travel itself is handled by follower logic linked to a re-entry sheet that will flash out the pulses of the car reappearing. There is also circuits to look after flame trails and the disappearance of the car. The reappearing car is covered in ice and will expel gas from the exhaust vents, as the ice melts away. All parts of the car (some loose), are fitted with different destroy logic.

As it also destroys the controlinator in the car I use a sackbot. The sackbot has follower logic for the sackboy to stay with him, which switches to the car upon entry and back when you get out.

The car also has a hit box to detect point bubbles, and... well some other surprises based around lightning strikes and hover boards.

I built it to function as closely to the BTTF movie DeLorean, but for stage designs I have been removing logic modules that are not needed for the stage. Miserable Flying Weather is the closest to completion, and I have removed the driving logic, as well as the sackbot logic for the first half of the stage.

The second half the returned car behaves VERY differently.

I needed the sackbot to be able to get in and out of the DCS at will as well as not be auto sucked in, and, at the same time I wanted to make sure that a sackboy could also get in to the DCS.

I'm not sure about how the Sackbot settings will help with this, so I'll have to look into that, do you have any further tips on this? Thanks!
2011-04-22 02:43:00

Posts: 1799

Looks nice, but what does time-travelling do?2011-04-23 05:45:00

Posts: 199

I see I'm not the only one whos made a fully functional Time Travelling DeLorean? 2011-04-26 00:33:00

Posts: 918

Looks nice, but what does time-travelling do?

The time traveling is set up to destroy the car and leave behind flame trails. There is a bit oh holo that I called ILM that has all the effects and logic on it for re-entry. It tracks the state of the car (driving or hover) and will re-spawn after a timer count down (configurable) with retained speed. It will spawn the car at the start of where the flame trails begin. This is switchable and means that you can turn off the local respawn and have the the camera jump to another location (time) and activate a different ILM point and configure the type of car that comes back...

I see I'm not the only one whos made a fully functional Time Travelling DeLorean?

Really? Share the lbp.me when all this error code malarky settles down. I'd Love to see it!
2011-04-26 13:03:00

Posts: 1799

Very nice.2011-04-27 00:36:00

Posts: 1176

Your DeLorean sounds awesome; it has to be with that amount of logic. I'll make sure to queue your level when the network gets back up.2011-05-05 02:45:00

Posts: 131

Your DeLorean sounds awesome; it has to be with that amount of logic. I'll make sure to queue your level when the network gets back up.

It'd be all the more awesome if I could have done it with a single sensor and a mover.... I'm optimising the logic at the moment to make it cleaner, totally ignoring the 'if it ain't broke' mantra.

My mantra is 'If it ain't broke, back it up and mess with the copy."
2011-05-06 06:15:00

Posts: 1799

Thanks for offering some help, queed up your level here.

...err well attempted to, psn is not letting me sign in on LBP.me? So I guess I will have to just search for your level the old fashioned way when I get home.
2011-05-16 19:11:00

Posts: 822

This is Crazy nice looks like a great job hope I can test it.2011-05-17 01:21:00

Unknown User

Hi All,

Thank you so much for the interest in my DeLorean. I have updated the original entry with more details. If people are interested in more detail about the logic; just ask... or make suggestions if you are an optimising guru!

I'm looking forward to finally getting some feedback after after all this PSN downtime, let me know if you want me to check out your stuff also!
2011-05-18 13:25:00

Posts: 1799

This is a very cool car! Great animation for the hover mode and time circuits, and I love how the car comes back with the paint all messed up. Nice architecture as well, very good use of extra layers and detailing.
I'd love to see this a a complete level - you know, when you have a few hundred hours to spare. Seriously though, if you expand this into a full level I think it would be awesome and very popular. Looking great so far.
I had serious trouble getting the ignition to work at first, don't know what my problem was, but I replayed and it worked.
The block behind the car should be a little taller, it's just the right height to get the back bumper stuck. I just went into hover mode to get unstuck, but something to think about for expanding the level.
Really an impressive vehicle, well done. And thanks for the great feedback on my bunny bounce, I really appreciate it.
2011-05-18 21:35:00

Posts: 838

Nice architecture as well, very good use of extra layers and detailing.
Thank you... I believe I used your unlocked cascade to do it!

I had serious trouble getting the ignition to work at first, don't know what my problem was, but I replayed and it worked.
The block behind the car should be a little taller, it's just the right height to get the back bumper stuck.

Great point about the block, I got stuck once on it but didn't think much about it!

As for the ignition... well it is a little unstable on purpose, just like in the movie.

It's based around some shady randomiser stuff that can almost make it feel like it's impossible to start the car when the pressure is on. Although there is no skill to getting it to start, just luck. So maybe not a great game mechanic if you end up failing the stage because of it.

I thought this may be overly annoying, and it is not something I'm married too... I'll tweak it more so it doesn't feel like the logic is broken.

I do have my first stage very close to completion (i.e. final testing) and will let you know.
2011-05-18 22:00:00

Posts: 1799

Ok saw the feedback you gave me and realise my lazy self had not been online for a few days so hopped on. I like the doctor, it took me a second to realize what he was just because I was not thinking and when it hit me I cracked up...then hit him a few times.

I like the random start, but did not realize it was at first. Perhaps have him say something if it is a failed start like he did in the movies. I wanted to be forced to be going 70 mph or whatever it was to go through time, because that was a perfect time travel fx. It did not seem to always go, and once or twice it went on its own.

I loved the hover fx, but once or twice the back wheel would not emit if I was too close to the ground on landing. I also wanted to fall and crash if I unhovered too high up. Perhaps that would mess up the doors or something if the gav was altered, and it wasn't annoying, just I wanted to fall from the sky and crash.

One of the plays I was moving way tot eh top, and I must have messed up what ever the real me was on because each time I tried to ext the screen would goto the upper left-hand side and then go back. I had to restart because it would not let me finish and when I popped the sack person and respawned the controllinator with the auto enter must have been at the top still and I could not fly the delrian as just me.

If I was to be asked waht to do, make the delorian fall faster in non-hover and make the speed needed for the time travel (not important at all, I just wanted to see that fx occur as I was sppeding along).

As for the background I loved that you threw in some BTF stuff...I wonder how it would have looked with a blank background, but then again the blank one has that annoying box that one can't get rid of.

Great delorian, look forward to seeing it in a level if you do.
2011-05-21 02:36:00

Posts: 822

I played it recently, and I liked the car design and the emitting/demitting wheels (the wheels were really well-done!). I was a bit disappointed in the time travel animation, however.. I expected it to enter a time portal and race across space and time to end up in a different time. Still, this is a very nice car.

I made a time travelling car too, in LBP1. If you like, you can check it out. It's published. Just search for Hyperdrive Van on my planet.
2011-05-21 10:29:00

Posts: 450

Your level has been queued and awaiting me to get some free time to play. Looks very interesting can't wait to test it.

By the way my Mecha Menace level has been updated to perform better if your still interrested.
2011-05-24 13:12:00

Posts: 761

Thank you all that have so far played this and left feedback. This thread has an amazing number of views, so I hope that people find it interesting. I have been playing a lot of other people's stages and leaving feedback (including those who played mine, but didn't leave any themselves) and it has been an invaluable learning experience.

It seems many responses want to see a full stage. I have actually halted development of my first BTTF themed stage and am rebuilding it from the ground up based on all I have learned. Anyone who is interested can friend me and I will send a key of the WIP. (You don't have to keep me as a friend after).

Based on feedback left on my DeLorean as well as a great looking car in this (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=56282-Generic-Sportscar) thread, I have gone back to do a (hopefully) final re-design of the entire car from the ground up. I can't scale it much smaller though.

I like the random start, but did not realize it was at first. Perhaps have him say something if it is a failed start like he did in the movies.

This seems to be the largest gripe of all players. I have re-thought of how to re-introduce this as I love it as a nod to the movies but it needs to be more of a gameplay element rather than a frustration.

I wanted to be forced to be going 70 mph or whatever it was to go through time, because that was a perfect time travel fx. It did not seem to always go, and once or twice it went on its own.

By this do you mean the car wasn't going fast enough? Due to the wheel effects and the door opening, I couldn't make it go much faster with out some weird results. This is something that the redesign should address. Also the Time FX are timer based on how long you are holding accelerate, but I'm not super thrilled with this, I want more of an analogue feel.

I played it recently, and I liked the car design and the emitting/demitting wheels (the wheels were really well-done!).

I loved the hover fx, but once or twice the back wheel would not emit if I was too close to the ground on landing. I also wanted to fall and crash if I unhovered too high up. Perhaps that would mess up the doors or something if the gav was altered, and it wasn't annoying, just I wanted to fall from the sky and crash.

It seems that this is everybody's favourite feature. Which is fantastic, as it was the most complicated thing (for me anyway) to accomplish. I'm pretty happy to get such a great review from DJ_DTM (http://lbp.me/u/DJ_DTM) who has some pretty great BTTF stuff going on. This effect is also the biggest hassle of the car I would say 2/3rds of the logic are connected to the transition effect, and will be my biggest focus to make more efficient with how it reacts to speed, terrain bumps and landing.

One of the plays I was moving way tot eh top, and I must have messed up what ever the real me was on because each time I tried to ext the screen would goto the upper left-hand side and then go back. I had to restart because it would not let me finish and when I popped the sack person and respawned the controllinator with the auto enter must have been at the top still and I could not fly the delrian as just me.

I haven't put much thought into this but I'll need to address sackbot spawning in the full game. The current set up allows for you to 'unlock' yourself from the car (for debugging) thank you for going to so much effort to break it!

If I was to be asked waht to do, make the delorian fall faster in non-hover and make the speed needed for the time travel (not important at all, I just wanted to see that fx occur as I was sppeding along).

I have invited you to see my WIP stage where this may or may not happen to your liking. But on redesign I will add an analogue landing effect for this sort of thing. I may also limit how high it can go up as it's meant to hover not fly (although this seems a little over the top to do).

I was a bit disappointed in the time travel animation, however.. I expected it to enter a time portal and race across space and time to end up in a different time. Still, this is a very nice car.

How. Dare. You.
Actually, a valid point. The animation is getting some tweaking, but there will be no Dr.Who/Star Wars portal. It's not in the BTTF style . What I will be adding is a better destroy effect for the explosion/smoke as the car tears the universe a new one, but the time travel itself will always be instantaneous.

In regards to logic for this, all the effects are on a bit of holo that tracks position and type of car that will 'come back'. Coming back to the same time is not all it does; the holo also sets stage lighting effects and can actually activate a different re-entry point/time. So it will also time 'jump'. That's just not on display here. Again if interested in seeing this, I'll send you a level key.

I made a time travelling car too, in LBP1. If you like, you can check it out. It's published. Just search for Hyperdrive Van on my planet.

I had a look at this, it's funny; when you made this I am sure it was the bee's knees. It's amazing how antiquated LBP2 logic makes LBP 1 stuff, but I liked it! Looking at all the logic felt so retro! Considering the strides you have made with sharing LBP2 logic I'm sure you understand what I mean more than most
2011-05-25 09:53:00

Posts: 1799

Ok finaly played it

Well this was definately a well made vehicle i loved the wheels they worked perfectly with the transition from drivable to lift off mode.
Although at first i did back the car into the boxes at the start and they stoped the car from working properly though when i managed to get the car to fly it fixed it so it is a very very small issue.

I t took me two attempts to make the car go butthat made it really feel like a claped out old banger converted into a dodgy time machine just like the movie
I did also like the fact that when you break your wheels they come back very good little piece of work there. And the time traveling animation looks great.

The only issue i could really see would be the fact that when you transform from hover mode to drive mode mid air it take quite some time to drop to the floor. But i'm sure this could be fixed.

The car is definately a good replica of the one in the movie and i can't wait to see if you make a BTTF story level using this. Maybe for the time travel you could find a way to load into a sublevel after you disappear leaving a trail of fire behind you then start the sub level tearing back into the world but now in the wild west.
The background building was good too.

Thanks for playing my level and giving me some great feedback. Wish i could give you more but most of it seems to have already been covered by other players on this thread. If you make a story level for this then i will deffinately play it.

Great Job.
2011-05-25 15:39:00

Posts: 761

i would love to try out the WIP stage as a fan of BTTF and hopefully a friend i like helping people and i LOVE learning new things. i think i could learn a lot from this. i hope you except me for testing. i will give you a review if you want one.2011-05-28 21:03:00

Posts: 1527

I've only just noticed it takes up 3 layers 2011-05-29 16:14:00

Posts: 918

I've only just noticed it takes up 3 layers

It's one Think and two Thin. I do use some carefully placed stickers and masked holo to give it a bit more depth and it does seat two sackpeople but not at the expense of taking up every layer.
2011-05-29 22:02:00

Posts: 1799

Looks amazing. I'll give it a look at and give you some feedback later.2011-05-30 06:57:00

Unknown User

Played the level. I love this object. I love everything about it. I do have one thing to say though. The flying mode feels stiff. But that's all Great showcase 2011-05-30 10:58:00

Unknown User

Played the level. I love this object. I love everything about it. I do have one thing to say though. The flying mode feels stiff. But that's all Great showcase

I had to hold the speed down because of how the wheels and door work. But this is something I was concerned about, the whole car feels a little too slow, part of what I am trying to fix in the redesign.

On another note, because I wasn't sure if I like it anymore I have published a 80% complete level with the Delorean locked in flight mode trying to navigate a storm. A bonus of this is a lot of the feed back given is about bits of the car that are switched off for this stage.

It also time jumps, not just re appearing in the same spot. This is something that a lot of people wanted to see. So check it out! It's in my sig. I am going to a enormous effort to give feedback to everyone I can. So if I missed you, or you played the stage without posting; PM me telling me what I should be playing!

I will update this object showcase to a more robust example of what the car is capable of sometime in the in future... or in the past...
2011-06-01 12:28:00

Posts: 1799

hello! Finally got round to the feedback, very interesting creation you have here, seems like a finely tuned item without the need for tweaks, i have no ideas how to improve it anyway. Well im sure this feedback has been worth the wait, i will have to try that Miserable flying Weather when i get the chance.2011-08-07 15:58:00

Posts: 232

Hello MR_Fusion, a really nice work, I really loved your level, and was really nice to see it, actually I'm working on my own Delorean... So far it's going ok, I have some issues with the motion.

I liked your car very detailed. Nice controls and excellent FXs! specially the re-appearing FX!, I love it!

Here are some pics of my Delorean:
2011-10-03 22:37:00

Posts: 73

Looking good! It's a hard shape to get right, and the scale is tricky but you're well on your way!

Apart from the hovermode, The hardest part was the disappear/reappear logic, because it does disintergrate you character...
2011-10-03 23:54:00

Posts: 1799

Looking good! It's a hard shape to get right, and the scale is tricky but you're well on your way!

Thank you, I really worked hard on this model...

Yeah tell me about it. The shape was really difficult to find, but after a search on internet, I found a site where they offer this spectacular car in paper model!(for free) so you can see in detail all the shapes used in the car... the way I did, was scanning this paper to PS3 using the eyetoy then I stick it over sticker panel, then I started from there, they even have the train model as well! really nice...

Apart from the hovermode, The hardest part was the disappear/reappear logic, because it does disintergrate you character...

Yeah I wonder how do you achieve that, I have some ideas...
2011-10-04 17:07:00

Posts: 73

O3O.........Wow!2011-10-05 13:25:00

Unknown User

I found a site where they offer this spectacular car in paper model!(for free) so you can see in detail all the shapes used in the car

LOL, I found that site also... It's pretty amazing what that guy makes. I actually used the DeLorean handbook and sketched it to grid paper and built it block by block.

Yeah I wonder how do you achieve that, I have some ideas...

The hover mode was achieved by very precise emitting within an axle point. The axle has a material tweak set to indestructible also.

As for the time travel logic... the logic is super messy, but has been drastically refined, you can grab it from my level Doc's Workshop (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=59299-Doc-s-Workshop-Mr.-Door-Handler&p=881289#post881289) it is called Mr. Doorhandler because I named all my chips to keep track of logic. The chip called door handle ended up trying to control the enter/eject of the controlinator so a sackbot can get in and out... anyway the refined version is actually on the sackbot itself, and I add 'Mr' to the front to be stupid.

Speaking of naming the chips, everything is themed, because I plan to give the car away in stages over the course of a few levels, so you will win a chip called 'hover conversion kit' that, when placed on the logic board of the car will activate all of the hover abilities.

Stay tuned!
2011-10-06 12:19:00

Posts: 1799

LOL, I found that site also... It's pretty amazing what that guy makes. I actually used the DeLorean handbook and sketched it to grid paper and built it block by block.

Yes you are right that guy did a great job with those paper models... I did not try to make the paper model I guess I will give it a try lol...

The hover mode was achieved by very precise emitting within an axle point. The axle has a material tweak set to indestructible also.

Sorry for my short understanding but English is my second language can you tell me what is an axle? (sorry if this a silly question...)

For this fist model, I also get sorted the wheels they are emmited as well I had a block in thin layer in the car model that has a hole, then the emmited wheel has a thin block that fit on it and also has a material tweaker to change it to "sticky",for now only the back wheel has a "motor bolt" on it and "wireless" controls. The front wheel only has a "bolt" on it; I worked out a logic that use the left stick as "accelerator" and it's working pretty well, so if you push the left stick slowly the car will start from slow speed to high speed depending of how far you push the left stick.

As for the time travel logic... the logic is super messy, but has been drastically refined, you can grab it from my level Doc's Workshop (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=59299-Doc-s-Workshop-Mr.-Door-Handler&p=881289#post881289) it is called Mr. Doorhandler because I named all my chips to keep track of logic. The chip called door handle ended up trying to control the enter/eject of the controlinator so a sackbot can get in and out... anyway the refined version is actually on the sackbot itself, and I add 'Mr' to the front to be stupid.

Yes I realized you did an amazing job with this, I actually have some ideas too;
By the way, can you please let me know all DLC you used to work on your "Doc's Workshop" level? I went there but I can not see some of the chips because they complain about "You do not have XXXX DLC to see this..." , that seem to me some sort stupid thing if it's a Microchip logic but who knows...

Speaking of naming the chips, everything is themed, because I plan to give the car away in stages over the course of a few levels, so you will win a chip called 'hover conversion kit' that, when placed on the logic board of the car will activate all of the hover abilities.

Stay tuned!
Great!, of course I will be tuned!

I'm working now with the FX.

My problem for now:
Like you, I can't give too much speed to the car, the door some how get messed up... I finally get this sorted, at least the door do not open when you are on motion, but now sometimes it get stuck! so I need to wait 5 to 10 secs to get the door open! lol

By the way, as soon I get my Car working I want to you see it and give to me your opinion...!

2011-10-06 16:10:00

Posts: 73

Here is some updated images.

Now working with the fx...

2011-10-06 22:34:00

Posts: 73

Funny thing is that you are using very similar parts as I have. My current (unpublished) version also has the laser object at the top for the wormhole generator. Looks like I better get to finishing it. You're catching up 2011-10-08 01:32:00

Posts: 1799

This looks really sweet. I'll edit this post once I play it with some feedback for you.2011-10-09 02:00:00

Posts: 606

The DeLorean was amazing, well made indeed. Wanted to know if you will ever make it a prize one day2011-10-09 03:36:00

Posts: 484

@xquake what bit says 'you need DLC'? I want to fix that.

The DeLorean was amazing, well made indeed. Wanted to know if you will ever make it a prize one day

Short answer... Yes.

Would you 'build' it if you won it like a kit?
2011-10-10 06:29:00

Posts: 1799

Funny thing is that you are using very similar parts as I have. My current (unpublished) version also has the laser object at the top for the wormhole generator. Looks like I better get to finishing it. You're catching up

That's means that I'm doing well lol

what bit says 'you need DLC'? I want to fix that.

Right now I did not remember which was, but is asking for MARVEL DLC... As soon I get home I will let you know what part of the KIT is.

2011-10-10 10:23:00

Posts: 73

Fusion, i would build it if i got it as a kit. i think prizes would be better that way. more fun.2011-10-10 22:00:00

Posts: 1527

@xquake what bit says 'you need DLC'? I want to fix that.

Short answer... Yes.

Would you 'build' it if you won it like a kit?

I would accept a build-it-yourself.

I have a car that I want to give high technology to.
2011-10-12 01:47:00

Posts: 484

I checked this out, it was very well made and very well thought out very good job 2011-11-02 17:44:00

Posts: 390

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