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Jak and daxter: Jak with full eco powers

Archive: 6 posts


I've been lately working on a sackbot in Jak costume that can utilize blue, red, yellow, and dark eco powers faithful and pretty authentic to the original first PS2 game. I'm going to be making a survival level with him, but I have a project ahead of this and it wont be out until sometime this summer.

Here's how it all works:
1.Use the 4 shoulder buttons to select which eco power you want. when you select one, the previous turns off. If you press the same button again, it will turn off. It's basically a Selector with toggle feature.

2. Once you select the pwer, it's time to doddle around with his powers.
For Red and Yellow, you must use the right ana.logue stick to direct which way the attack goes. Tap it once left for the attack to go left, and tap right to go right. Just a tap, you don't have to hold it.
Yellow eco: Select it with its corresponding shoulder button, and choose direction like above. Then press L3. A well sized eco fireball will shoot out. You may have up to three at a time on each side.
Red eco: The exact same as above, but now a large red fist will fly out with a punching sounds (in game, red eco doubles melee power).
Blue eco: Just like in the game, Jak runs substantially faster, but has no fighting powers. I'm working on a burst of electricity at the moment, will include it sometime in the future.
Dark eco: This one shot outburst of energy will be used to make all the surrouding baddies go "bye-bye". Select the shoulder button, and then tap L3 and circle at the same time to unleash massive energy. Right now I know it could look better, I'm going to be adding in some surrounding gaseous material, and some purple material that is set to instantly splat once emitted out, and will go off around him for a better effect.
-NOTE: bad picture, looks much better in level

So, please throw out some F4F on how it works and how it can be improved. As I said I'll be making a survival level with him, and I'd like it to look and perform the best possible. I'll repay all F4F given. Thanks!
2011-04-12 23:45:00

Posts: 732

Added to queue. Will check out soon2011-04-13 22:08:00

Unknown User

Initially I struggled to get in the controlinator as Daxter's speech prompt kept going off instead. Not really a big issue and it's not part of what to review.

I love the face he pulls when you charge up the Dark Eco power. Maybe 3 squares of holo to make a bar would help knowing how close it is to going off. You could also utilise this concept as a count down per power so you can't leave any one power on for too long.

I think that you are on the right path with the Blue Eco in respect to that it seems to be missing something and the mentioned electricity burst will help. I like the yellow projectile, but was surprised with the red projectile; it makes sense, but the fist sticker may look more in place on some red holo set quite low at 10% or so with no edge.

I felt that, on the whole, your controls seem a little convoluted (although I haven't played the original games :blush. He controls as expected and the run speed (Blue Eco) is well paced, it comes down to weapon select and firing.

The shoulder button logic for select work well, as does the smoke to signify your selection. However it does eat up a lot of button realestate... maybe a pop up menu select with D-Pad or R3.

I find hitting L3 while running around a little unnatural. Just holding circle for Dark Eco would work (or O+X if you want a button combo) Have you considered mapping the 4 powers to the face buttons? If you don't want twin stick aiming, square and circle could be directions.

In a survival level it would mean the difference to me dying being my fault or the fault of slow controls.

Over all; solid logic and he does what you want him to do. That Dark Eco fire off is cool. I am really impressed with how well you have the animation lining up.

If you have time check out my DeLorean in Temporal Experiment 1. If you don't have time... well you've got all the time in the world. You're in a Time Machine!
2011-04-14 09:09:00

Posts: 1799

Thanks for the advice, I'll edit some stuff and fix some of it to what you've said, thanks! I'll leave you feedback on your level as well.
I considered having the shape controls be the power activators, but I still want jump and stuff like that. I made come logic to make the directional buttons work instead of shoulders, I'll try that out too, thanks again!
2011-04-15 02:02:00

Posts: 732

I considered having the shape controls be the power activators, but I still want jump and stuff like that.

It's funny how not that long ago one or even two buttons were enough! I have on several occasions thought, "bah!... it doesn't let me use R3 in the controlinator. I'm out of buttons AGAIN!"

Looking forward to future iterations. Oh and the gift you give for your level needs DLC - because of the costume (I know - pretty obvious), but its a difficult thing to balance if you want people to see the logic.

Do you share a blank sackbot with the logic?, or the full character?, can there be an option? The decisions!
2011-04-15 04:17:00

Posts: 1799

I'm going to give the entire sackbot with all the logic away with the survival level, I dont want to chance anyone stealing my ideas until then. Theres no logic on the costume I gave away, it's just Jak in light form from Jak 32011-04-15 04:31:00

Posts: 732

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