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The score board isn't working.

Archive: 8 posts

I'm pretty much finished making my level so I added a score board. I changed it to play mode to test the level and once I got to the scoreboard nothing happens. It just doesn't work at all. I have the player controlling a sackbot and the player is on a piece of hologram following the sackbot. I even temporarily published the level to see if it worked there but it didn't. My other level where you control a sackbot works so I don't know what's wrong.2011-04-09 20:31:00

Unknown User

You should try to reject the player of the controlinator. If you can't finish then, delete the scoreboard and place a new one.
If that doesn't work, try a 'Game Ender' tweaked to 'Succes'.
And if that doesn't work, then I think there is something wrong.
2011-04-09 20:34:00

Posts: 121

I already tried deleting and placing a new one but that didn't work. I'll try the game ender thing (where is that btw I never used it) and what do you mean rejecting the player of the controllinator?2011-04-09 21:07:00

Unknown User

He meant 'Eject' - forcing the player out of the seat.

When in a Controlinator, many things don't work towards the player (scoreboards, Underwater drowning, hazards ect...)
You need to have the player exit the seat - or, as you said, use a Game Ender (Under the world tweakers section)
2011-04-09 21:23:00

Posts: 918

Oh I see. I've actually been wondering how you eject a player from the controllinator but never needed it done before. What do you have to do to eject the player?2011-04-09 21:24:00

Unknown User

Input something into the back of the controllinator. When it's on it will eject the player.2011-04-09 21:38:00

Posts: 5891

I recently had a score board problem, seemed to be related to having the score board material set to "wood."2011-04-09 22:41:00

Posts: 838

I had it set to chrome and then changed it to plastic but none worked. What I did was put a player sensor near the scoreboard and had it eject the player from the controllinator and that worked so thanks.2011-04-10 00:45:00

Unknown User

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