Surviving the Dollhouse
Archive: 13 posts
Surviving the DollhouseBlackWolfe9653 LittleBigToyCompany is looking for shift managers to monitor the automated production of their best-selling "Pink Patti Patches" doll. The whole system is automatic. How hard could it be? SURVIVAL CHALLENGE This has been a real blast to create. Literally at one point, there used to be a conveyor belt, and one of the wheels somehow got glued to part of the environment, and the whole level would explode after about 90 seconds, but that's been fixed by the simple expedient of removing the conveyor and replacing it with a glass slide. Inspired by the movie Toys and the Tori Amos song "Happy Workers" from the soundtrack of said movie. Can you keep the assembly line moving without being sewn, steam-pressed, ionized, spraypainted, or sterilized? All while trying to meet an undisclosed schedule? There is a safe place to stand, but you (a)won't score many points there, and (b) will get fired for failing to meet quota when the assembly line backs up. This one came out almost exactly as I envisioned it. Also, because people don't seem to like "Glockenpop," which I think is a pretty darn good song for a whimsical level like this, I added a mute feature, so you can still hear the klaxon which sounds when you're close to getting fired. Pix and/or vid would be much appreciated, if possible. Edit 4/11, 8:28 AM: As of last night, only one person's name (other than my own) even shows up on the HS list. So apparently, one person played it ten times and nobody else has played it at all. It's really hard to not score at all. You've got to make an effort at it. | 2011-04-09 14:45:00 Author: BlackWolfe ![]() Posts: 299 |
i think i got the hi-score: 500000 ![]() this was a fun minigame but again i figured the logic behind this but i would give points when a doll is made not when it gets painted or something but i never got fired, the system seriously messed up however ![]() this got :star::star::star::star: from me if you fix it theres five stars in for you ![]() as this is F4F id like feedback on meh jonzian platformer: the tree of life (gets republished if PSN is up again) | 2011-04-22 23:06:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
i think i got the hi-score: 500000 ![]() this was a fun minigame but again i figured the logic behind this but i would give points when a doll is made not when it gets painted or something but i never got fired, the system seriously messed up however ![]() this got :star::star::star::star: from me if you fix it theres five stars in for you ![]() as this is F4F id like feedback on meh jonzian platformer: the tree of life (gets republished if PSN is up again) Each part of the assembly line awards points, but the prize bubbles are emitted when the dolls reach the trapdoor at the end of the line. As far as the line getting seriously messed up, there's only one mess-up that I'm aware of that isn't intended, which is on the occasions when a doll gets stuck with the launcher going through them. It appears to be too thin. Otherwise, yeah, things get jammed and out of whack if you're not keeping up with it. As far as being fired, the timing on that proved tricky. I dummied something up with opposing rockets, and it works okay. Unfortunately, I can't find a better method that suits my needs. Will download Tree of Life tonight if PSN is up. | 2011-04-23 00:05:00 Author: BlackWolfe ![]() Posts: 299 |
yes but when you hold a launched doll close enough to the painter i will give points but wont dissapear and kepp giving points thats how i got meh score and i wont get fired even if it jams up (dolls everywhere AARGH) | 2011-04-23 10:30:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
No, I haven't forgotten this. I'll have to doublecheck the timing on the countdown to getting fired. As it is now, every method I can think of will backfire. ![]() I may end up doing what you say and having the level only give points for completed dolls. Then I could get rid of the timer kludge entirely, as getting those dolls through the line would be the only way to get points. | 2011-05-08 00:59:00 Author: BlackWolfe ![]() Posts: 299 |
really good level ! ![]() ![]() ![]() | 2011-05-17 15:26:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Thanks! It was fun coming up with it, although Nys has pointed out a couple of things that, well, borked. I've since come up with a better timer that can be reset easily, so I may make a sequel with an entirely different type of toy being made, but the same basic "I Love Lucy assembly line" concept. | 2011-05-20 14:15:00 Author: BlackWolfe ![]() Posts: 299 |
You know, it's a shame LBPC's new blood doesn't get much/any feedback these days. I apologize on LBPC's PSP community's behalf. So, as you can probably deduce, I'll be writing some feedback soon. c; | 2011-05-23 16:10:00 Author: The-Questor ![]() Posts: 1328 |
![]() | 2011-05-23 16:44:00 Author: BlackWolfe ![]() Posts: 299 |
Hey Blackwolfe, I've come baring feedback! The Bads ![]() The Process Kept Botching Up -So, a few minutes into your level, a doll head pops down from that factory machine. My immediate response to that was "Cool!", then it went into that second machine thingy and flew up by that third factory dohicky. Then, another doll head came down and didn't reach the second factory machine. And another, and another, and another. Before I knew it I was covered in doll heads. Everytime I attempted to move a doll on to the third machine the doll got stuck in between the machine and the ground! It was a disater! xD The Goods ![]() Very Nice Idea -Before judging this book by it's cover, I took note of the level's base idea and I'm impressed. The thought of the level was smashing, unfortunately there is room for improvement. All you need to do is harness that raw talent that courses through your vains, and you could make a very intricate level with no flaws to be seen. Follow the advice the lovely sackfolk on LBPC give you, and you'll be creating like a pro in no time. The What ![]() Only one on each? -Have you noticed I only annotated on one good thing and one bad thing on your level? I did that because there wasn't much else I could identify as a GOOD thing or a BAD thing. I gave you :star::star::star::star::star:, as I recognize the basic plot, and I understand what went wrong. You're an upcoming star BlackWolfe, harness your talent, and make it your own. | 2011-05-26 16:44:00 Author: The-Questor ![]() Posts: 1328 |
Hey BlackWolfe!! ![]() I really enjoyed your challenge here. The first thing I noticed was the look. You have a great idea for details. Everything looked very nice. The challenge was very fun too, and original. I can honestly say I have never played a level like this. I had no idea what to do at first, but bubbles were falling, and that was cool! I finally got a grasp of the ins and outs, and ended up getting a good score. Overall, you did great on this. I gave you five stars. I hearted you as creator, so I can keep an eye on your future endeavors. <3 | 2011-05-26 22:16:00 Author: VelcroJonze ![]() Posts: 1305 |
Hey Blackwolfe, I've come baring feedback! The Bads ![]() The Process Kept Botching Up -So, a few minutes into your level, a doll head pops down from that factory machine. My immediate response to that was "Cool!", then it went into that second machine thingy and flew up by that third factory dohicky. Then, another doll head came down and didn't reach the second factory machine. And another, and another, and another. Before I knew it I was covered in doll heads. Everytime I attempted to move a doll on to the third machine the doll got stuck in between the machine and the ground! It was a disater! xD The Goods ![]() Very Nice Idea -Before judging this book by it's cover, I took note of the level's base idea and I'm impressed. The thought of the level was smashing, unfortunately there is room for improvement. All you need to do is harness that raw talent that courses through your vains, and you could make a very intricate level with no flaws to be seen. Follow the advice the lovely sackfolk on LBPC give you, and you'll be creating like a pro in no time. The What ![]() Only one on each? -Have you noticed I only annotated on one good thing and one bad thing on your level? I did that because there wasn't much else I could identify as a GOOD thing or a BAD thing. I gave you :star::star::star::star::star:, as I recognize the basic plot, and I understand what went wrong. You're an upcoming star BlackWolfe, harness your talent, and make it your own. The idea was that the first doll or two would run through the system with no problems, but as the difficulty went up, the system would back up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uztA6JCKB4s As far as the problem with dolls getting stuck in the launcher at the end of the back line -- that's because I made the thing too thin. I never fixed it because it meant reworking the entire back line and it only occasionally happened to me. I should have known that something that happens only occasionally is something that will happen regularly on release. Sod's Law and all that. There were bugs, which Nys pointed out earlier, which I think I have a solution for. Having said that, in order to fix those bugs, I'll likely have to redo the level from scratch, so I'm not sure if I will. (Aw, who'm I kidding? A redux version will probably end up on My Moon within the week.) Hey BlackWolfe!! I really enjoyed your challenge here. The first thing I noticed was the look. You have a great idea for details. Everything looked very nice. The challenge was very fun too, and original. I can honestly say I have never played a level like this. I had no idea what to do at first, but bubbles were falling, and that was cool! I finally got a grasp of the ins and outs, and ended up getting a good score. Overall, you did great on this. I gave you five stars. I hearted you as creator, so I can keep an eye on your future endeavors. Thanks a lot! The whole "I have no idea what's happening now what do I do" feeling was part of the plan. (See the above "I Love Lucy" video.) That gestalt moment when everything just clicks and you figure out a puzzle is probably my favorite sensation in gaming. | 2011-05-27 00:52:00 Author: BlackWolfe ![]() Posts: 299 |
That is so cool that you based it on that episode of I love Lucy. I remember watching that with my Mom when I was just a chap. To this day, it's one of the funniest things I ever saw. ![]() And the truth is, I honestly thought of that episode when playing this, so you did it right, and you have great taste!! I seriously can't wait to see what you make for us next. ![]() | 2011-05-27 01:09:00 Author: VelcroJonze ![]() Posts: 1305 |
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