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Spiral Knights

Archive: 240 posts

Yesterday, SEGA and Three Rings' previously invite-only MMO, Spiral Knights (http://www.spiralknights.com/), was opened to the public. It's got great music, a nice art style, and the gameplay is very Zelda-esque.


Anyone else here play it? I just started yesterday, it's a pretty neat little game.
There also just happens to be a My Little Pony themed guild called Knights of Equestria...
Oh yeah, and it's freeeeee to play!

LBPC users:
TheZimInvader - Chro
Silver39 - Silvr
UltimateClay - Ulteclah
Spider-Jew - Webhead
Doopz479 - Dewpz
Whaaaaale - Edin
daddy_doodle - Shiranui
Joruto - Joruto
CyberSora - Asterisks
Inanimacy - Xilleu
SR20DETDOG - Wilverine
Littlebigdude805 - Xenox
fumetsusozo - fumetsusozo
StealthyHawaiian - Thepineapplizer
nunsmasher - Nunsmasher
TehUberZac - ZeeZee
warlord_evil - Warlord
Butter-Kicker - Butterking
Merc - Merrc
Arkei - Arkei
Memodrizx - Memo
2011-04-06 18:58:00

Posts: 3149

it looks cute, i may want to play this~
2011-04-06 21:15:00

Posts: 4261

Free as in, everything is free, or free as in, only 1% of the game is free?2011-04-07 03:48:00

Posts: 3262

it seems to be just free. i downloaded it. it was cute.
however my net was to slow to play it good, had horrible lag~
2011-04-07 03:52:00

Posts: 4261

Free as in, everything is free, or free as in, only 1% of the game is free?
Well there's this stuff called Energy. There are two types of it: Mist and Crystalized energy. You start out with a 100 Mist energy. When you go into dungeons, you have to pay 10 energy (either type btw) for each elevator (which takes you to the next level). You also have the option to buy armor/weapons/etc. with energy, but you can buy them with game currency as well.
Your Mist energy refills itself after a while, though - Every 15 minutes, you get 1 energy, and if you totally run out, it fills up completely in 24 hours.
However, you can only hold 100 Mist energy at a time, so that's kinda sucky. You can buy Crystalized energy with real money or game currency, and there's no limit to how much Crystalized energy you can have at once.

So basically...You can get things done quicker if you spend money, but you're totally capable without having to pay.
2011-04-07 03:58:00

Posts: 3149

Free as in 100%

Cool game. I've only played through 4 levels (6 if you count the intro), but it's pretty fun.

Just wonderin' do you guys play solo or party?
2011-04-07 04:01:00

Posts: 1703

So basically...You can get things done quicker if you spend money, but you're totally capable without having to pay.

So more or less like most MMOs you can pay to get bonus stuff like special armor ETC.
well long as the game is mostly free then I'm fine. *mew
2011-04-07 04:03:00

Posts: 4261

Free as in free fun.

Cool game. I've only played through 4 levels (6 if you count the intro), but it's pretty fun.

Just wonderin' do you guys play solo or party?
I usually play with my buds in the Knights of Equestria guild I'm in. fyeah.png
2011-04-07 04:03:00

Posts: 3149


I play with random people that join in.
2011-04-07 04:05:00

Posts: 1703

Just wonderin' do you guys play solo or party?
I'm going to try again later when my net's speed is higher if i can play or not.
but if i can. I'll for sure play with others.

what net speed does one need to play this game anyways?
2011-04-07 04:08:00

Posts: 4261

This looks really awesome. Have been wanting to play an online rpg for a while now. Seems like this one might do the job. Thanks zim! 2011-04-07 04:27:00

Posts: 564

So, I gave this a try. I love it, and I'm not even a big RPG fan! Got to get back the ole' Vindictus crew! 2011-04-08 03:15:00

Posts: 3262

Downloading now looks promising. Anyone wanna play together once I get my barrings?2011-04-09 00:07:00

Posts: 1924

God! 50 Energy points for a freaking recipe?! Well at least I get a cool hat.

That's an annoyin feature of the game though, waiting 24 hours to get more energy, can't even explore the levels without it.
2011-04-09 00:20:00

Posts: 1703

Do are Dungeons the only place to "do stuff" or are there fields or something to go around?2011-04-09 00:56:00

Posts: 6707

The game looks good, I might actually give it a try. It seems like the graphics are like Fat Princess2011-04-09 00:58:00

Posts: 6419

Do are Dungeons the only place to "do stuff" or are there fields or something to go around?

"Dungeons" are the only place to do stuff. The only other place is the Bazaar which is just a giant shop. :L
2011-04-09 01:31:00

Posts: 1703

God! 50 Energy points for a freaking recipe?! Well at least I get a cool hat.

That's an annoyin feature of the game though, waiting 24 hours to get more energy, can't even explore the levels without it.
Well, every 15 minutes you get one energy. And you can buy energy with crowns, too. Just click the blue energy symbol where it says how much energy you have, and you can trade crowns for 100 energy. The price keeps going up, though...A few days ago it was about 1500 crowns, and now it's almost 3000. :/

And @Silverleon, yeah, Dungeons are the only place to, you know, DO stuff. They aren't always dark and creepy though, there are some levels that are sky islands and other outdoor places.
When I first started playing the game, though, I thought there would be more adventuring or other things to do. But hey, it's still fun.
2011-04-09 01:37:00

Posts: 3149

So you're pretty much restricted to certain amount of actions per day?2011-04-09 02:40:00

Posts: 6707

@Silverleon: As far as I know, ya. 2011-04-09 02:45:00

Posts: 1703

So you're pretty much restricted to certain amount of actions per day?
Not really. That depends on how you spend your energy, and you can always buy more with in-game currency.
2011-04-09 02:55:00

Posts: 3149

Ya but I suck and I only get 3000 crowns per 100 energy. So in result, I have no profit to buy good gear, and I'd rather have gear for the next day.

So, in short(er): I suck=I get less adventure time.
2011-04-09 03:04:00

Posts: 1703

Ya but I suck and I only get 3000 crowns per 100 energy. So in result, I have no profit to buy good gear, and I'd rather have gear for the next day.

So, in short(er): I suck=I get less adventure time.
Yikes, the price is up to 3k already? Jeez, by next week it'll be 10k...
2011-04-09 03:05:00

Posts: 3149

Yikes, the price is up to 3k already? Jeez, by next week it'll be 10k...

I don't know. I was going by what you said.

Well, every 15 minutes you get one energy. And you can buy energy with crowns, too. Just click the blue energy symbol where it says how much energy you have, and you can trade crowns for 100 energy. The price keeps going up, though...A few days ago it was about 1500 crowns, and now it's almost 3000. :/
2011-04-09 03:09:00

Posts: 1703

I said almost 3000...It was around 2700 last time I checked. I thought you meant you had actually seen that it went up to 3000. :L2011-04-09 03:18:00

Posts: 3149

Ive got some spare space on my laptop hard drive Ill check it out! The art style is really appealing to me, but unfortunately, the dungeon only activities are a little bit of a turn off.2011-04-09 03:47:00

Posts: 1990

Ive got some spare space on my laptop hard drive Ill check it out! The art style is really appealing to me, but unfortunately, the dungeon only activities are a little bit of a turn off.
I was pretty skeptical about the dungeons thing at first as well, but there's lots of exploration and stuff so it's still fun. Just try it, I'm sure you'll like it.
2011-04-09 03:49:00

Posts: 3149

I absolutely hate non-linear gameplay thanks to my OCD. So dungeon-only is fantastic!2011-04-09 04:02:00

Posts: 1703

I absolutely hate non-linear gameplay thanks to my OCD. So dungeon-only is fantastic!

Anyways, barely got to play today because I entered a dungeon, joined a party with some dudes, and kept going deeper and deeper
2011-04-09 04:32:00

Posts: 3262


Anyways, barely got to play today because I entered a dungeon, joined a party with some dudes, and kept going deeper and deeper

Shouldn't that mean you get more playtime?

BTW, I wish to friend you... What's your character name?
2011-04-09 04:41:00

Posts: 1703

Shouldn't that mean you get more playtime?

BTW, I wish to friend you... What's your character name?

Ulteclah I think
2011-04-09 04:52:00

Posts: 3262

Mine is Webhead if you guys wanna add me.2011-04-09 05:20:00

Posts: 1090

Signing on, who wants to play?2011-04-09 06:16:00

Posts: 3262

Man i still got bad log and can hardly play the game.
is 1.50 Mbps net speed not good enough to play even a PC game now a days? :/
2011-04-09 10:14:00

Posts: 4261

Anyone want to play right now? 2011-04-09 15:24:00

Posts: 3262

Despite the need-to-be-upgraded sword and shield, lovin my costume right now.

2011-04-09 17:17:00

Posts: 1703

So when you say it's Zelda esque, do you mean as in combat (in which case I wouldn't really care) or do you mean there are Zelda style puzzles? Can't really check right now since PC is busted so ya >_>2011-04-09 22:27:00

Posts: 10882

Combat, not really much puzzles to be honest.
Anyone got 1 spare swordstone? All I need for Calibur
2011-04-09 23:32:00

Posts: 3262

Soooo.. I just downloaded this. So, you add people using their character name then, not username, right? My character name is Dewpz. I probably won't be playing long tonight though. Probably a lot more tomorrow.

*goes to play*
2011-04-09 23:41:00

Posts: 5592

I got Calibur! Had to pay 1k for the recipe, 1k for the sword stone, and .5k for the recipe. Saving a grand total of .5k
Anyways, was trying to save some energy for when Zim came back on but accidentally spent almost the rest I had on Calibur. Oops! Now I have to get 3k to get my energy back up to 100.
2011-04-10 01:17:00

Posts: 3262

Cool, now that you have Calibur, I guess you wont mind letting me borrow 750 crowns real quick?

I'll pay you back tomorrow.
2011-04-10 01:19:00

Posts: 1703

I'm bored, so I'm giving this a try. Add me, Whaaaaale. Unless I give you my character name which is Edin, I think.

This game is so confusing. Where are the recipes? I see nothing when I open up the alchemist vending machines. Like it's empty. What do I do with all the crafting stuff? And what is a token for? I got one.
2011-04-10 04:19:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

The trailer looks fantastic. Definitely downloading this!
Is there some kind of guild/community etc. system? If there is, maybe we could make one for us from LBPC? If not, maybe add a list of character names to the first post, so players can add others from LBPC?
2011-04-10 10:54:00

Posts: 135

I'm bored, so I'm giving this a try. Add me, Whaaaaale. Unless I give you my character name which is Edin, I think.

This game is so confusing. Where are the recipes? I see nothing when I open up the alchemist vending machines. Like it's empty. What do I do with all the crafting stuff? And what is a token for? I got one.

You buy recipes from the potion-masked guy in the Bazaar. You can use tokens to 'buy' special weapons, armors, helms, etc.

2011-04-10 13:13:00

Posts: 769

Whether I download this all depends on whether I can sabotage/ruin the gaming experience of others >: )

Thats pretty crucial in a 'good' game.
2011-04-10 13:48:00

Posts: 637

Anyone want to play? I'm barely downloading it now, but I just need to wait about 8 minutes before it's done, so I'll be able to play soon. 2011-04-10 17:19:00

Posts: 5551

I'm curious about this, plus I like games like this so I'll give it a go.
@Cybersora after I'm finished downloading, I might play with you
2011-04-10 17:30:00

Posts: 199

Never mind. I finished the tutorial segment. Now I have to wait 20 minutes to download the rest. :/

EDIT: I'm good to go!

But first... how do I get out of the Rescue area? D:
2011-04-10 17:42:00

Posts: 5551

Never mind. I finished the tutorial segment. Now I have to wait 20 minutes to download the rest. :/

EDIT: I'm good to go!

But first... how do I get out of the Rescue area? D:

You gotta go to the bridge, then go to Haven.
Signing on now if anyone wants to play, or talk
Character name is Ulteclah
2011-04-10 18:15:00

Posts: 3262

You gotta go to the bridge, then go to Haven.
Signing on now if anyone wants to play, or talk
Character name is Ulteclah


BTW, I'm playing Tranformice and this!

Multitasking FTW!
2011-04-10 18:21:00

Posts: 5551

I could play, my name is Shiranui (Okami FTW)2011-04-10 18:34:00

Posts: 199

Just finished reaching Haven. I can't believe I made it with a random dude. XD

Now, if only I can figure out how to meet up with Clay so he can show me how to play this game. :S
2011-04-10 18:46:00

Posts: 5551

I'll play! I just don't know how to chat2011-04-10 19:13:00

Posts: 199

I'll play! I just don't know how to chat
Press Enter and type in whatever you want to say, then press Enter again.
2011-04-10 19:14:00

Posts: 3149

Oh... thanks2011-04-10 19:23:00

Posts: 199

hmm this looks meh my username is Joruto. :32011-04-10 19:31:00

Posts: 2345

Anyone got one Frayed Fabric? Need it to get two star armour. Trying to get to a tier 2 D:2011-04-10 20:19:00

Posts: 3262

Im getting a Spiral Plate Helm.
Quick, somebody get me some blue shards and driftwood.

2011-04-11 00:53:00

Posts: 769

Im getting a Spiral Plate Helm.
Quick, somebody get me some blue shards and driftwood.


Tanking brofist
2011-04-11 01:16:00

Posts: 3262

I've been listening to the game's soundtrack on youtube. My god... It's beautiful.2011-04-11 01:51:00

Posts: 1703

Anyone playing this atm?2011-04-11 02:37:00

Posts: 2431

Man, no one was online.

Zim, can you add everybody's character name on the OP (with permission of course). I'm pretty sure I missed a few people.

Oh, and my character name is Asterisks.
2011-04-11 03:36:00

Posts: 5551

Man, no one was online.

Zim, can you add everybody's character name on the OP (with permission of course). I'm pretty sure I missed a few people.

Oh, and my character name is Asterisks.

Sure, thanks for reminding me.
EDIT: Added all the ones that have been mentioned in the thread. Let me know if I missed anyone.
2011-04-11 03:40:00

Posts: 3149

My character name is Wilverine if ya wanna add it.2011-04-11 04:15:00

Posts: 2431

Aw hay don't forget Xenox Xenox sad.

its pronounced liek Zee-no btw ._. wouldn't believe how some people pronounce it
2011-04-11 05:28:00

Posts: 1924

mine is easy to guess. 2011-04-11 06:53:00

Posts: 4261


2011-04-11 12:32:00

Posts: 769

I have successfully made it so I can play Spiral Knights with my tablet. Next time I get on, got to make it so I can switch between the keyboard and tablet flawlessly...2011-04-11 19:45:00

Posts: 3262

Finally got the Spur can't wait to go dungeonning with it.2011-04-11 22:31:00

Posts: 1703

Is anyone on? I'm about to play.2011-04-12 00:17:00

Posts: 199

Im going to download this now. Seems like everyone's in on it, so I suspect its pretty good!

Ill post here when the game finishes downloading
2011-04-12 01:01:00

Posts: 1990


People should play just for the music.
2011-04-12 01:33:00

Posts: 1703

Server update. Probably gunna kick me out of the dungeon when I get back T-T
Skelly Set Progress:
Helmet: Has recipe, need grave soil
Armor: Need recipe*, need grave soil
Shield: Got it
Cutter: Need recipe*, have mats.

*or someone to craft for me.

Just gotta keep running for the recipes, having someone else craft for you is expensive!
2011-04-12 01:39:00

Posts: 1924

I got 2 star armour, now I can focus fully on Volcanic Plate.2011-04-12 02:09:00

Posts: 3262

Man, I'm possibly the most confused person in this game! XD2011-04-12 02:35:00

Posts: 5551

MAN... I haven't played an MMO in soo long... The last one I played was Florensia. I might try this one.

Download or don't... MUSIC IS AWESOME btw.

I guess I'll try it.

My name shall be Postulio. (Or most likely just Cryogen)

OOOOOOOOooooooooooo...... Cryogear
2011-04-12 03:27:00

Posts: 1799

Really wish we could change our colors What harm would it do? I just hate that I picked the most hideous color pattern and yellow just because it looked nice with my tutorial armor Now Im stuck with it!2011-04-12 05:19:00

Posts: 1924

Maybe you could just restart? Better now than way down the road when you really start hating the color.

lol. I look like freakin megaman. lol
2011-04-12 05:31:00

Posts: 1799

How open is the environment in this game? That's a priority I look for in an RPG.
Oh, and are all items and features available to all players or is there a premium only kind of thing as well?
2011-04-12 11:37:00

Posts: 840

Darn! I need to re-start. I pressed enter by accident when I was half done typing my Knight name, and It made my character .-_-

EDIT: My Character's name is: Afronicus

Cant wait to play with you all
2011-04-12 14:09:00

Posts: 1990

How open is the environment in this game? That's a priority I look for in an RPG.
Oh, and are all items and features available to all players or is there a premium only kind of thing as well?
Ehh, not super open. Howver the levels in a dungeon are randomly picked.
Everything in the game can be accessed with the in-game currency, crowns. It's just easier if you buy energy with actual money.
2011-04-12 14:56:00

Posts: 3262

If you're more for dungion adventuring, then this game is for you. If you like MMOs where there are missions for you to walk all the way somewhere and do something... yeeeaaahhhhh...... you might not like this game.

OH!!! Have you ever played or seen that BETA level where you fought that giant lizard and there was lava everywhere? It was a top down adventure game in LBP 2. Similar to that, in a way.
2011-04-12 16:35:00

Posts: 1799

Hey, was there an update or something? I have to download files now! 2011-04-12 22:14:00

Posts: 5551

Hey, was there an update or something? I have to download files now!
Don't panic! There was an update for it yesterday, it's just to fix some minor bugs. Any time you have to go through that loading process thingy again, that means you're just installing a patch they put out there.
2011-04-12 22:27:00

Posts: 3149

lol. I saw you with the Knights of Equestria Zim. I didn't know it was you, but I knew I recognized that name from somewhere. =D2011-04-12 22:30:00

Posts: 1799

lol. I saw you with the Knights of Equestria Zim. I didn't know it was you, but I knew I recognized that name from somewhere. =D
Yeah, I remember seeing your name somewhere in the chat. I didn't actually see you though.
2011-04-12 22:34:00

Posts: 3149

Anybody playing now? I'm on, although it's getting a tad boring no knowing what to do with the crowns. :l2011-04-12 22:37:00

Posts: 5551

I was resting in the top right under the (awning-tent-thing?). I was out of energy by 2, so I rested for a bit. I always go there to rest.

No reason really.

Anybody playing now? I'm on, although it's getting a tad boring no knowing what to do with the crowns. :l

Your timing is amazing!!!

I just ran out of energy and need like 100 more crowns to get more. lol. Speaking of which, those prices are rising very slowly, but rising.
2011-04-12 22:38:00

Posts: 1799

I was resting in the top right under the (awning-tent-thing?). I was out of energy by 2, so I rested for a bit. I always go there to rest.

I just ran out of energy and need like 100 more crowns to get more. lol. Speaking of which, those prices are rising very slowly, but rising.
Slowly? Ha! On the first day of SK's public release, 100 energy cost 1500 crowns...Now, just 5 days later, it's doubled! There are a lot of concerns with the price of energy lately...100 energy costs more than 3000 crowns now.
2011-04-12 22:44:00

Posts: 3149

Ya, I ran out of energy quick and have no idea what to do after, I guess wait. The waiting for energy to do stuff is like a Facebook game...I think that is what I don't like about the game. But it is free, can't complain. And does the game think I am a girl? I got a new helmet and I have pigtails now...very confused. So I just made it look like I have my original helmet on.2011-04-12 23:01:00

Posts: 1090


I thought they started at 2k or 2.5k... I also thought this game started like 2 weeks ago or something.... That economy is just... wrong.

Actually, it's up to 33...
2011-04-12 23:04:00

Posts: 1799

And Cryogen has currently slept himself into a coma. :/

Ya, I ran out of energy quick and have no idea what to do after, I guess wait. The waiting for energy to do stuff is like a Facebook game...I think that is what I don't like about the game. But it is free, can't complain. And does the game think I am a girl? I got a new helmet and I have pigtails now...very confused. So I just made it look like I have my original helmet on.

Haha, you got pigtails too? I got them because the helmet looked nice, but the pigtails apparently give people the impression you're a girl.
2011-04-12 23:04:00

Posts: 5551

Well I didn't know how it looked until i bought it. Is there a way to view the item before purchasing it?2011-04-12 23:06:00

Posts: 1090

Well I didn't know how it looked until i bought it. Is there a way to view the item before purchasing it?
The Spiral Knights Wiki (http://wiki.spiralknights.com/) has pictures of every weapon, armor, helmet, etc. You could check there.
2011-04-12 23:07:00

Posts: 3149

The Spiral Knights Wiki (http://wiki.spiralknights.com/) has pictures of every weapon, armor, helmet, etc. You could check there.

oh, well alright then. Thank you for the info.
2011-04-12 23:10:00

Posts: 1090

Does the game boot anyone else out when you try to go fullscreen? Its kind of frustrating seeing that I cant see the dialogue box at the bottom because of my task bar.
Is there any way around this?
2011-04-12 23:18:00

Posts: 1990

Does the game boot anyone else out when you try to go fullscreen? Its kind of frustrating seeing that I cant see the dialogue box at the bottom because of my task bar.
Is there any way around this?

Nope. =P

2011-04-12 23:28:00

Posts: 5551

Ah okay. Ill reinstall the game then. 2011-04-12 23:40:00

Posts: 1990

I was resting in the top right under the (awning-tent-thing?). I was out of energy by 2, so I rested for a bit. I always go there to rest.

You were the one saying "Is dozing off..." correct?

I was the one that said "Wakes Cyrogear up."

2011-04-13 00:45:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

100th post. Give me cookies :kz:
I'll probably mostly be playing on weekends. I'm working on a top secret project with a friend right now :kz:
2011-04-13 01:06:00

Posts: 3262

Good day !
Set Progress
Helm: have
Armor: have mats
Shield: have
Cutter: have

If anyone sees the Skelly Armor recipe please buy It costs 1k I believe, I will pay 1.5k !
2011-04-13 01:07:00

Posts: 1924

My in-game name is Nunsmasher, add me up. 2011-04-13 01:15:00

Posts: 247

My in-game name is Nunsmasher, add me up.

Wow, that was a tad late. I just finished logging off.

(I'll add you tomorrow. My energy's too low right now.)
2011-04-13 01:32:00

Posts: 5551

You were the one saying "Is dozing off..." correct?

I was the one that said "Wakes Cyrogear up."

Lol. That was you.

The only name I really recognized was Chro, and I wasn't even sure who THAT was. The name stuck in my head mainly because of Bakuman. (NOT BAKUMON with the throwing balls)
2011-04-13 02:31:00

Posts: 1799

Lol. That was you.

The only name I really recognized was Chro, and I wasn't even sure who THAT was. The name stuck in my head mainly because of Bakuman. (NOT BAKUMON with the throwing balls)

Chro = Zim

Check OP for any person you might have missed.
2011-04-13 02:56:00

Posts: 5551

Dang game...made everyone leave the LBPC server...

I may try it...in the future. :tophat:
2011-04-13 03:06:00

Posts: 4193

Chro = Zim

Check OP for any person you might have missed.

Will do.

All I'm missing now is my shield... THEN IT'S OFF TO TIER 2!!!

Dang game...made everyone leave the LBPC server...

I may try it...in the future. :tophat:

lol. I'm sure eventually, the energy cost is going to be huge. When that happens, we might not play as much. lol
2011-04-13 04:09:00

Posts: 1799

Dang game...made everyone leave the LBPC server...

I may try it...in the future. :tophat:

I know! Not only that, but they also post in a silly thread dedicated to this!


How dare they have fun, while instead they can be on this site! It's an outrage I say!
2011-04-13 04:44:00

Posts: 5551

All I'm missing now is my shield... THEN IT'S OFF TO TIER 2!!!

:o didn't you download it yesterday!? How many hours have you logged? Should say under your character card when you log in.
2011-04-13 04:55:00

Posts: 1924

:o didn't you download it yesterday!? How many hours have you logged? Should say under your character card when you log in.
Like eeeverybody in SK is super nice and generous, I'm sure he got some free t2 junk from people.
2011-04-13 04:56:00

Posts: 3149

lol..."OH hey newbeh! I see you need some 2 star stuff. Well even though I could easily sell it for 4k to someone else I feel like giving it to you" I wish!

BTW today when I crafted my skelly mask I received a unique variant ! Extra defense.
2011-04-13 04:59:00

Posts: 1924

O_o Am I seeing another trend coming on in LBPC? like the huge Minecraft turn out or the ponies? I may join y'all. Maybe. You're tempting me too much. Game sounds cool.2011-04-13 05:03:00

Posts: 2135

Will do.

All I'm missing now is my shield... THEN IT'S OFF TO TIER 2!!!

lol. I'm sure eventually, the energy cost is going to be huge. When that happens, we might not play as much. lol

It only costs 3 quarters to get 200 energy.
2011-04-13 05:18:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Like eeeverybody in SK is super nice and generous, I'm sure he got some free t2 junk from people.


Well I never...


Actually, I don't accept free things in MMOs. Never have never will. You can ask Cyber. Though... That's probably not the best example.

It only costs 3 quarters to get 200 energy.

I don't pay real money inside of a game that's already free. Especially when there's an infinite loop you can do to keep playing non-stop. But that is pretty tempting of a price. It's like playing an arcade game at Incredible Pizza... Whatever it's called now.

But I was referring to the in-game currency. It's rising, to my surprise, based on Zim's other post, pretty rapidly.

Also, when I get my hands on a new game, I play the s**** out of it.

EDIT: OH GAWD!!! I've logged in 16 hours... :L

This game is really addicting... Well, I'm getting off right now anyways. Sooo... No need for rehab yet.
2011-04-13 05:49:00

Posts: 1799

I am watching Cryo sleep...I see a little drool!2011-04-13 05:49:00

Posts: 1090

I played for a couple hours earlier. Really addicting game.
My name is: Nerdicus
2011-04-13 06:29:00

Posts: 840

lol..."OH hey newbeh! I see you need some 2 star stuff. Well even though I could easily sell it for 4k to someone else I feel like giving it to you" I wish!

BTW today when I crafted my skelly mask I received a unique variant ! Extra defense.

Actually a lot of people are nice on this game. It's strange. Especially guildies, I got both a Dusker Cap and Armor for free, tier 3 armor.
2011-04-13 07:06:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Well... Seeing as how I'm short like 400c, I won't be on there anytime soon.


:L .... I seem to be having a relapse... I don't know when or how... But I'm playing.
2011-04-13 07:34:00

Posts: 1799

16hrs!? I've only got about 2.5hrs. Maybe I'm just not playing enough 2011-04-13 07:49:00

Posts: 2431

Good day !
Set Progress
Helm: have
Armor: have mats
Shield: have
Cutter: have

If anyone sees the Skelly Armor recipe please buy It costs 1k I believe, I will pay 1.5k !

ok, I bought it
2011-04-13 08:34:00

Posts: 1090

Sorry Spidey, I had to logoff since I was lagging so far behind that I couldn't even move or use the chat. Then I tried re-joining and I didn't have enough energy, but it's pretty late and I've got to go anyways,
See you on Sk tomorrow, then.
2011-04-13 08:40:00

Posts: 3149

So I reached Haven and went on to the Arcade. Now before I go on with my mission, which weapons and gear do you reccomend I get at my current progress? I don't play SK for prolonged hours, its best not to rush.2011-04-13 11:29:00

Posts: 840

So I reached Haven and went on to the Arcade. Now before I go on with my mission, which weapons and gear do you reccomend I get at my current progress? I don't play SK for prolonged hours, its best not to rush.

Depends on your fighting style.
I suggest getting atleast a new Sword and/or Helm.

And on another note, why doesnt anybody use bombs? Theyre extremely useful if you have high HP and your fighting large groups.

2011-04-13 12:42:00

Posts: 769

I don't use bombs because you need to get rid of your gun or buy a new slot. The slot is cheap (really cheap), but for some reason I don't want to.

I'm sure eventually I'm going to buy it, and carry around a spare sword, gun, or bombs.

But for right now, all my money goes towards energy and alchemy.

So I reached Haven and went on to the Arcade. Now before I go on with my mission, which weapons and gear do you reccomend I get at my current progress? I don't play SK for prolonged hours, its best not to rush.

I skipped the 1 star equipment. You can last a while with the starting stuff, but the gun becomes really annoying.

To tell the truth, I think I should have kept going through the newb gate in the beginning and level up the weapons completely. And it was a cheaper energy cost at that gate.
2011-04-13 17:57:00

Posts: 1799

So I reached Haven and went on to the Arcade. Now before I go on with my mission, which weapons and gear do you reccomend I get at my current progress? I don't play SK for prolonged hours, its best not to rush.

Depends on what you're looking for. The thing I dislike about this game is you have to follow a certain path and you can only follow that path. For example, I had the Cobalt Armor. It's 2* I believe, or 1* it doesn't matter. But anyways, I decided the Cobalt Armor wasn't as fancy, and wanted the Dusker Set. Which is 3* in order to get the Dusker Set however, you need the 2* equivalent of the Dusker Set which is the Wolver Set or whatever. So you essentially have to downgrade your current armor in order to upgrade it if you want to change your armor.

So you should heavily consider what you want as your armor and weapons. Do you like how they look, are the stats nice? I personally judge my armor by the 5th star upgrade, if it looks nice and has nice stats I will choose that armor. You can find all the armor in the wiki which Zim linked a few posts back.

Also, another thing I hate about the game is how your weapon binds to you when you equip it. It's pointless and stupid. Why? Let's say I buy a Cutter, bind it to myself. Now I have a friend with the Striker recipe, which is the Cutter's next upgrade. The recipe requires a Cutter so it can be transmuted. I can't GIVE my Cutter to my friend so I have to buy another freaking Cutter, now I have 2 Cutters. Now I give that Cutter to my friend and Now I have a Striker and a useless Cutter. It's probably the dumbest thing in the game, hope they realize that and change it. Because really? There isn't a point to it unless that idea was intended so you can waste more crowns.
2011-04-13 20:13:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

I think it was to waste more crowns and so people don't do what you're talking about. IMO, I think they want you to earn the next upgrade. So you yourself need to get the recipe, rather than asking someone to do it for you. (That's not directed at anybody)

The path thing... I can see why they did that. Your character actually never levels up. Only his equipment. So, it's like leveling up classes, but they're guns. At least you can change "classes" in this game. It's usually once you choose it, you're stuck with it.

If they were able to trade/sale bound items, the game would become super super easy. You'd have people selling lvl 10 equipment everywhere, and all you would have to do was buy one, which would take out some of the joy of the game. Also, you'd have people just asking the more experienced players to forge for them, which would kind of take some more of the fun out.

But that does go to something that IS annoying. I can't get rid of my older weapons. To my knowledge.

The game-play in this game is very simple in its mechanics. Similar to Balder's Gate. You run around and slash/gun/bomb. Level up. Repeat. You don't really have a choice to do anything else. But what I love about this game is the game-play. No waiting for your turn (Though I do like these as well), no clicking an enemy once and wait for your guy to kill him, and no pointless errand running. One of the things I really hate about some MMOs is the going from point A to point B just to deliver a message or something.
2011-04-13 21:19:00

Posts: 1799

ok, I bought it

okay when will you be on next?
2011-04-13 22:52:00

Posts: 1924

Aww sweet, a new dungeon, The Sapphire Skull, pretty cool levels IMO.2011-04-13 23:30:00

Posts: 1703

:/ grrrr spiderjew where are you!

Btw guys, you CAN sell your bound items to a vendor.
BUT you cannot rid yourself of those proto weapons XD

EDIT: AHA tier 2 here I come ...tomorrow...only has 4 energy XD
2011-04-14 00:15:00

Posts: 1924

I think it was to waste more crowns and so people don't do what you're talking about. IMO, I think they want you to earn the next upgrade. So you yourself need to get the recipe, rather than asking someone to do it for you. (That's not directed at anybody)

I'm pretty sure they intended on you being able to have someone to do it for you or else it wouldn't be an option in the game.

The path thing... I can see why they did that. Your character actually never levels up. Only his equipment. So, it's like leveling up classes, but they're guns. At least you can change "classes" in this game. It's usually once you choose it, you're stuck with it.

You have it wrong though, it's not a class. It's Armor. It's your shield. I've never played a game that has you "stuck" with any clothes and you never have to downgrade to upgrade. It's stupid.

For example. I have the best armor the game currently has, cost me A LOT to craft it (5* armor costs 50k for the recipe and crafting it.) Assuming you did not have every material required to create this set, AND counting the lower star equips. You've spent a good 300k (It would obviously be a bit more I think but I didn't add up the crowns for the 4*, 3*, 2* set.) I also need 300 energy for each of these. Let's assume I didn't want to spend another God knows how much crowns for the CE. So I spent REAL money on getting the energy for this set. So let's just say you needed 3k CE, which comes out to be 10 bucks.

Now yay. You've spent hard work on all this but WAIT here comes a patch with brand new so much sexier, so much fancier, so much stronger armor.


So you technically just wasted all that time to get the best armor in the game. Now if you want to get the new stuff, you basically have to spend another 300k, and 3k CE.

Obviously you could just keep that set, but I know a lot of people play this game to get the best stuff, almost everyone wants to be strong. So what the hell?

If they were able to trade/sale bound items, the game would become super super easy. You'd have people selling lvl 10 equipment everywhere, and all you would have to do was buy one, which would take out some of the joy of the game. Also, you'd have people just asking the more experienced players to forge for them, which would kind of take some more of the fun out.

Who says you'd be selling lvl 10 equipment? Just have it so when you sell your item it reverts back to level 1. Easy peasy.
2011-04-14 00:34:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Im in! My username is... ZeeZee
This game looks like a mix between Super Mario Galaxy, Castle Crashers, and Zelda
2011-04-14 00:40:00

Posts: 587

I'm pretty sure they intended on you being able to have someone to do it for you or else it wouldn't be an option in the game.

Oh yeah, I forgot. Maybe they DO just want you to waste more crowns.

You have it wrong though, it's not a class. It's Armor. It's your shield. I've never played a game that has you "stuck" with any clothes and you never have to downgrade to upgrade. It's stupid.

I was saying it's "like" a class. Since the character never levels up, the armor is the class. In other MMOs the character levels up, and depending on their level and class, they can equip certain equipment. I guess paying that other 300K would be the price you have to pay to change "classes".

For example. I have the best armor the game currently has, cost me A LOT to craft it (5* armor costs 50k for the recipe and crafting it.) Assuming you did not have every material required to create this set, AND counting the lower star equips. You've spent a good 300k (It would obviously be a bit more I think but I didn't add up the crowns for the 4*, 3*, 2* set.) I also need 300 energy for each of these. Let's assume I didn't want to spend another God knows how much crowns for the CE. So I spent REAL money on getting the energy for this set. So let's just say you needed 3k CE, which comes out to be 10 bucks.

Now yay. You've spent hard work on all this but WAIT here comes a patch with brand new so much sexier, so much fancier, so much stronger armor.


So you technically just wasted all that time to get the best armor in the game. Now if you want to get the new stuff, you basically have to spend another 300k, and 3k CE.

Obviously you could just keep that set, but I know a lot of people play this game to get the best stuff, almost everyone wants to be strong. So what the hell?

That's actually a very common thing in MMOs. Mainly because no one knows what's coming out next.

Who says you'd be selling lvl 10 equipment? Just have it so when you sell your item it reverts back to level 1. Easy peasy.

Oh, I guessed you'd sell it at it's current level. I think it could be bad for the economy, I don't know why though... I guess, there would be a bunch of those weapons floating around because it may be cheaper to actually make it yourself? And the more there are, the more the price would drop.
2011-04-14 01:23:00

Posts: 1799

If weapons didn't bind themselves upon use then they wouldn't be removed from player existence Knight A would out grow BladeA and hand it down to KnightB who would then hand it down to KnightC.2011-04-14 01:35:00

Posts: 1924

If weapons didn't bind themselves upon use then they wouldn't be removed from player existence Knight A would out grow BladeA and hand it down to KnightB who would then hand it down to KnightC.

So there would be swords everywhere. Because not everyone would buy it from someone, and they'd make their own. And if there are more out there, they won't be as pricey, and if the price goes down, then they are easier to get, and if they are easier to get, then they'll zoom past levels like nothing, making them pointless, and finally, since the levels are going by much faster, the game is shorter then get boring because people start wanting more content. Also, IF they did just keep handing them down and didn't make more, then the materials needed for that thing would become utterly useless.
2011-04-14 01:48:00

Posts: 1799

Heck, I'll give it a try! Hope to see y'all around there!

EDIT: Resolved
2011-04-14 01:58:00

Posts: 484

They'll be doing an update in 10min :/ eh, I ran out of energy anyway.2011-04-14 02:39:00

Posts: 2431

Made an account...

Account: TheWarlord
Name: Warlord

(Which one matters?)

Anyways I walked a bit found strawberry jelly cubes and shot everything, then found some camp thing and now it's loading, don't know if it will finish with this incoming "maintenance" thing though.
2011-04-14 02:45:00

Posts: 4193

It's the name that matters.2011-04-14 02:48:00

Posts: 2431

It's the name that matters.
But can't people not use the same name or was it that "Warlord" happened not to be taken?
2011-04-14 02:49:00

Posts: 4193

Amazingly, no. It wasn't taken. lol2011-04-14 02:50:00

Posts: 1799

Amazingly, no. It wasn't taken. lol


I love getting an awesome name.
2011-04-14 02:52:00

Posts: 4193

Can anyone log in? It's saying failed to connect to me

I must choose my special name before someone snatches it
2011-04-14 02:54:00

Posts: 484

That is surprising. No one ever seems to use SR20DETDOG or Wilverine, I wonder why

Can anyone log in? It's saying failed to connect to me
They're doing an update
2011-04-14 02:54:00

Posts: 2431

Is the update already done? Or does restarting the game make it have to download everything again?2011-04-14 02:56:00

Posts: 4193

That is surprising. No one ever seems to use SR20DETDOG or Wilverine, I wonder why

They're doing an update
If my certain name can't be chosen, I will use Wilverine
2011-04-14 02:58:00

Posts: 484

Is the update already done? Or does restarting the game make it have to download everything again?

The update isn't done. It's going to take a bit longer for this one as they're doing a database transfer. Just keep whaling () on that logon button until it automatically starts downloading a patch. It'll tell you it's doing so.
2011-04-14 03:00:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Is the update already done? Or does restarting the game make it have to download everything again?
By the sounds of the announcement it seemed like it was going to be fairly big. I dunno why the game had to download stuff

If my certain name can't be chosen, I will use Wilverine
Neva! :kz:
2011-04-14 03:01:00

Posts: 2431

Neva! :kz:

Watch me
2011-04-14 03:04:00

Posts: 484

Well crud, can't access Steam might as well play Spiral Knights.
Hmm, should check the thread first.

Also, just as a warning: I tend to get hooked on MMOs for like a week max, then when I don't play them nonstop, I start not playing as much, and eventually stop. Don't know why this happens to me D:
2011-04-14 03:04:00

Posts: 3262

Well crud, can't access Steam might as well play Spiral Knights.
Hmm, should check the thread first.

Also, just as a warning: I tend to get hooked on MMOs for like a week max, then when I don't play them nonstop, I start not playing as much, and eventually stop. Don't know why this happens to me D:

I do that sometimes too. It's just one of those paranormality pheramones I guess.
2011-04-14 03:08:00

Posts: 1799

Checked the forums for some news on the update. Here you guys go.

We will be updating the game tonight with some new optimization and other behind the scenes features in order to improve your experience. While our updates are typically instant, tonight will require a little extra gremlin tinkering to ensure everything is in working order.

As such the game will be unavailable after it goes down (expected to be around 6:45pm PDT) for about 45 minutes. We appreciate your patience and understanding while we tinker in the Clockworks.

As always, thank you so much for playing and we hope to see you again later this evening.
2011-04-14 03:09:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Oh hey. Only an hour? That's cool.

I thought it wasn't going to be up till tomorrow.
2011-04-14 03:13:00

Posts: 1799

Oh hey. Only an hour? That's cool.

I thought it wasn't going to be up till tomorrow.

18 Minutes actually.
2011-04-14 03:14:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

18mins, a shower will pass that time perfectly 2011-04-14 03:16:00

Posts: 2431

18mins, a shower will pass that time perfectly

I'll join you!
Oh wait, this just got awkward. So very awkward.
2011-04-14 03:20:00

Posts: 3262

Lol I was partying with these guys in a dungeon ... Never, ever stop to dance in the middle of a dungeon. I died. Twice!

Anyway, I want people to add me, as I've reinstalled the game and fullscreen finally works (lol!)

My new character name is Afronicus. Please add me if you haven't already
2011-04-14 03:20:00

Posts: 1990

I'll have to check this out later, you guys have made it seem awesome.2011-04-14 03:24:00

Posts: 2135

I thought you were already playing...

Hmm... This game just inspired me change up my new level up some...

And NO, I'm not making a remake of this game. Seems pointless actually. It's not going to be top down either.
2011-04-14 03:31:00

Posts: 1799

No, signing up now. Hopefully 'Merc' isn't taken.2011-04-14 03:33:00

Posts: 2135

You may even be able to use Mercenary.2011-04-14 03:35:00

Posts: 1799

-_- Why does everyone think that Merc is for Mercenary? IT'S SHORT FOR MERCUY78 NOT MERCENARY.

Also servers are still down.
2011-04-14 03:37:00

Posts: 2135

No, signing up now. Hopefully 'Merc' isn't taken.

It's possible. Game hasn't been out that long.
2011-04-14 03:38:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

grrr....not enough energy to get to the Spiral Warden which means I cant show him my 2* stuff which means no tier 2 and no mist tank 2011-04-14 03:40:00

Posts: 1924

-_- Why does everyone think that Merc is for Mercenary? IT'S SHORT FOR MERCUY78 NOT MERCENARY.

Also servers are still down.

Well, when you have an avatar that's a gun... lol

Is it Mercury? Or Mercuy? Just want to get my facts straight.
2011-04-14 03:41:00

Posts: 1799

grrr....not enough energy to get to the Spiral Warden which means I cant show him my 2* stuff which means no tier 2 and no mist tank

Show who? O_O
2011-04-14 03:41:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

The guy before you can go past the wall before tier two.2011-04-14 03:43:00

Posts: 1799

Well, when you have an avatar that's a gun... lol

Is it Mercury? Or Mercuy? Just want to get my facts straight.

I'm always ashamed to say it but it was supposed to be Mercury but I spelt in wrong signing up on PSN, I always just went with it though.
2011-04-14 03:43:00

Posts: 2135

Once you have 2* stuff to fulfill the special quest (can be tracked in your progress tab now) you can turn in to Spiral Warden just before Moorcraft Manor, he stands at the force field that only lets people who have the required gear in.2011-04-14 03:44:00

Posts: 1924

*clicks setting*
*sees new post*

*reads post*
*clicks setting*
*sees new post*

*reads post*
*clicks setting*
*sees new post*

Pony thread v2...
2011-04-14 03:45:00

Posts: 3262

Once you have 2* stuff to fulfill the special quest (can be tracked in your progress tab now) you can turn in to Spiral Warden just before Moorcraft Manor, he stands at the force field that only lets people who have the required gear in.

Ah yeah. I just didn't know who you were talking about. I'm 2 depths away from tier3 spot.
2011-04-14 03:45:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

*clicks setting*
*sees new post*

*reads post*
*clicks setting*
*sees new post*

*reads post*
*clicks setting*
*sees new post*

Pony thread v2...

lol. No, it's only because of the new recruits here and the downed servers.
2011-04-14 03:46:00

Posts: 1799

-_- Why does everyone think that Merc is for Mercenary? IT'S SHORT FOR MERCUY78 NOT MERCENARY.

Also servers are still down.

I knew it was Mercury. Of course, that was just because of your character name in TCW.
2011-04-14 03:47:00

Posts: 5551

Yeah, because back when I signed up for that my LBPC username was still Mercuy77. I changed it to make a funny joke when I was being accused of spam. 2011-04-14 03:51:00

Posts: 2135

Are the servers still down? Because I can't log on. :L2011-04-14 04:06:00

Posts: 1799

Are the servers still down? Because I can't log on. :L

Wow. I thought they were down to, you have to restart Spiral Knights. Like restart the browser or whatever. Or whatever you're using.

Uhh nevermind. Still doesn't work.
2011-04-14 04:13:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

No, I can't get in either.

They have to hurry up, i want to get my name before someone else does.
2011-04-14 04:15:00

Posts: 2135

Well... To kill time. What name are you going for? Merc, Mercury, Mercuy?2011-04-14 04:21:00

Posts: 1799

Merc, then if that's not available Merrc. I would prefer a short name.2011-04-14 04:22:00

Posts: 2135

Hmm... I have the oddest urge to go whale hunting... In particular the red kind... 2011-04-14 04:26:00

Posts: 1799

Yeah... =/

We're still working on it folks, sorry for the delay!
2011-04-14 04:55:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

It's back up, I just logged in.2011-04-14 05:00:00

Posts: 2431

My urge has just vanished miraculously. 2011-04-14 05:03:00

Posts: 1799

Add me people!2011-04-14 05:04:00

Posts: 4193

Add me people!

No u.

2011-04-14 05:05:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Add me people!

Here on LBPC you may be a king... On SK... WE OWN YOU!!!


Jk. I'm adding you right now. lol
2011-04-14 05:06:00

Posts: 1799

Warlord I just added you.

2011-04-14 05:08:00

Posts: 2431

Ran my first Jelly King run. Twas fun. 2011-04-14 06:37:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Ran my first Jelly King run. Twas fun.

Hey, me too! Ya, it was fun.
2011-04-14 07:31:00

Posts: 1090

So, how big of a download is it, anyways?2011-04-14 07:55:00

Posts: 6707

So, how big of a download is it, anyways?
I duuno how much it is exactly but it's not very big, it seemed to download pretty quickly.
2011-04-14 08:01:00

Posts: 2431

At least an estimate?
1Gig, 5Gigs, 10Gigs+?
2011-04-14 08:18:00

Posts: 6707

At least an estimate?
1Gig, 5Gigs, 10Gigs+?
Umm 100mb? I could be way off though.
2011-04-14 08:32:00

Posts: 2431

So um... anyone playing now? You'll have to remember though I've only played like, twice and am still learning it all.

For now, I'll try and go through and add everyone listed on the OP that I haven't already added.
2011-04-14 10:33:00

Posts: 5592


'That Name is already in use'

looks like im going with Merrc.

Adding all you guys now.
2011-04-14 12:09:00

Posts: 2135

MY god! More errors!? My character body won't show up D: Can anyone help?2011-04-14 13:00:00

Posts: 484

Username : Butterking
Knight: Devila

Lets Play guys!
2011-04-14 13:34:00

Posts: 1061

MY god! More errors!? My character body won't show up D: Can anyone help?

Are you sure your antivirus software isn't messing with it? What system are you using?


'That Name is already in use'

looks like im going with Merrc.

Adding all you guys now.

lol. Thought you already started. I sent a friends request to a Merc already... lol.


Username: Butterking

Lets Play guys!

Adding you right now.
2011-04-14 17:22:00

Posts: 1799

Alright guys, I deleted my knight and now I'm restarting.
I didn't feel good on my first run.
So yeah, my name is still the same btw: Nerdicus
2011-04-15 08:07:00

Posts: 840

Try to get as much as possible in that starting gate and level up your equipment all the way. It only costs 5 to go down in that area, and with a fully upgraded sword, the first levels will be really simple. 2011-04-15 08:21:00

Posts: 1799

I finally got my Antigua.

Going for the Sealed Sword now.
2011-04-15 08:59:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

I cant post In forms Because my account is not validated and every time i do it still wont let me.
Any Help Guys!
2011-04-15 10:58:00

Posts: 1061

So, anyone got more accurate filesize info?
I asked him for estimate because he said he didn't check, and i thought someone else would respond. ._.
2011-04-15 10:58:00

Posts: 6707

So, anyone got more accurate filesize info?
I asked him for estimate because he said he didn't check, and i thought someone else would respond. ._.

It's a game played in the browser dude. You don't have to download it unless you want to.
2011-04-15 11:08:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

I am Playing Now If Anyone Cares To join!2011-04-15 11:18:00

Posts: 1061

I think I'm going to fully read the Wiki, because I'm still confused ._.2011-04-15 11:41:00

Posts: 840

So, anyone got more accurate filesize info?
I asked him for estimate because he said he didn't check, and i thought someone else would respond. ._.
It's 1.66 KB. The installer is 623 KB. I think that's right.
2011-04-15 16:20:00

Posts: 3149

I think I'm going to fully read the Wiki, because I'm still confused ._.
Me too, this game doesn't do a great job of explaining how things work. Maybe it's just me, I haven't played many (if any?) mmo's, but this is definitely one of the most confusing games I've played.
2011-04-16 01:51:00

Posts: 2431

Yeah, although starting out on a new MMO is always challenging, I think that this one really isn't that much different, you still do the same things you would in a regular MMO, collect, buy, kill. I still don't understand it fully either, but i'm sure we'll all come around eventually.

Also, do we have our own guild yet?
2011-04-16 02:47:00

Posts: 2135

Not for LBPC. But Zim's in a guild already, and it just wouldn't seem right if she wasn't in it too... Unless of course, she doesn't mind... But it takes 500 energy to make a guild, so if we were to make one, we would need to all get together and pitch in some crowns and energy. The more people that pitch in at first, the least anyone needs to give up.

Then there's who'd be the guild master.
2011-04-16 04:03:00

Posts: 1799

Not for LBPC. But Zim's in a guild already, and it just wouldn't seem right if she wasn't in it too... Unless of course, she doesn't mind... But it takes 500 energy to make a guild, so if we were to make one, we would need to all get together and pitch in some crowns and energy. The more people that pitch in at first, the least anyone needs to give up.

Then there's who'd be the guild master.
I think it's stoopid that you can only be part of one guild. But I'm stickin' with my Knights of Equestria guild, sorray!
2011-04-16 04:08:00

Posts: 3149

Me too, this game doesn't do a great job of explaining how things work. Maybe it's just me, I haven't played many (if any?) mmo's, but this is definitely one of the most confusing games I've played.

2011-04-16 04:11:00

Posts: 5551

Speaking of guilds, how do you even become a guild member?2011-04-16 05:57:00

Posts: 2431

You ask the leader for an invite.

I'm currently trying to get into the Knights of Equestria. When I first saw it at Ponychan, I thought it was a bit too much. But now that everybody (including Zim) is joining it, I don't want to miss out.

That and I hardly know this game! D: Hopefully a fellow brony can help me out.
2011-04-16 07:23:00

Posts: 5551

You ask the leader for an invite.

I'm currently trying to get into the Knights of Equestria. When I first saw it at Ponychan, I thought it was a bit too much. But now that everybody (including Zim) is joining it, I don't want to miss out.

That and I hardly know this game! D: Hopefully a fellow brony can help me out.
All the bronies in Knights of Equestria are super nice and will always help you out with alchemy and stuff.
2011-04-16 07:32:00

Posts: 3149

Just joined! The guild hall seems empty, but it's still looks great! 2011-04-16 08:16:00

Posts: 5551

Just joined! The guild hall seems empty, but it's still looks great!

Guild hall is a waste of space. No one's ever there, there isn't a point to it IMO.
2011-04-16 08:39:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Guild hall is a waste of space. No one's ever there, there isn't a point to it IMO.

True, but once in a while you can gather everybody just to chat.
2011-04-16 09:03:00

Posts: 5551

So if I join this guild, can I ask a fellow to explain EVERYTHING to me? ._.

I tried reading through the wiki. *head asplodes*
2011-04-16 10:55:00

Posts: 840

So if I join this guild, can I ask a fellow to explain EVERYTHING to me? ._.

I tried reading through the wiki. *head asplodes*

What are you confused about? I can help.
2011-04-16 11:10:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

So if I join this guild, can I ask a fellow to explain EVERYTHING to me? ._.

I tried reading through the wiki. *head asplodes*

Yeah, if you have any questions, some of us can help you too. I still don't get what's so confusing about this game though. It makes sense to me.

But mainly because I'm sure no one wants to type it all out in-game. Isn't there a guild thread for the Knights of Equestria?
2011-04-16 21:57:00

Posts: 1799

The game is actually very confusing in comparison with other similar games. They teach you the basics of the game but teach you nothing about materials, what tokens are for, how to get them, what recipes are for, how to get them, how to learn them, what the Alchemy vendors are for, how to use them. It is horrible in that aspect. All it does is teach you how to play.2011-04-17 01:13:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

The game is actually very confusing in comparison with other similar games. They teach you the basics of the game but teach you nothing about materials, what tokens are for, how to get them, what recipes are for, how to get them, how to learn them, what the Alchemy vendors are for, how to use them. It is horrible in that aspect. All it does is teach you how to play.
Exactly, I don't how long I spent trying to figure out why on earth the alchemy things were always empty.

Out of curiosity, how many people here played Diablo (I or II)?
2011-04-17 04:17:00

Posts: 2431

The game is actually very confusing in comparison with other similar games. They teach you the basics of the game but teach you nothing about materials, what tokens are for, how to get them, what recipes are for, how to get them, how to learn them, what the Alchemy vendors are for, how to use them. It is horrible in that aspect.

That's basically the problem for me. I know how to move and attack, but the rest of the things you stated are quite confusing.
2011-04-17 08:51:00

Posts: 840

Exactly, I don't how long I spent trying to figure out why on earth the alchemy things were always empty.

Out of curiosity, how many people here played Diablo (I or II)?

Played it. Loved it. Might get 3.

That's basically the problem for me. I know how to move and attack, but the rest of the things you stated are quite confusing.

OHHHhhh... I see now. Most of the MMOs I've played never really told you what to do. I kind of just learned it on my own. So I think I'm used to it. lol

I think it's because the game is new. Most of the small MMOs tend to not have a tutorial for some reason. But they do need to fix that though.
2011-04-17 20:20:00

Posts: 1799

Exactly, I don't how long I spent trying to figure out why on earth the alchemy things were always empty.

Out of curiosity, how many people here played Diablo (I or II)?

LOL! Same thing here man, I would always go there to look for "recipes" but it was always empty and I was like, "MAAAN, these things run out QUICK!"
2011-04-17 22:17:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

How do you create a guild? that's what I wanna know. does it require monez?2011-04-17 22:45:00

Posts: 587

How do you create a guild? that's what I wanna know. does it require monez?
IIRC it requires both energy and money.
Zim posted a link to a wiki some pages back, search guild and it'll tell you everything about making/running a guild.
2011-04-17 22:51:00

Posts: 2431

Just started playing this, holy crap it is awesome. Anyone want to team up? My username is PixelParagon.2011-04-18 02:48:00

Posts: 1432

And i've gotten sucked in too. funny how this free game has already started to (ever so slightly) chip away at my already small bit of blow this cash on stupid things money. If you are on and don't mind someone who tends to get distracted by shiny things, My name is Memo in game.2011-04-18 12:41:00

Posts: 879

I've started playing this (is now on steam) and I must say, it's a pretty cool game, especially the whole energy usage, it only going back to 100% after 24h ensures that I don't waste my whole day on it.2011-06-19 02:57:00

Unknown User

Too bad most of us don't play this anymore! 2011-06-19 03:46:00

Posts: 5551

I got a bit in to the second tier of the clockwork and then got a bit bored of how repetitive the gameplay was XD2011-06-19 03:51:00

Posts: 1924

I tried this a few days ago.

Suddenly, a download with megabytes bigger than my bandwidth appears.

So im gonna have to download this when my bandwidth resets.
2011-06-19 03:59:00

Posts: 426

I'm enjoying it.2011-06-19 12:40:00

Posts: 2391

Is it normal that all the knights in my game have no body? I can only see their head and armour pieces.2011-06-19 15:13:00

Posts: 631

Is it normal that all the knights in my game have no body? I can only see their head and armour pieces.

Umm... They have bodies while I played it.
2011-06-19 15:36:00

Posts: 4261

I wonder how I'd go about fixing that then.2011-06-19 17:56:00

Posts: 631

My name is cactii on it.2011-06-22 20:31:00

Posts: 426


I'm at my grandma's right now, and she has a decent computer... so I tried this and... I might be playing this a lot!
2011-07-04 21:51:00

Posts: 2468

Bit of a big bump I guess? Yohoohoho~

Anyways Me & Ayneh started playing this game this year.

I really love the game. We are Knight rank now ingame. one of my goals is to get the MetalSonic armor....

I want it so bad. :C ... But it's only in the auction house now and i'm so poor... I also wasn't playing the game when they give them first away as a promo. :T
2013-07-10 07:30:00

Posts: 4261

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