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Error code 80710D36
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Hey people, just tried to sign in to my PSN, and got this error code. So i googled it after not finding anything on the error code list on the playstation forums, i found this on yahoo anwsers. 'I just logged onto my PS3 just now and I wanted to sign in but it repeatedly says "An error has occurred. You have been signed out of PlayStationNetwork. (80710D36)" every time I try to sign in. Anyone had this problem in the past/know how to fix this?' Answer: 'Every Body is getting it because a hacker erm group called anonymous? have threatened sony because sony is taking legal action against the people who jailbroke the ps3 psn will be down till it is fixed anonymous said they will continue to do this until they are happy with sony -_-' I thought i'd post it here in-case anyone was wondering why. EDIT: A team called "Hackers Anonymous" is attacking several sony services including PSN & the PS websites vowing to shut them down and several interviels, in an effort to prove that it was/is wrong of sony to sell the PS3 and still claim it as their own and do things like remove features that it was sold with, one of the main ones being the "Other OS" option. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110406082754AAsj0F3 | 2011-04-06 16:57:00 Author: tom230889 Posts: 117 |
Anonymous went from fighting for us to fighting against us, tf. Looks like B3 got his wish :l | 2011-04-06 17:08:00 Author: Bremnen Posts: 1800 |
Is there an official statement for that then? I'm sure Anonymous wouldn't do that.. | 2011-04-06 17:09:00 Author: Kern Posts: 5078 |
Is there an official statement for that then? I'm sure Anonymous wouldn't do that.. I have no idea what's going on lol. This is the first time I've heard of this. I'll add a link to the site I'm getting this info from. | 2011-04-06 17:13:00 Author: tom230889 Posts: 117 |
*sigh* This whole PS3 hacking thing has really gone out of hand, why can't people just leave things as they are? | 2011-04-06 17:17:00 Author: kirbyman62 Posts: 1893 |
I've found out too that I couldn't log in on PSN. After a few tries to get on, I logged off my Profile and back on, tried to log in on PSN and got online. My little bro had the same problem, he couldn't log in too. I took a Internet Status Test in Options and then tried to log on again with his account, we got on. So, you can get on, but you have to be lucky.. I hope that those hackers will not cause more damage to the servers. They can do everything with it! | 2011-04-06 17:20:00 Author: yoda97yoda Posts: 121 |
Have a look at this thread: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=54407-Anonymous-hacking-group-are-targeting-Sony-sites-PSN | 2011-04-06 17:21:00 Author: ryryryan Posts: 3767 |
I hope that those hackers will not cause more damage to the servers. They can do everything with it! thats a blanket statement if i ever read one. | 2011-04-06 17:21:00 Author: Kern Posts: 5078 |
Is there an official statement for that then? I'm sure Anonymous wouldn't do that.. They claim that they are responsible for this: Click (http://playstationlifestyle.net/2011/04/06/the-worst-is-yet-to-come-anonymous-talks-to-playstation-lifestyle/) | 2011-04-06 17:22:00 Author: Syroc Posts: 3193 |
http://gyazo.com/d7a45a4628b7ab6918466e967dbe606d.png I still can't sign into LBP.me though. | 2011-04-06 17:52:00 Author: Doopz Posts: 5592 |
Is there an official statement for that then? I'm sure Anonymous wouldn't do that.. Lolwut? This is exactly the kind of thing they would do. Anonymous aren't "the good guys". They just do whatever they want, good and bad. Personally, I find this whole thing to be pretty pointless. | 2011-04-06 18:00:00 Author: Gilgamesh Posts: 2536 |
Lolwut? This is exactly the kind of thing they would do. Anonymous aren't "the good guys". They just do whatever they want, good and bad. Personally, I find this whole thing to be pretty pointless. I mean by attacking Sony they are restricting the users << the exact opposite of what they usually stand for. | 2011-04-06 18:05:00 Author: Kern Posts: 5078 |
I mean by attacking Sony they are restricting the users << the exact opposite of what they usually stand for. Well, there's not much else they could do. Unless they somehow manage to access Sony's private servers or banking services or some such. All they have available to interfere with are servers used by the general public. Though I guess they could spam images all over the PSN boards, if they haven't done so already. | 2011-04-06 18:10:00 Author: Gilgamesh Posts: 2536 |
I'm not not sure i believe any of this Anonymous hack group stuff. it sounds to much like something out of someone's cheap drama anime series... How do we know Sony did not just get people to call themselves Anonymous send themselves a fake email, ETC. while at the same time Sony is really doing something else behind the scenes? even if this hack group was real, they should know what they are doing is pointless. Sony won't give them what they want because if they did then it be like they own Sony and can do anything they want. and you know they just keep getting worse and worse like any Tyrant does that thinks it has power to get what it wants. So duh Sony will never give in, and that's a good thing. all they doing is making it harder on all of us from having fun on the PS3 because of Sony having to deal with them. *mew | 2011-04-06 21:08:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz Posts: 4261 |
I still sincerely doubt this is going to get past the DDoS stage, but reading some of the statements in that article makes me realize just how pig-ignorant members of Anon can be. On a personal level, Takai expressed his belief in Open Source games, citing free titles like Angry Birds, but conceded that currently, high budget games might not be able to survive on that income stream after we contested the notion. He also agreed that developers deserve to be paid for their work, but did not focus on where the money would actually come from. Why, magical money fairies, of course! Most commercial video games represent a year (often more) of work by a dedicated team of programmers. Assume a game took exactly one year for a team of fifteen programmers, designers, and graphic artists to finish. Figuring an average annual salary of $50k a year (it varies depending on what you do, how much experience you have, etc.), your $60 game cost $650,000 to make. If it's a game for the PS3, XBox 360, or Wii, then you have to take into account licensing fees as well -- those consoles are sold at a small loss with the expectation that game sales will make up the difference. Oh, and there's the cost of media, the equipment to mass produce the media, the packaging, the advertising... It adds up, people. That's not a big budget game, by the way. Those take a larger (and higher paid due to experience) team longer to make. Now we're getting into the $1-2,000,000 range. Speaking about ?rip-off? DLC, he believes that boycotting products simply isn?t effective and that more drastic measures should be taken. DLC is a relatively new solution to the problem of increasing game prices, an outgrowth of the shareware concept that gave rise to an entire genre (and an insanely popular one, at that) of video games. It's shareware gone pro, and I support it for that reason: it's a good balance between shareware and commercial software. However, in OpSony, the PlayStation Network was brought down, meaning that gamers could not play online or use the network?s other services. The consumers in this are as one might call, collateral damage. . . . . .we are very cognisant of the fact that we are not making friends nor allies among the average consumer with our attack. This is unfortunate as a concern should always be, will the very people we seek to support not see what it is we are trying to achieve. In this case, many don't. There has been a lot of hate spread throughout the internet and over forums that we are being reckless and simply punishing consumers more than Sony. Dude, you are attacking the PSN servers. Not Sony, but the PlayStation Network. To put it in war terms (to continue the metaphor started when you used the term "collateral damage"), that's like bombing a civilian hospital and calling the patients collateral damage. You're not attacking Sony, you're attacking US. When this was stated to be a DDoS attack, I barely cared. DDoSes are temporary. But since they have (or at least "Takai" has) declared an intent to escalate, I care now. They are attacking a company that not only has done no wrong, but that has made possible a great many of the technological advances that they take for granted. CDs? Based on technology developed by Sony (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compact_disc#History). DVD? Sony, Philips, Toshiba, and Time Warner (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVD) Blu-Ray? Sony (and others) again (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blu-ray_Disc_Association). Developing that kind of tech takes money. BOATLOADS of it. You'd better believe they're going to protect their IP. | 2011-04-06 21:27:00 Author: BlackWolfe Posts: 299 |
How do we know Sony did not just get people to call themselves Anonymous send themselves a fake email, ETC. while at the same time Sony is really doing something else behind the scenes? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anonymous_%28group%29 They've beeen doing this stuff for a while and on various targets. | 2011-04-06 21:32:00 Author: Rabid-Coot Posts: 6728 |
^ Still could be Sony somehow. i could go to the trouble to create a story on how. but i don't feel like it. Conspiracy theories are more believable to me then a lot of stuff that seems to happen. xD *mew but yeah if this hack group is real. then their really more dumb then a person should be. | 2011-04-06 21:40:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz Posts: 4261 |
If it was Sony faking it Anonymous would have relesed a statement about their lack of involvement by now. | 2011-04-06 21:46:00 Author: Rabid-Coot Posts: 6728 |
If it was Sony faking it Anonymous would have relesed a statement about their lack of involvement by now. do you really know how Conspiracy theories works? more or less they cover everything, but yeah this is why they are Conspiracy theories (means 90% are pure BS) but yeah i don't know what to believe, i hope everything just gets fixed and everyone goes back to being happy~ *mew | 2011-04-06 21:50:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz Posts: 4261 |
Word is going around that Sony hired an anti-DDoS specialist group (Prolexic i do believe), if this rumor is true than we'll be be free from the immature wrath soon. TAKE IT OUTSIDE KIDDIES! I too believe there is something else going behind the scenes of this war (and before this 2nd attack i wasn't convinced on either sides story of what was going on) | 2011-04-06 21:51:00 Author: JKthree Posts: 1125 |
I was able to use lbp.me yesterday, but now when I click to sign in it redirects me to Qriocity, I put in my username and password, and when it click log in, it takes me back to the page that was on. The only problem is that I'm still not logged in. The page is the same as before I signed on. Same thing happened with the main site. So, I'm not the only one with PSN problems...again? | 2011-04-06 22:29:00 Author: nextlevel88 Posts: 149 |
Anonymous most definitely exists. 100% Certainty. They have been active for years now. A few have been on the radio. | 2011-04-06 22:30:00 Author: ryryryan Posts: 3767 |
Okay, seriously? Supposedly they've been doing this kind of junk for years, and they haven't been sued yet? I don't give a flying fladoodle about what hackers do to their OWN consoles, but when they purposely mess up a game - No, a whole network for no good reason and ruin everyone's gaming experience, of course I'm going to side with the people who are just trying to keep their business afloat and making a living. This entire thing is really stupid. | 2011-04-06 22:48:00 Author: TheZimInvader Posts: 3149 |
Okay, seriously? Supposedly they've been doing this kind of junk for years, and they haven't been sued yet? They don't actually give any sort of evidence that identifies them, So its quite difficult to sue them... | 2011-04-06 22:50:00 Author: Kern Posts: 5078 |
I still find it amusing/pathetic that so many people agree with them. All this will do is make Sony think they need to put stricter rules in place and make it harder to do anything with their consoles, current or future. All this is doing is making things worse in the long run. So congratulations 'anonymous', keep up the good work and the PS4 may be offline only | 2011-04-06 23:08:00 Author: Unknown User |
They don't actually give any sort of evidence that identifies them, So its quite difficult to sue them... I hear they're behind seven proxies, so that would make them hard to pinpoint... or was that just a meme? http://images.encyclopediadramatica.com/images/c/c9/Good_Luck_I%27m_Behind_7_Proxies.jpg | 2011-04-06 23:12:00 Author: Gilgamesh Posts: 2536 |
If these people don't want to play by Sony's rules, they do not have to buy a PS3. If they're so smart, why don't they design and sell their own console? I guess that would be too hard for them. I guess people nowadays expect every company to totally bend to their will. I guess that they conveniently forgot that if it weren't for people using hacking to facilitate stealing content if the first place, features like Other OS would not have been removed. They can use all the idiotic rhetoric that they want about freedom and ownership, but in the end, they are still cyber criminals and now, cyber terrorists. It is depressing to see large organizations use their power and influence to take away the freedoms of others; Anonymous has become what they set out to stop. Most PS3 buyers probably don't hack, or mod, or steal content. Sony only affected those that did. Now, in retaliation, Anonymous seeks to avenge this act many times over, by affecting everyone who uses the PS3. "If I can't have it, nobody can." These attacks will cause even more restrictions, which will then "justify" even more attacks; they will only get more extreme. They may not target journalists now, but from what it sounds like, they probably will soon. They will have gone from an organization that supports free speech to a terrorist organization that attacks all who disagree with them... if they haven't already. "Sony will not go trodding through the internet unchecked or unchallenged.” Can that be said of Anonymous? ...I have more to say on this, but I don't want to post a huge rant. | 2011-04-08 23:06:00 Author: Stoicrow Posts: 276 |
This has to be said about Anonymous: They are a group of trolls and hackers, they don't care about what me, you or anyone else thinks, and they care even less for their targets. 'Nuff said. | 2011-04-09 12:29:00 Author: Jaymes_Keller Posts: 27 |
I think Annoynomis doesn't relize two things: 1: What they are doing is probably illegal 2: They are rebeling against something they agreed to... The terms of service, which is what makes what they are doing is illegal because they agreed to a contract. | 2011-04-11 20:25:00 Author: Bbody Posts: 43 |
I still stand by my "They don't care" view. Even if it is illegal, do they really care about it? I find that they don't. Even if you were to tell them, they would still keep going. | 2011-04-12 06:52:00 Author: Jaymes_Keller Posts: 27 |
The argument of Anonymous has merit, and IMO anyone who disagrees with that is a troll...to agree to a set of rules and standards that are set up at the time of purchase is one thing, to agree to an arbitrary "I reserve the right to change the rules when and as I see fit (removing Other OS, removing the ablility to play PS2 games, etc) is tantamount to changing the rules of baseball because your team is losing but you own the ball...it's simply BS. ALL computer and game lovers should be with anonymous, not against them, because it is people messing around with hardware and software that Created the entertainment industry of computers and games that we all enjoy today - NOT big corporations. And as for the argument of innocent gamers being considered collateral damage, get off your *** and go play in the rain or read a book...what are you going to do when the hackers attack our electrical grid instead of our gaming grid...do you even know where your flashlight is? Do you have a candle that isnt from your birthday cake in the house? Anonymous did us all a favor by reminding us also that Security Is Everyone's Responsiblility. | 2011-05-16 00:28:00 Author: Unknown User |
The servers are getting throttled by the amount of traffic, It has nothing to do with anonymous. Read latest EU update on PSN. | 2011-05-16 00:52:00 Author: Special_D_ Posts: 57 |
The argument of Anonymous has merit, and IMO anyone who disagrees with that is a troll...to agree to a set of rules and standards that are set up at the time of purchase is one thing, to agree to an arbitrary "I reserve the right to change the rules when and as I see fit (removing Other OS, removing the ablility to play PS2 games, etc) is tantamount to changing the rules of baseball because your team is losing but you own the ball...it's simply BS. AnonOps has declared taking no part in the Sony network breach. This debacle is most likely the work of a group of hackers that may or may not have been affiliated loosely with the decentralized Anonymous 'organization'. You signed the ToA when you first turned on the PS3. That means you signed a legally binding contract forbidding you from tampering with the system. It also allowed Sony to make changes to their system (including removing OtherOS, among other things, which was a function of the firmware) at their convenience. To cry foul at this is laughable at best. 99% of PS3 owners don't even know what Linux is, let alone how to install it on their PS3s. In addition, 99.99999% of PS3 owners had no intentions of hacking the system or doing any other such illegal activity. It's that small fraction of a percent that ruined this for the rest of us, plain and simple. As far as OtherOS is concerned, when the possibilities to hack the network, gain control over the hypervisor, or generally screw with the rest of the millions of paying customers became apparent, you're going to tell me you would have left those doors open? The simple fact is that OtherOS was removed because it gave hackers too many methods to screw it up for the rest of us. Had this decision not been made, the worldwide network breach and subsequent download of customer data would have happened sooner, and who knows, it could have been worse! ALL computer and game lovers should be with anonymous, not against them, because it is people messing around with hardware and software that Created the entertainment industry of computers and games that we all enjoy today - NOT big corporations....Except the big corporations hired all those hackers who then actually created the technology and software we use today. Funny how the promise of a good-paying job, benefits and a career in the field you love gets people's attention. And as for the argument of innocent gamers being considered collateral damage, get off your *** and go play in the rain or read a book...what are you going to do when the hackers attack our electrical grid instead of our gaming grid...do you even know where your flashlight is? Do you have a candle that isnt from your birthday cake in the house? Anonymous did us all a favor by reminding us also that Security Is Everyone's Responsiblility.You claim they did us a favor? Which means you're fine with having your email address, physical address, birthdate and other personal information floating out there in the ethos? It could easily be sold to the highest bidder, in which case you'd be royally screwed. At the very least you'd be sent all sorts of junk mail (snail and e-) and at the very most someone could be walking around 1000 miles from you on their newly open $10,000 credit card. And if that scenario doesn't happen to you, but happens to the guy down the street, I suppose that's ok with you? It's also a funny (and expensive) way to "teach" us all about internet security. I suppose we should do the same to teach the world about rape awareness? I'm sure I could find a couple of guys fresh out of prison who'd love to teach you the ins and outs. | 2011-05-16 01:11:00 Author: schm0 Posts: 1239 |
The argument of Anonymous has merit, and IMO anyone who disagrees with that is a troll...to agree to a set of rules and standards that are set up at the time of purchase is one thing, to agree to an arbitrary "I reserve the right to change the rules when and as I see fit (removing Other OS, removing the ablility to play PS2 games, etc) is tantamount to changing the rules of baseball because your team is losing but you own the ball...it's simply BS. ALL computer and game lovers should be with anonymous, not against them, because it is people messing around with hardware and software that Created the entertainment industry of computers and games that we all enjoy today - NOT big corporations. And as for the argument of innocent gamers being considered collateral damage, get off your *** and go play in the rain or read a book...what are you going to do when the hackers attack our electrical grid instead of our gaming grid...do you even know where your flashlight is? Do you have a candle that isnt from your birthday cake in the house? Anonymous did us all a favor by reminding us also that Security Is Everyone's Responsiblility. Wow. Seriously? Anonymous are a bunch of self righteous pricks, acting on behalf for 'THE GREATER GOOD'. Sony took out the ability to install other OS because the users abused it, and led it to piracy. Of course they're going to protect their system. I don't necessarily agree that they should of done that, but i do agree with companies fighting against piracy. Also, you can't use the removing PS2 compatibility as an argument. When you buy a PS3, you know right there and then whether it can play PS2 games. That's like buying a nintendo DSi and trying to sue Nintendo because it won't play GBA games. Without big corporations, there would be no console gaming. We wouldn't have Xbox, Playstation and Nintendo. You do realise how ridiculous it is to ridicule these awful big bad corporations right? And **** right the customers are collateral damage. Get off your high horse and see that while people could easily go outside and socialise with friends, maybe they just wanna have a relaxing evening in and play some games - but can't due to pathetic hackers. A real gamer would not agree with 'FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT', and be happy that information was stolen and networks are down for weeks, no - the real gamer just wants to sit on his *** and play games all night. Simple as that. Anonymous are just pretentious internet trolls sitting behind their computer acting all high and mighty. In reality they're too afraid to reveal their identity - a bunch of cowards. I will admit that sony improving security is a good thing. Whether this attack had anything to do with Anon is unclear as they denied any involvement, but the amount of damage it has done to sony is very costly. Oh and FYI - I personally couldn't care less that the PSN was down, I hadn't turned it on weeks before it went down anyway. I game on PC. EDIT: Good post Schm0, said things better than I can. | 2011-05-16 01:19:00 Author: ryryryan Posts: 3767 |
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