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Bear and Sackboy In: One Haunted NIGHT (MOVIE)

Archive: 1 post



Yes Sackboy and Bear are back in another adventure! This time a rich loon has offered three billion to anyone who spends one night in an infamous haunted house! Our heroes heed the call and find that the most horrorfying thing is not spending a night in a death house but having to spend the night in a death house with each other! Will they kill each other before the ghosts get a chance?

My second movie and third LBP2 level! This one is a black and white movie this time around because instead of being highly influenced by loony toons (though there are still some loony toons influences in there) this time around its inspired by the great comedy teams of yesteryear such as Abbot and Costello, Laurel and Hardy, the three stooges and so on! This is a pretty long level and still probably not the longest level out there. Special thanks goes out to Stickmandude! Without him I would never have been able to have survived the situations were my putrid galaxy of pure chaos that I call a level stabbed me in the back!


2011-04-03 22:28:00

Posts: 33

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