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Grappling hook for sackbots

Archive: 11 posts

This is a chip that I made to put in a sackbot and shoots a grapple hook that grabs blue tags. You can aim it and even has an indicator to tell u if u are close enough. It is set up to use with a sackbot that has a yellow controllinator transmitter of course u could allways change it for your bot. hope u can use it.
here is my link http://lbp.me/v/zn63wy

2011-04-03 02:08:00

Unknown User

Works well. Your Nightwing/Robin is pretty cool also. Is still a little slow to pull out and use but a great use of logic... try and make a zipline upgrade to it!2011-04-14 11:29:00

Posts: 1799

i didnt know that!2011-04-22 08:57:00

Posts: 203

This object is still on the pending contributions list for the Toolkit, i just haven't had enough time to put it into the Toolkit. Plus, PSN is down..2011-04-22 14:15:00

Posts: 450

Why is it that Sackbots Arent allowed to possess the grppling hook, Yet the sackboys are?2011-04-23 03:41:00

Unknown User

they'd be mean and pull you into a pit after you slap them into it.2011-04-23 04:37:00

Posts: 1382

Why is it that Sackbots Arent allowed to possess the grppling hook, Yet the sackboys are?

Mm were already running out of time for releasing the game, and grapple, jetpacks and swimming must have been the hardest to program, so they left them out.

They'll get around to it!
2011-04-23 09:34:00

Posts: 624

i wonder mm forgot to put this in the game ive been trying a lvl where four sackbots grapple hook over buildings and zip wire down them but thanks2011-04-23 15:29:00

danger sackboy
Posts: 177

Good job! Once the maintenence or hacking whatnot is over with psn I'll play it. Sounds very usefull2011-04-24 02:10:00

Posts: 732

Same until then I'm back on the classic Lego blocks, no way in hell that they are getting hacked. Though they still can't use grapple hooks 2011-04-25 22:09:00

Posts: 52

I will most definitely play your level....as soon as certain...-AHEM-.....issues....are resolved.....thank the cosmos for people like you with the patience for logic like this.2011-05-01 02:06:00

Posts: 357

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