Im looking for a tv....
Archive: 7 posts
I checked the rules before i posted this and i dont think im breaking any. I apologise if I am and please delete it straight away if it is. I've been using my 42" 1080p HD tv downstairs for my ps3 for ages now and my parents are getting fed up with me taking it over all the time so i decided to buy my own. I rummaged aroung my wallet to see how much i've saved up and i came out with about ?350. I understand that i wont be able to get a very big or high res TV with that amount but i just wanted to ask you guys what would be the best to get. I've had a look around but cant find one i'd like to use in my room. Any ideas? | 2008-11-30 18:01:00 Author: lordflash11 ![]() Posts: 194 |
I've got a Phillips 32" HDTV, and that's perfect for me. The picture is clear and crisp, it's the right size as far as I'm concerned, and it won't break the bank. I can't quite remember how much it cost, but it was roughly ?300ish. I believe it was part of a deal at the time though. | 2008-11-30 18:15:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I've got a Phillips 32" HDTV, and that's perfect for me. The picture is clear and crisp, it's the right size as far as I'm concerned, and it won't break the bank. I can't quite remember how much it cost, but it was roughly ?300ish. I believe it was part of a deal at the time though. Thanks mate, can you remember the name/site? | 2008-11-30 19:43:00 Author: lordflash11 ![]() Posts: 194 |
I got it from "Hughes" in the shop. Didn't buy it online. Always good to buy electrical goods instore, as you can haggle most of the time. Especially if they work on comission. I got mine alongside two other TVs, so I was able to knock a little bit more cash off of it for buying a load from them. Good tip is to try a smaller shop as well. If you go into a big one then they clearly make lots of money and aren't so desperate to make a sale. The smaller ones don't make as much, and so are more welcome to haggling. So have a look in some local shops, and see what deals you can get. That's my advice for you. | 2008-11-30 19:48:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
sony has several not too expensive televisions that work really well with PS3 but im not sure what pounds are against dollars, only that they are worth morre than dollars | 2008-12-10 17:48:00 Author: Ineedhelp9 ![]() Posts: 32 |
Make Sony your last choice. Im sure there are lots of success stories with sony products but there are also plenty in the other direction. Sony 60" here that was repaired 3 times in the first year. After the warranty was up (1 year) and after the first three repairs, the same issue happened again and of course I would have to pay to get it fixed. With it happening 4 times in just a year, I would be stupid to fix it when its very likely it would happen again. Sony 300 plus DVD changer. Stopped working after one year. Sony Vaio 17" HD laptop with bluray read/write. Will not play most bluray movies. To be able to play one full screen ,full length and without studdering, it has to be plugged in. They called it a desktop replacement. Well yeah I agree because it has to be plugged in to work right, just like a desktop ![]() Several other Sony products that have gone wrong on me but I wont go through the whole list. The only sony product I have that does what it should is the PS3. Now that I have mentioned that Im sure it will go out soon ![]() Sony has some good stuff but do more in depth research than you would on any other product and dont make it your first choice. | 2008-12-10 18:06:00 Author: rz22g ![]() Posts: 340 |
I love sony products....i have only had a problem with a cybershot camera lense opening after about 3 years of use. | 2008-12-10 19:23:00 Author: mjuice ![]() Posts: 111 |
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