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Need Help with Gaming Laptop

Archive: 15 posts

Ok, so basically I'm graduating from high school this year, then moving on to college. After some deep soul searching/ my parents advice encouragement and whatever, I have decided to go to school for programming. Specifically for video games but the degree is supposed to be general enough for any such job. Anywho, I'd be going to Pennsylvania College of Technology, which is an offshoot of Penn State, which will be opening up this new degree next year. Whee.

So essentially I have now decided to try and do videogaming. Which is a bit odd and I'm worried about the future and not being able to see if my future is as good as I want it to be is odd, but eh. Well... it's either that, or be a history teacher. Since those are my two choices... yeah, not much similarity, is there? XD

Anyway, so I thought I'd give that little intro to anyone who is following my trials and tribulations and just because I wanted to follow up on that other thread from a while back. And potentially see what people here say. Cause hearing people say stuff is good. :/

Alrighty, so, the reason I bring that up is because, in order to enroll in this I'd need a gaming laptop (Btw, if anyone is a stalker like I, here is the course page for me. You stalker, you. (http://www.pct.edu/schools/bct/bgs/)) And, yeah, I looked a few things up, but I don't really know what I'm talking about Hence why I'm asking you... as wel as for my blog thingie. Yay. Ok, so, uh, Essentially, my laptop needs:

Laptop capable of running the current version of Windows or MAC OSX or Linux and accessing current wireless
Special operating systems may be provided by the IT program through virtual machine images (typically
VMWare). Students must verify with the manufacturer/vendor that their laptop supports virtualization.
Many classes require the running of multiple virtual machine servers. Therefore, all laptops should possess at
least 4GB of RAM and a processor speed of at least 2GHz.
Students enrolling in the Gaming and Simulation B.S. degree (BGS) should possess a laptop with a gaming level
video card. All graphics card manufacturers, including ATI and Nvidia, offer a range of different graphics cards
made specifically for gaming laptops. Choose one such card according to budget and hardware specifications.
DVD‐RW Drive
Extra battery pack
Keyboard and pointing device
Carrying case
Integrated Ethernet adapter

I looked online, and the best deal I saw was here:


But I was told Intel cards aren't the greatest, so yeah. Figured I'd ask you guys. Anyone have any advice on a gaming quality laptop (needs to be a laptop, it's in the course)... or something about the other thing? Yes. Uh. Someone, say something? XD Help? D: /runs
2011-04-01 23:12:00

Posts: 10882

a Nvidia graphic cards are good2011-04-02 00:02:00

Posts: 110

If you have the money, and it is a gaming laptop specifically, maybe Alienware?

I don't know much about what laptops are good, but they are build to be gaming laptops...They're pricy though.
2011-04-02 00:30:00

Unknown User

Technically, I think building your own is the cheapest and best, but if you're not willing to do that, the only good gaming laptops I know are Alienware's.
Get Left 4 Dead 2 as soon as you get the laptop btw :kz:
2011-04-02 07:42:00

Posts: 3262

I think the Dell Alienware M17x would be a good choice, it's pricy, but it'll be worthwhile in the future. But, you choose the Lap-Top you think would be the best, this is just my point of view. Hope this helps PM me for further information if you want more info about Lap-Tops. (I'm a Tech nerd ) lol.2011-04-02 10:31:00

Unknown User

Can't help with the gaming rig...but best of luck with your studies 2011-04-02 11:07:00

Posts: 5112

Graphic card is very important for gaming. if you want to play the modern games you have to concern the graphic card, ram, hdd and processor.
What is your budget?
2011-04-03 05:54:00

Posts: 1

Well Rock it's good that your going into Video Game Programming so now you can finnaly make that RPG you have always wanted to make
But for the Laptop, I'm pretty sure AlienWare are the best out there for games.
2011-04-03 05:58:00

Posts: 6419

Best way is to build your own, cheaper and faster.2011-04-03 06:05:00

Posts: 352

Best way is to build your own, cheaper and faster.

Yes, I've got that... But where do I start with that?

... Too lazy to respond to everyone individually but thanks! Whee.

As For my budget... I'd say about a thousand dollars, give or take.
2011-04-03 12:06:00

Posts: 10882

no no no do not go with alienware, 90% of the price you pay is for the name.

I highly suggest going with Asus/MSI/toshiba; they live longer, are usually better for a lower price and you won't get ****ed over when they're broken as the alienware customer support is absolutely terrible.

is that the only site you can buy from or are there any other near where you live?
2011-04-03 12:28:00

Unknown User

Yeah, it is a little pricy, but Alienware is for games, and other things, so it'll be the better choice, others are good Lap-Tops to have as your personal Lap-Top.2011-04-03 12:37:00

Unknown User

Eh, oldage yelled at me and helped me overcome my fear of other sites and I posted a help thread on tomshardware so some actual hardware people can tell me stuff. So yeah, I guess I trust their opinions more then yours? /sniped2011-04-03 13:11:00

Posts: 10882

Eh, oldage yelled at me and helped me overcome my fear of other sites and I posted a help thread on tomshardware so some actual hardware people can tell me stuff. So yeah, I guess I trust their opinions more then yours? /sniped

Our abilities are limited by a E rated game and a Playstation Controller.
2011-04-03 14:58:00

Posts: 6419

Ouch.. I know a little about Tech.. 2011-04-04 01:35:00

Unknown User

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